Michael Cadry call-out thread

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Back in April 11th, 2015, Michael Cadry posted:

Alwight, you do know that before the end of this year is up, you will get all the proof you need, for the Lord has told me that Armageddon shall happen before then.

To which I asked:

Really? What will you have to say when January 1, 2016 rolls around and Armageddon hasn't started?

And Micheal replied:

I won't be on earth to say anything to anyone here. The situation you speak of won't happen, so it's unnecessary for me to debate it.


As of today, January 8, 2016, Michael is still posting on this forum, and Armageddon hasn't happened? :wazzup:

patrick jane

Back in April 11th, 2015, Michael Cadry posted:

To which I asked:

And Micheal replied:

As of today, January 8, 2016, Michael is still posting on this forum, and Armageddon hasn't happened? :wazzup:

Leave poor Michael alone. He knows the day is nearer now

Bradley D

Well-known member
Well, not every prophecy in the bible came true either.....

Not yet! There is no date given for the end times.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Mark 13:32).


Back in April 11th, 2015, Michael Cadry posted:

To which I asked:

And Micheal replied:

As of today, January 8, 2016, Michael is still posting on this forum, and Armageddon hasn't happened? :wazzup:

Dear User Name,

I said that I had made a mistake already in my thread a couple months ago {I believe it was in October. I knew that once the red blood moon had passed that it was not going to happen, so I posted it on my thread}. You must have missed reading it. Yes, I said that I was mistaken and that counts me wrong twice. Once for an earlier mistake, and then once for this most recent mistake. I've done my best. A few atheists put me on the spot and said they needed to know when, so I guessed that along with other churches and organizations, that the last blood red moon of 2015 would be the real thing. I was wrong and they were all wrong. We all had egg on our faces. I'm sorry, and regret trying to put a time on it. Only God knows the day and I guess I was deceived into dating it myself and I should have gone against the atheists and evolutionists who were pressuring me for a time-frame. I am sure that I am not the first to make a mistake before, despite that mistake was a rough one. I'm doing the best I can. To All and to User "Name, please accept my apology. I never know when I have to make a huge blunder. It may or may not be my last. I'm not perfect.

May God Be With You All As We Cherish Him!!


patrick jane

Dear User Name,

I said that I had made a mistake already in my thread a couple months ago. You must have missed reading it. Yes, I said that I was mistaken and that counts me wrong twice. Once for an earlier mistake, and then once for this most recent mistake. I've done my best. A few atheists put me on the spot and said they needed to know when, so I guessed that along with other churches and organizations, that the last blood red moon of 2015 would be the real thing. I was wrong and they were all wrong. We all had egg on our faces. I'm sorry, and regret trying to put a time on it. Only God knows the day and I guess I was deceived into dating it myself and I should have gone against the atheists and evolutionists who were pressuring me for a time-frame. I am sure that I am not the first to make a mistake before, despite that mistake was a rough one. I'm doing the best I can. To All and to User "Name, please accept my apology. I never know when I have to make a huge blunder. It may or may not be my last. I'm not perfect.

May God Be With You All As We Cherish Him!!


Well said. Personally, I didn't think it would happen.


Thanks Patrick Jane and 6days, and to all of you who realize that I was wrong, but you still care about me and are willing to give me another chance.

Much Love Coming At You!!



Well-known member
Dear User Name,

I said that I had made a mistake already in my thread a couple months ago. You must have missed reading it. Yes, I said that I was mistaken and that counts me wrong twice. Once for an earlier mistake, and then once for this most recent mistake. I've done my best. A few atheists put me on the spot and said they needed to know when, so I guessed that along with other churches and organizations, that the last blood red moon of 2015 would be the real thing. I was wrong and they were all wrong. We all had egg on our faces. I'm sorry, and regret trying to put a time on it. Only God knows the day and I guess I was deceived into dating it myself and I should have gone against the atheists and evolutionists who were pressuring me for a time-frame. I am sure that I am not the first to make a mistake before, despite that mistake was a rough one. I'm doing the best I can. To All and to User "Name, please accept my apology. I never know when I have to make a huge blunder. It may or may not be my last. I'm not perfect.

May God Be With You All As We Cherish Him!!


Maybe this is a good time for some reflection, to consider that maybe it's not God speaking to you, but that you're telling yourself things.

At the very least, if you want to continue to believe that God is speaking directly specifically to you (which somehow I imagine you will), maybe you ought to pause to consider that maybe you're not very good at interpreting what He's telling you, and that maybe you should keep it to yourself.

You seem like a nice and well-intended person Michael, and I think you have people's best interest in mind. However, I'm sick of people saying God is telling them to do things. I think it's self-delusional, selfish, and very ego-driven.

Do you know how many people are out there telling people that God told them such-and-such?


There are much worse things with which to contend.
No problem!

Dear bybee,

Thank you so much!! Thank God for people like you!! I will try not to make mistakes anymore. Wow, you have so very much good rep. Cool!! I will give you some more.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!



New member
I was going to give him through January before I called attention to it.

Apparently it wasn't Michaels fault. The blame lies entirely with atheists and "evolutionists" for putting him under undue pressure and causing him to make a mistake in his prediction, in spite of his claim that he had been personally informed by the Lord himself.


Back in April 11th, 2015, Michael Cadry posted:

To which I asked:

And Micheal replied:

As of today, January 8, 2016, Michael is still posting on this forum, and Armageddon hasn't happened? :wazzup:

Just be glad he's not a Muslim
And keep him away from sharp objects


Thanks Patrick Jane and 6days, and to all of you who realize that I was wrong, but you still care about me and are willing to give me another chance.

Much Love Coming At You!!


You weren't wrong. Got these little green army guys and we had one of those armygedon thingies New Year's Eve. We nuked ISSIS. Er ah I mean OSAS. No wait it was the Nazis. We won. Can't wait for next armygedon prediction time table.

Doctor Strange Glove here