Megachurch Punishes Woman for Seeking Divorce from Child-Porn-Watching husband


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Because of course all of them are guilty. :rolleyes:

Who are you even talking about?

These "parents" who attempted to apologize for and justify their perverse son are despicable human beings. So if that's who you have in mind, yeah, they're guilty as hell.
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The Barbarian

In a lot of ways, the parents seem to have acted more irresponsibly than their child.

If an 18-YO acts up, he's the only one responsible. If a 14-YO does something wrong, it reflects on the parents and how they brought him up. At least that's how I felt when my kids did wrong.

None of them ever did things like that, however.

The kid who did the act, seems to have been pretty messed up in his behavior, but afterwards, took responsibility for it, later told his fiancee about it, and tried to make amends as best he could.

Given the kind of upbringing he had, I'd say that was about all we can expect.


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Hall of Fame
They did everything they could to make sure their vile little spawn didn't face any consequences and now they're attempting to turn themselves into victims. I hope this grotesque clan just disappears from view.
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Hall of Fame
Who are you even talking about?

These "parents" who attempted to apologize for and justify their perverse son are despicable human beings. So if that's who you have in mind, yeah, they're guilty as hell.

Define how saying it was wrong is justification. They all say it was wrong.


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Hall of Fame
They did everything they could to make sure their vile little spawn didn't face any consequences and now they're attempting to turn themselves into victims. I hope this grotesque clan just disappears from view.

False, if they wanted no consequences and to hide it, it would have been part of a sealed juvenile record. No one but them would even know about it.


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Hall of Fame
Define how saying it was wrong is justification. They all say it was wrong.

They've done everything they can to minimize what their little snake of a son did. They dragged their feet, didn't report this to authorities right away, and wound up taking him to a fellow pervert. When the police wanted to interview him they got their perverse spawn a lawyer, and now the Duggars are insisting they're the real victims. These people are despicable. End of story.
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Never trust baptists when they blast "Jordan Root" by name all over the net for the bounty hunters to see. When he goes to the websites to watch illegal porn, the feds picks up the watcher's address. The feds then kick his door down so the watcher won't have a chance to hit the global instant delete button on his PC. The wife freaks out and shoots aimlessly. She gets shot dead by the feds. They take the hubby to jail. They send his children to foster homes. He stays in jail cause he doesn't know once you view an illeagal porn, it gets stored in the PC's cache files. The watcher's PC has enough porn to keep him in jail. The southern Baptists Arminian approach to take a chance on salvation by works and hopes the hubby changes. Even if he stops watching porn and get suckered into the legalism and easy decisionism, the feds still kills the wife, takes the kids and puts the hubby in jail cause he has evidence on his PC. Note: if you watched a single illegal porn, you might be screwed even though the SBC convinced you to save yourself through works. The solution is to reformat your drive and reinstall windows and don't post real avatar pictures with real names on TOL for the ISIS to get you cause you reject thier religion. Don't post "Jordan Root" on TOL that drives baptists to more hatred than they already have through false free will.


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yeah, no one ever makes things up and no one ever lies in divorce cases for their own gain, nope, and no one ever declares people guilty without evidence except a gossip column, right?

PS About everyone we know and work with, we should know their personal histories completely, enough to declare them guilty of crimes also because someone said they did it. (without evidence) Of course no one would want to smear someone without cause.... Like you granite, what did mike huckabee do exactly?


New member
Hall of Fame
yeah, no one ever makes things up and no one ever lies in divorce cases for their own gain, nope, and no one ever declares people guilty without evidence except a gossip column, right?

PS About everyone we know and work with, we should know their personal histories completely, enough to declare them guilty of crimes also because someone said they did it. (without evidence) Of course no one would want to smear someone without cause.... Like you granite, what did mike huckabee do exactly?

There's no disputing this one fellow's guilt, Angel, so I'm not sure why you think he's been misrepresented.

Huckabee's a huckster, clown, demagogue, fool, and fanatic. And he seems to have a soft for abusers of children: Defending and employing them. If that makes him anything, at the very least it makes him an extremely rotten judge of character.