True, it takes time and work to think on the various passages, read them, and reflect on them some more before posting them.
Especially when they are from different parts of the Bible.
I myself only bother posting them in a long post only here and there.
Because you are right; it often turns out having been a waste of time.
So more often than not, I'll just put in all the work anyway, but then don't bother posting all those passages I may have revisted; satisfied instead, that I myself invested the time revisiting the relevant passages, restudied them, re-reflected on them and so on, to my own edification.
The result being that I end up "refreshed" or "renewed" by that means.
And right about then, your signature line highlighted in yellow comes to mind - "Oh how I love the Word of God!"
Especially Rom. 5:6-8 :thumb: