The moon landing is an obvious hoax.
The moon landing is so obviously a hoax that the most intelligent and respected scientists the world over have been fooled by it, right?
Those stoopid scientists!
The moon landing is an obvious hoax.
POTY nominee.This subject always cracks me up...:rotfl: Listen up, just because this country would rather spend money on free stuff for lazy citizens & free stuff for illegal aliens does not mean that America does not now, or did not in 1969, possess the technology to go to the moon...which of course we did then & do now, it is a matter of priorities. The government's priorities have shifted from being a technology & pioneering culture to a pandering & nanny state culture. Americans would rather be supported by the state than work to see it's betterment through cultural achievement. You are aware that the Mythbusters shot a show just for moon hoaxers just like you, you should also know that a reflective panel was set-up at the landing site of Apollo 17 (I believe could have been an earlier mission) so that light (laser) could be reflected back to earth to be able measure the reflection of light & to prove our former presence there. Watch the episode it answers all the hoaxers questions that have been being posed since the early 70s. The hoaxers theory is bunk and has been debunked so many times now that I have lost count but, this Mythbusters episode was one of the most recent debunkings.
Mythbusters Debunk Moon Landing Hoaxers
If we don't have the technology to go to the moon today. Why on earth do you believe we went there in 1969?
Nasa admits they can't send humans through the Van Allen Belt
Science proves from the pictures it did not happen. If they did go, no camera or video could have made it back.
You don't get it. We don't have the technology to send a human up more than a 1000 miles from earth.
Do you have to send a manned space craft to put mirrors on the moon?
The moon landing is so obviously a hoax that the most intelligent and respected scientists the world over have been fooled by it, right?
Those stoopid scientists!
So, just to try to narrow down what you're saying here;
We did go, but with unmanned missions?
We didn't go at all?
most intelligent and respected scientists
Excellent.Unmanned missions to outer space happened.
Very good.I am not speaking about unmanned missions that can take images of the surface or dropping off items.
Thanks for clarifying.The conspiracy theory is not about unmanned missions.
I see, lets take a look at this.Since NASA (Never A Straight Answer) is being dishonest, how can we know for sure? What are the evidence they went?
Alright, so to further boil it down a fake manned moon landing?The images we have today of Apollo 11-17 are Hollywood style studio pictures/movies. In other words, a Fake moon landing.
Before we get to the science I want to make sure I understand your position regarding the question above.No man from the Apollo missions went there because of the Science.
Come on guys. As our resident creationists like to remind us, people like Nimrod and Daniel are looking at the same data as NASA, but are just interpreting it differently. If that's good enough for creationists, isn't it also good enough for others?
1. This guy is an evolutionist.
2. It's not about the fact that there are different assumptions at play, it's about rationally responding to the ideas presented.
You seem to be OK with the mirrors
and rover tracks
but you're positing an unmanned auto-pilot/remote controlled mission?
The world and some amateur radio enthusiasts would be able to get a direction and triangulate the position of the transmission source so they at least had to send something out there to send the radio transmissions correct?
Great. So we're never again going to see you use a person's beliefs as if they were justification for ignoring his ideas, right?Irrelevant.
And I'm sure that's what you think you do here. Hilarious. :rotfl:
Why does one have to choose? Men walking on the moon in noway precludes faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior.![]()
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Exactly.Who says an unmanned space craft can not deploy mirrors.
But you are good with artifacts on the Moon correct?Never said that.
Ok, so now we're getting some where.Anytime since 1969Originally Posted by fool View Post
but you're positing an unmanned auto-pilot/remote controlled mission?
OK.Originally Posted by fool View Post
The world and some amateur radio enthusiasts would be able to get a direction and triangulate the position of the transmission source so they at least had to send something out there to send the radio transmissions correct?
Not sure I understand this statement. Ever since early 1960, lazer beams have been bouncing off the moon through an earth source.
Absolutely not. The whole thing could probably have been done remotely. In fact the first 6 Apollo flights were un-manned.Does radio transmissions or lazer beams PROVE there was a man on the moon?
I have a very slow connection, wifi hot spot with 1 bar, so videos are problematic.It would be helpful if you watched the video and commented on that.
[/sarcasm off]
NASA isnt doing anything in space. Theyre a front for something
So you're good with artifacts on the Moon then, correct?
Ok, so now we're getting some where.
Artifacts are there,
Couldso we can get there roboticly at least, right?
Possibly.So were good with artifacts, correct?
Yes we went to the Moon but un-manned.
I said they could be there or not. I don't know. They could have been dropped off from unmanned mission. I don't know.
Artifacts don't prove a man mission to Moon.
Are there artifacts on Mars? Ohhhh well then that PROVES man made it to Mars....
Never said they were there. I said they COULD be there.
I don't know.
I said we could have.