MeShak's Perspective


Noone is bickering. It is bickering when you starts threads to for the sole purpose to get a bad response because you attack first...Then when the heat meets the frying pan, you run away like a little school girl.

whatever you say dear.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What if, Meshak isn't really a very frail Asian woman in her late 60s, early 70s and is, in fact, a 6'6" ex-football player who has a penchant for trolling Christian forums such as TOL? All of that "poor English and less than intelligent statements" might just be a ploy to throw us off the scent? What do Ya think?


Well-known member
So your going to make more threads attacking us, but ths time we cant defend ourselves....understood. Witch!

Good, this way we can just talk about her. She will never change....just as GT will never change.

They are thorns in our sides that must be born. Of course, we can certainly continue to point out they are not members of the body of Christ...merely WORDLY THORNS.