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Yup. Same thing, "according to all Your name" meaning His Word is His bond by His very name.
Not as Catholics, any more than any Baptist or Presbyterian will be there because they belong to either of those groups, or to any other. If anyone is there, it will be because they believed the Gospel of the grace of God, which Rome has anathematized. So...if all Catholics ar trusting what ROME says must be done to be saved, and since Rome anathematized, denied and replaced the Gospel of, there will be no Catholics in heaven. If any of them believe the Gospel of grace, it will be in spite of Rome, not because of it, so the phrasing of your question is inaccurate.
The criteria is faith in God and Yeshua and fruit of the Ruach, not belief in the "Gospel of grace". And you're right, it doesn't matter if one is Catholic or of any other Christian faith expression.
Out of the mouth speaks the overflow of the heart. A person's testimony of what they believe regarding what we must do to be saved is a foolproof indicator of whether they're justified by God or condemned by Him. No judging is involved, it's simply comparing what they believe with what the Bible already says.
Right in a way and wrong in another. A person's testimony to God, Yeshua and Ruach HaKodesh manifested in their lives is proof of their faith and the judging of their hearts and rewards accordingly belongs solely to God and Yeshua. I don't know anyone who testifies to the evil God has done in their lives and that is what that verse is about, recognizing evil by the evil coming from them.