MMR Vaccine NOT Linked to Autism, Large Study Concludes

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Greatest poster ever
People who vaccinate haven't seen those illnesses either, so that's hardly making a point against those critical of vaccines. To the extent it's true, that ignorance more effects the choices of pro-vaxxers because they are fearful enough of diseases they've never seen to take the risks associated with vaccination.

"[Andrew] Wakefield managed to drive MMR vaccination rates in the U.K. below the level of herd immunity, from 93% to 75% (and as low as 50% in some parts of London). As a result Wakefield has been frequently sarcastically “thanked” for his leadership role in bringing the measles back to the U.K. to the point where, fourteen years after measles had been declared under control in the U.K., it was in 2008 declared endemic again."


But wait! I thought measles was brought under control by plumbing and improved hygiene. So what happened in the 2000's to cause measles to become endemic again in the UK? Did the plumbing pipes clog up, or did people quit washing their hands as much?

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Greatest poster ever
Have you not read that faith heals?

A little wine heals too (1 Timothy 5:23), but not in all cases:

2 Timothy 4:20
Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.​

Looks like Trophimus should have called Luke, "the beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14).


What does Christianity or atheism have to do with the science behind vaccinations?

If a person views fundamentalist Christiany as the major cause of the anti - VAX movement, he will do whatever is necessary to descredit fundamentalist Christianity. This will include looking at the published science with a biased point of view.


Well-known member
elohiym said:
People who vaccinate haven't seen those illnesses either, so that's hardly making a point against those critical of vaccines. To the extent it's true, that ignorance more effects the choices of pro-vaxxers because they are fearful enough of diseases they've never seen to take the risks associated with vaccination.
"[Andrew] Wakefield managed to drive MMR vaccination rates in the U.K. below the level of herd immunity...

Oh no, not the Wakefield straw man again. His study was never a smoking gun and didn't claim a link between MMR and autism.

But wait! I thought measles was brought under control by plumbing and improved hygiene.

Straw man.

So what happened in the 2000's to cause measles to become endemic again in the UK? Did the plumbing pipes clog up, or did people quit washing their hands as much?

In just these vaccine discussions on TOL I have encounter one person who had a near fatal reaction to MMR (Shagster), two people whose MMR vaccination wore off (Anna and Sherman) and one person who contracted measles from the vaccine and then spread it to others (ebenz). What are the chances finding that many problems among such a small group of regular members? If you believe the vaccination ideology, consider that when the MMR wears off, previously vaccinated people can contract the measles and spread it.


Well-known member
A little wine heals too (1 Timothy 5:23), but not in all cases:

2 Timothy 4:20
Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.​

Looks like Trophimus should have called Luke, "the beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14).

The beloved physician wouldn't suggest you take pus from an infected person and immunize a healthy person with it.


New member
Here is a link to the article in JAMA:

Below is an opinion article on the study:

I have not read the report carefully. But just glancing at it, I was looking to see if they gave the national rate of autism in the years 2001 to 2007 and compared the rate of autism in their sample of vaccinated children to that rate. And did they have a control group who did not receive the vaccination? I don't know the answer to these questions. But they certainly did not emphasize having a control group who did not receive the vaccinations and comparing the autism rate in their sample of vaccinated children to the national rate in those years.

Maybe someone will read the report more carefully. It may be, however, that the link above is not to the full article in the JAMA, but even though somewhat long is just a summary.


Well-known member
Is that the way immunizations are done these days?

The beloved physician would likely be more appalled the way immunizations are done today, but mostly appalled that any Christians put their trust in vaccinations to save them or their children.


Well-known member
From the study:

MMR vaccine receipt was defined as having a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or ICD-9-CM procedure code indicating receipt of each component (measles, mumps, and rubella) between birth and 5 years of age (eTable 1 in the Supplement). The date of administration of the trivalent MMR (or the last-administered component of monovalent vaccines) was used to determine age at administration for each dose (first or second).​

I reviewed the eTable 1 in the Supplement. Criteria A didn't require having the MMR at all, yet it was counted as "MMR vaccine receipt."


Well-known member
It's bunk because they are counting monovalent vaccines as MMR receipt. The list of side effects will be different and less for a monovalent measles vaccine compared to an MMR trivalent vaccine.

