Mob chants threats outside Tucker Carlson’s DC home

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But you don't want to put a wall there. Not putting a wall around the whole thing is racist.

there's a wall on the highway across the islands leading into canada - you have to go through a door

the rest of the border up here is a moat

moats aren't racist?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
there's a wall on the highway across the islands leading into canada - you have to go through a door

the rest of the border up here is a moat

moats aren't racist?

The moats with Canada don't have alligators, it racist to have alligators in the south but not the North.


Well-known member
I've always said I'll only believe the Leftists who want forced controls to stop "overpopulation" when they lead by example and begin committing suicide to save the Erf.

Likewise, I'll believe the Left is serious about "no borders" when they first remove all doors, windows, fences, gates, hedges and any other barrier or locking device for their homes and property AND invite one illegal alien per every six square feet of floorspace to live permanently in their homes AND support those illegals' every need until they decide to leave. Nothing short of that will convince me that they're serious.

Watch..."But that's different."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Organizer of Antifa attacks on Tucker Carlson identified, linked to congressional Dems

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 21, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – An organizer behind the Antifa group that orchestrated mobs threatening the families of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been identified, as has his history of working with Democrat members of Congress, according to a report this week by the Daily Caller.

In September, an Antifa group called Smash Racism DC descended on Cruz and his wife at a restaurant in the nation’s capital, forcing them to leave their dinner and then declaring online, “You are not safe [...] We will take from you the peace you have taken from so many others.” Last month, members of the group gathered in front of Carlson’s home while his wife was there alone, chanting things like “we know where you sleep at night” and at one point slamming against the front door hard enough to crack it.

On Wednesday, the Daily Caller (which Carlson co-founded) reported that “Chepe,” a Smash Racism DC organizer, is an alias for Joseph “Jose” Alcoff, a 36-year-old payday campaign manager for Americans for Financial Reform. In his day job, Alcoff lobbies lawmakers on financial policy, and has been quoted by and/or appeared at events with Democrat Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Tammy Baldwin, and Sherrod Brown, and Democrat Reps. Don Beyer and Maxine Waters.

so would it be justice to give the pencilneck creep a taste of his own medicine?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
his mommy:

Linda Martín Alcoff
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Linda Martín Alcoff is a professor of philosophy at Hunter College, City University of New York. Alcoff specializes in epistemology, feminism, race theory and existentialism. She is the author of Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self (2006) and The Future of Whiteness (2015).

Alcoff has called for greater inclusion of historically underrepresented groups in philosophy and notes that philosophers from these groups have created new fields of inquiry, including feminist philosophy, critical race theory, and LGBTQ philosophy.[1][2] To help address these issues, with Paul Taylor and William Wilkerson, she started "The Pluralist’s Guide to Philosophy".[3] From 2012 to 2013 she served as president of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division.[4] In February 2018 she was appointed president of the board of directors of Hypatia, Inc., the non-profit corporation that owns the feminist philosophy journal Hypatia.[5][6]ín_Alcoff


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Organizer of Antifa attacks on Tucker Carlson identified, linked to congressional Dems

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 21, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – An organizer behind the Antifa group that orchestrated mobs threatening the families of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been identified, as has his history of working with Democrat members of Congress, according to a report this week by the Daily Caller.

In September, an Antifa group called Smash Racism DC descended on Cruz and his wife at a restaurant in the nation’s capital, forcing them to leave their dinner and then declaring online, “You are not safe [...] We will take from you the peace you have taken from so many others.” Last month, members of the group gathered in front of Carlson’s home while his wife was there alone, chanting things like “we know where you sleep at night” and at one point slamming against the front door hard enough to crack it.

On Wednesday, the Daily Caller (which Carlson co-founded) reported that “Chepe,” a Smash Racism DC organizer, is an alias for Joseph “Jose” Alcoff, a 36-year-old payday campaign manager for Americans for Financial Reform. In his day job, Alcoff lobbies lawmakers on financial policy, and has been quoted by and/or appeared at events with Democrat Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Tammy Baldwin, and Sherrod Brown, and Democrat Reps. Don Beyer and Maxine Waters.

as far as i can tell, this isn't being covered by a single one of the MSM

including Fox :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
his mommy:

Linda Martín Alcoff
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Linda Martín Alcoff is a professor of philosophy at Hunter College, City University of New York. Alcoff specializes in epistemology, feminism, race theory and existentialism. She is the author of Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self (2006) and The Future of Whiteness (2015).

Alcoff has called for greater inclusion of historically underrepresented groups in philosophy and notes that philosophers from these groups have created new fields of inquiry, including feminist philosophy, critical race theory, and LGBTQ philosophy.[1][2] To help address these issues, with Paul Taylor and William Wilkerson, she started "The Pluralist’s Guide to Philosophy".[3] From 2012 to 2013 she served as president of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division.[4] In February 2018 she was appointed president of the board of directors of Hypatia, Inc., the non-profit corporation that owns the feminist philosophy journal Hypatia.[5][6]ín_Alcoff


Professor Linda Martín Alcoff joined the Institute for Social Justice (ACU) as a Professorial Fellow in 2015.