Romney said he would appoint judges like:
And also keep parts of Obamacare which would kill private insurance companies, thus requiring the government to take over all healthcare.
From Bryan Fischer's article:
The time to hold Romney's feet to the fire is now
"Yesterday, Mitt Romney sent shudders through the base by saying that there are parts of ObamaCare he likes and intends to preserve.
One of these is the Perpetual Adolescence provision, that by government mandate keeps children on their parents' health insurance policy until long after they should be launched into a life of adult independence. Gov. Romney apparently intends to make things even worse by letting kids stay on their parents' plan until their parents pass from this mortal coil.
A second and far more alarming admission on the governor's part is that he wants to preserve the ban on health insurance companies considering pre-existing conditions. This "guaranteed issue" provision will mean the end of private health insurance. Period.
This requirement would mandate that all insurance companies issue policies to anyone who applies no matter what existing health complications they may have. This means unlimited liability for insurance companies, since they have no idea who will walk in the door next with an existing medical condition that would require hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions in surgical, hospitalization and treatment costs.
The premiums companies would have to charge would be so high that no one would be able to afford them, and private health insurance companies would simply go out of business. And then no one would have access to health insurance at all. How is that compassionate in any way, shape, or form?
This is no different than mandating that auto insurance companies be underwrite everybody who walks in the door, no matter what shape their car is in, even if they have just wrapped it around a tree. Just as there would be no reason to take out auto insurance until you needed a new car, so no one would have reason to purchase health insurance until he got really, really sick and was facing health costs of staggering proportions.
Who would be left then to provide health insurance? Why, the government of course, and the government alone. Thus Mitt Romney could wind up being the president who gave us single payer, government-run health insurance by driving every private insurer out of business or into bankruptcy..."