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Greatest poster ever
The beloved physician would likely be more appalled the way immunizations are done today, but mostly appalled that any Christians put their trust in vaccinations to save them or their children.

That is your assumption. My assumption is that Luke would have looked at the science behind vaccination and accepted it as a wonderful advancement in medicine. When vaccination rates go up, disease rates go down. When vaccination rates go down, disease rates go up. Funny how that works, no?

Was the beloved physician a faith-healer in your opinion? If so, what was he doing practicing medicine?


Well-known member
That is your assumption.

My only assumption is that Luke believed God's laws.

My assumption is that Luke would have looked at the science behind vaccination and accepted it as a wonderful advancement in medicine.

You don't know or understand the science behind vaccination, so how can you assume what Luke would think about it.

When vaccination rates go down, disease rates go up. Funny how that works, no?

You say that's how it works, but you offer no evidence that's allegedly how it works.

Was the beloved physician a faith-healer in your opinion?

I don't know what you mean by faith healer. My only point was that a person's faith can make them well, like Jesus said. I can see you don't believe that and put your trust in vaccines.

If so, what was he doing practicing medicine?

What it meant to practice medicine in Luke's day is not what it means to practice medicine in our day. Regardless, once Jesus commanded his followers to heal the sick, the devil sought to control the "health care" business.


Well-known member
Because it's current news. The study is newly released, it's very large, and it deserves its own thread title and to not be buried in a larger thread.

As for all the other stuff, I didn't follow the other threads. Sorry.

Your choice of focus is evident. The good news is that every morning you get to chose who and what you are going to be and where you are going to point the light that is your consciousness. The question for all of us is ... what are we going to do with this God given gift?


Well-known member
Matthew 10:8 "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give."

As I'm sure you know, this directive was given to twelve who were given a dispensation (and I mean that in the proper meaning of the word) to perform this task. I would not carry any but the last of these directives forward to include others and their particular gifts and dispensations.


Well-known member
As I'm sure you know, this directive was given to twelve who were given a dispensation (and I mean that in the proper meaning of the word) to perform this task. I would not carry any but the last of these directives forward to include others and their particular gifts and dispensations.

The only true healers today are those who have been given the gift of healing from God. Do you agree with that statement?


Well-known member
As I'm sure you know, this directive was given to twelve who were given a dispensation...

Not just them.

Mark 16:17-18 "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."


New member
What is the science behind vaccinations? When was this research done? Did the studies that have been used to back up the theory of immunity from vaccines take into consideration the fact that human disease is often cured by the immune system itself, and that factors in the environment, such as better hygiene, account for the drop in many infectious diseases during the period when vaccinations were used in mass for the first time?

Was the 19th century theory of immunity acquired from vaccines really based on good science, which would have to consider the factors of the built in immune system of the human body when healthy and environmental factors like an increase in hygiene? In other words, did the early research on vaccines take into consideration that recovery from an infectious disease can be due to the body's own immune system and not the vaccine?

And important now in 2015 are the many studies showing that the chemicals added to vaccines, called adjuvants, are harmful, and cause inflammation of the brain.

Mercury, squalene, aluminum, lipopolysacchride, etc. are adjuvants to vaccines.


This is by Dr Russell Blaylock. He says "Numerous studies have shown that when the body’s immune system is activated, the brain’s immune cells are likewise activated.....The more powerfully the body’s immune system is stimulated the more intense is the brain’s reaction. Prolonged activation of the body’s immune system likewise produces prolonged activation of the brain’s immune system."

"The problem with our present vaccine policy is that so many vaccines are being given so close together and over such a long period that the brain’s immune system is constantly activated. This has been shown experimentally in numerous studies. This means that the brain will be exposed to large amounts of the excitotoxins as well as the immune cytokines over the same period."

"Normally, the brain’s immune system, like the body’s, activates quickly and then promptly shuts off to minimize the bystander damage. Vaccination won’t let the microglia shut down. In the developing brain, this can lead to language problems, behavioral dysfunction and even dementia. In the adult, it can lead to the Gulf War Syndrome or one of the more common neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia or Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)."

"Studies in autistic children have shown that a state of immune attack on the brain is occurring. Similar findings are seen with neurodegenerative diseases and the Gulf War Syndrome. It must be appreciated that this autoimmunity was triggered by the vaccinations and by organisms contaminating the vaccinations. Once started, the immune reaction cannot stop, thus triggering all the destructive reactions I have discussed."

