Mizzou Racial Tension


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Hall of Fame
Thats a contradiction, perhaps she needs to learn what tolerance is, seems she is not tolerating those who have differing opinions.

I read an article the other day about the possible erosion of free speech in these protests. A loss of "ideological diversity".


Some highlights.

While the First Amendment guarantees freedom of assembly and the right of citizens to state their grievances, it also enshrines freedom of the press and free speech. Some academics and First Amendment experts said the incidents at Missouri showed a hyper-sensitivity that confused the difference between vigorous public debate and threats or harassment that constitute crimes.


"People wrongly believe they have a right not to be offended. That is not only faulty, but we as educators have a duty to be offensive in the sense of forcing people to rethink their fundamental assumptions," said New York Law School Professor Nadine Strossen, the former president of the American Civil Liberties Union. "Diversity is cited as this mantra, yet we are killing ideological diversity, which is just as important."


Samantha Harris, director of policy research at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said censorship used to come primarily from the top down but now is coming from students.

"Students increasingly seem to be arriving on campus believing that there is a generalized right not to be offended beyond the actual right to be free from harassment and threats, this amorphous right to emotional safety. It's a troubling trend," she said.

American Association of University of Professors Vice President Henry Reichman said faculty members may not feel as free to be provocative as they once did. He blames overly-sensitive administrators and says faculty need to do a better job educating students about the nuances of academic freedom and the First Amendment.

"If somebody burns a cross outside a black fraternity that is not free speech. That is harassment. If someone paints a swastika on a Jewish fraternity, that is harassment. But if somebody says something offensive about black people out of bigotry or against an Israeli policy, that is free speech," Reichman said. "The border may be hard to find, but there is a border."

Some good thoughts.


It's basically time to throw down and settle it with fisticups...some people it's the only way they learn...shock therapy


New member
Hall of Fame
I read an article the other day about the possible erosion of free speech in these protests. A loss of "ideological diversity".


Some highlights.

Some good thoughts.

yep, this nails it:

"People wrongly believe they have a right not to be offended. That is not only faulty, but we as educators have a duty to be offensive in the sense of forcing people to rethink their fundamental assumptions," said New York Law School Professor Nadine Strossen, the former president of the American Civil Liberties Union. "Diversity is cited as this mantra, yet we are killing ideological diversity, which is just as important."


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Hall of Fame
This university president ain't takin' no crap. :Clete:


Oklahoma university president: School is not a ‘day care’ or ‘safe space’

An Oklahoma university president has an incendiary message to politically correct students: Grow up or get out.

"This is not a day care," Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, wrote in a fiery blog post on the school’s website last week.

"This is a university!"


His post starts by railing against a student who said he felt “victimized” by an on-campus sermon about love.

"Our culture has actually taught our kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic!" Piper writes.

"Any time their feelings are hurt, they are the victims!...If you want the chaplain to tell you you’re a victim rather than tell you that you need virtue, this may not be the university you’re looking for."

Piper insists the school is "not a 'safe space,' but rather, a place to learn....This is a place where you quickly learned that you need to grow up!"


There were clearly more than two incidents, as there are more than a few students responding in various ways.

And there are a number of things the school president could have done, immediately. One, is increase campus security, and intensify police response to on-campus incursion and harassment by outsiders. Pick-up trucks with rebel flags driving around the campus, etc., would probably be something to look out for, and strongly discourage.

Also, if the president could write articulately (which he apparently could not), he could write a letter to the local paper chronicling the increase is racist incidents and explaining why these should be nipped in the bud by both the campus and the local authorities, before they result on someone being attacked or assaulted. Because there is no way this kind of nonsense will result in anything but trouble.

The college president is directly in charge of the liaison between the college and the community, and he should have attended to this sort of thing, immediately, and intently.

Last I checked, we still live in a free country, and we still have freedom of speech. Why shouldn't a guy be able to drive a pick up truck with a rebel flag at a public university, on a public road?

And let us suppose they increased security. There's nothing that can or should be done about someone making racist comments. Again, 1st amendment. I can say whatever the bloody blazes I want, so long as I'm not putting anyone in danger.

These racially sensitive crybabies need to man up and grow some thicker skin.


But it's not the college president's job to worry about the racist's free speech rights.

Yes, it is.

It's his job to protect the students from harassment both on and off campus, and to provide a secure, peaceful, learning environment for them.

Insofar as this doesn't conflict with anyones' rights.


Truth be told, these days the media is more likely to deliberately ratchet up tensions with hyperbole than report on them accurately. So maybe it's not so strange that someone would propose a "media free zone", where people could talk to each other without the hyperbolic media doing everything it can to encourage tensions.

"Freedom of the press," anyone? It's a public space, liberal. Journalists have a right to be there. :rolleyes: