Do not try to overcomplicate, mitigate or obfuscate what happened here.
A real prophet -- one through whom God is speaking -- cannot err because God cannot err.
Cadry repeatedly claimed to quote the God who cannot lie and repeatedly made Him into a liar by being WRONG.
That slanders and blasphemes God because it says HE was wrong.
God Himself said through Moses that anyone who claims to speak for Him and makes a prediction that does not come to pass exactly as spoken, is false and not His. Under Moses, that one would have been put to death. We're under grace today and not law...but one who makes God out to be a liar is STILL a presumptuous false prophet and STILL none of His.
As you say this is the age of grace so let's be Christ like and afford that same grace to Michael. We all make mistakes, I know I have and thank God & Jesus for Their forgiveness.
Paul said to rebuke those who cause division that they may be avoided and not fool the unlearned. If they will not repent to correction, they are to be marked and avoided.
Few divisions are greater than making out the God of the Bible to be a liar, which is Cadry's entire career on TOL.
If you accept Cadry as a prophet, you must believe that God can be wrong, or at least not always infallible when speaking through prophets. Sorry...that's not the God of the Bible.
If they say God says something will happen AND IT DOES NOT COME TO PASS...they are liars and have nothing to do with God.
And here you are running defense for him, even though you'll claim you're not.
No one believed him anyway so the only one causing division here is you.
Doesn't matter if no one believed him. He slanders and blasphemes God. Since TOL will not shut his mouth (Titus 1:11) he must be and will be opposed at every turn. If you won't, you're party to his blasphemy.
Don't think God is bothered though.
Then you're on the side of unbelief and all liars.
Rev 21:8
Finally, you expose yourself as a troll. Suspected for awhile.
Dearest annabenedetti,
You're a breath of fresh air around here! Thanks for your God-given support of my rights. You are such a pleasure to hear from. Yes, musterion is a liar regarding what he said there. Both sentences were not true. So succinctly, he is a liar too! But I don't doubt what he REALLY meant.
Much Love From ME, And If From Me, Then How Much MORE From God?,
No, and actually thinking about it all your efforts against Michael only went to heighten his profile, I personally would never have noticed, if it hadn't been for your thread about him.
One one side, Bible believers.
On the other, a bitter ex-Catholic agnostic, an agnostic/atheist, a Jehovah's Witness reject, and the documented chronic blasphemer they're defending.
As you say this is the age of grace so let's be Christ like
Your paranoia is getting worse. I mean that sincerely.
For the record, I'm not an ex-Catholic. (Aren't you, though?) [no, never was]
I'm also not an agnostic.
I'm not a very good Catholic at the moment, for sure. But I haven't left the Church.
I remember a few years ago when you said you were done with your church. Your faith was gone. I never was sure what set you off but something did and you said you'd walked.
You remember wrong. And instead of asking for clarification, you lie about me. This isn't the first time your memory's failed you, either. Like when you accused me of hounding you on something from your past I didn't even know about.
I've struggled with my faith, yes. I said so, yes. Struggling over doubt is a difficult place to be, but I've hung in there so far.
And 'christians' like you are a big part of why I doubt
Nope, that was true.
"I've hung in there so far" is exactly why you're going to Hell. You just said "I'm not a very good Catholic." You think God is rooting for you and you'll eventually be climbing your way through them pearly gates and Saint Peter will let you in. You're dead wrong. That's not how it works. Nope, blaming me or anyone else won't fly. First, "Christians like me" are never "Christians like you," meaning Catholics. There is in reality ZERO commonality between us, as far as the Christian life goes, because of your church's teachings. You can't understand us.
Second, you can't hold other people responsible for your doubts about what God has said. As imperfect as all of us are, you will still be held responsible for what you heard of His Word and what you did with it. And you've heard all there is to know on TOL. Your blood will be on your own head.
I've struggled with my faith, yes. I said so, yes. Struggling over doubt is a difficult place to be, but I've hung in there so far.
And 'christians' like you are a big part of why I doubt, because why would I want the bitter fruit you've shown to those who don't walk according to your gospel of "grace?" What a joke witness. If anything, you and people like you helped swing me back towards Catholicism. If there is a God out there, maybe it's more likely I'll find him in my church than in your ungraceful MAD.