"As a physician, I was taught, both in undergraduate school and medical school, that the great epidemics – smallpox, measles, pertussis, etc. – were eventually eliminated by a public-health policy, which initiated mandatory vaccines for all children. Most of the lay public also accepts this myth.

Yet, historical studies, summarized in Neil Z. Miller’s book, clearly demonstrate that for most of the deadly epidemic diseases, death rates fell well before vaccine policies were initiated. For example, measles death rates in both the United States and Great Britain fell more than 90% twenty years before the measles vaccine program was initiated in 1960. Pertussis death rates fell more than 80% prior to when the pertussis vaccine was made mandatory."

"When the pediatrician gives 6 to 9 injections in a single office visit, the child is exposed to a massive dose of brain-damaging immune adjuvants
all at once. The child’s immune system not only goes into overdrive, it does so for very long periods, even years.

Most parents are familiar with screaming, fitful babies following a visit to the pediatrician for vaccines. In many cases this uncontrollable,
high-pitched crying and irritability may last for days or even months. Pediatricians tell parents that it is just the pain caused by the injection. This is a lie.

Having operated on a number of babies and small children, I can tell you that they tolerate pain better than adults. A number of studies have shown that immune-triggered brain swelling and inflammation cause this behavior."


"A study on primary immunization of 239 premature infants with gestational ages of less than 35 weeks by M. Pourcyrous et al. (Journal of Pediatrics, 2007) [23] was conducted to determine the incidence of cardio-respiratory events and abnormal C-Reaction Protein (CRP) elevations associated with administration of a single vaccine or multiple vaccines simultaneously at or about two months of age. The vaccines given were: DTaP (Infanrix), Hib (ActHIB), HBV (Engerix-B), IPV (Inactivated-IPOL™), and PCV7 (Prevnar).

CRP is a standard blood test indicator for body inflammation, which in the present study would represent brain inflammation. CRP levels and cardio-respiratory manifestations were monitored for three days following immunizations in a neonatal intensive care unit sponsored by the University of Tennessee. Elevations of CRP levels occurred in 70 percent of the infants administered single vaccines and in 85 percent of those administered multiple vaccines, 43 percent of which reached abnormal levels.

As the Pourcyrous study noted,

A plausible explanation for variation in the magnitude of CRP responses to immunization may be attributed to viral versus bacterial antigenic stimulation, minor variability in the quantity of antigens in different vaccine lots, the multiple antigenic component of a vaccine, the presence and the quantity of aluminum adjuvant, genetic polymorphism or to decrease immunologic responses in some preterm infants. [24]

Overall, 16 percent of infants had potentially lethal vaccine-associated cardio-respiratory events with episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) and/or bradycardia (abnormal slowing of the pulse). Intraventricular (brain) hemorrhages occurred in 17 percent of those receiving single vaccines and in 24 percent of those receiving multiple vaccines.

Pourcyrous, et al. further indicated that

Other investigators also have reported on cardiorespiratory events following immunization with DTaP-based multivalent vaccines or when DTaP was given simultaneously with other vaccines. Omenaca et al. after excluding from their study infants with chronic illnesses and using only one lot of combination vaccine, observed cardiorespiratory events in 42% of infants with BW [body weight] <1000 g. [25]

Furthermore, the Pourcyrous study noted that the DTaP vaccine was associated with the highest incidence of cardio-respiratory events in those infants given a single vaccine.

1. Brain inflammation as indicated by elevated C-Reactive Protein tests.
2. Brain swelling (edema) as one of the cardinal signs of inflammation.
3. Potentially lethal cardio-respiratory events.
4. Brain hemorrhages.

The Pourcyrous study also raises a question. Why were the brain hemorrhages in the Pourcyrous study intraventricular rather than subdural, the latter almost invariably being attributed to Shaken Baby Syndrome/Non-Accidental Injury (SBS/NAI) in hospital emergency rooms in the absence of a known major accidental trauma. The answer is that the Pourcyrous study was performed on preterm infants, some born less than 30 weeks term, in whom intraventricular hemorrhages are known to be characteristic. This may be due, at least in part, to the infant brain/skull interactions at different stages of development. In preterm infants the skull would be highly flaccid, providing little if any resistance to a swollen (edematous) brain."