Meanwhile, the REAL Racism comes from the Left

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Students at Claremont Colleges Refuse to Live with White People

A group of students at the Claremont Colleges are in search of a roommate for next year, but insist that the roommate not be white. Karé Ureña (PZ ’18) posted on Facebook that non-white students in need of housing arrangements should reach out to either her or two other students with whom she plans to live in an off-campus house. The post states that “POC [people of color] only” will be considered for this living opportunity. “I don’t want to live with any white folks,” Ureña added.

Dalia Zada (PZ ’18) expressed concerns to the anti-white discrimination. “‘POC only?’ Maybe I’m missing something or misunderstanding your post, but how is that not a racist thing to say?



That's a pretty white black girl, jus' sayin :rolleyes:

Ahh, how college went from education to brainwashing. The hipster glasses, nose ring, and an all black 'safe zone'. Who'd want to live with someone like that anyway_

The Berean

Well-known member
Racism comes from all parts of society.

These quotes stood out.

“This is directed to protect POC, not white people. Don’t see how this is racist at all…” responded AJ León (PZ ’18). Sara Roschdi (PZ ’17), a Pitzer Latino Student Union member, stated, “People of color are allowed to create safe POC only spaces. It is not reverse racism or discriminatory, it is self preservation.”

If a white person said something similar he/she would be labeled "racist!" by SJW types.

If this black student doesn't want to associate with white peole she should have attended a historically black college. Well even black colleges accept white students.

I don't understand some of these millenial young people. I'm Latino and I sometimes laugh when I hear some millenial hipster Latino whine about being "oppressed". Yet a lot of these young Latinos grew up in middle class neighborhoods with laptops, smartphones, malls, etc. :rotfl: Maybe their grandparents worked in the fields in the valley but these kids didn't. But did these hipster Latinos go pick strawberries at age 13, working 6 days a week, 8-10 hours a day in 90-100 degrees at $2.50/hr like I did? :think:


Racist v Prejudice v Being a Jerk

~The difference between them~

-Racism is the belief that some races are better then others

-Prejudice (pertaining to race) is just not liking another race

-Being a Jerk (again, pertaining to race) is being insensitive to another race

Society has dumbed it all down to ~racism~

That's today's world for you. If you can throw a wet paper bag at someone and catch a criminal assault charge, then where the hell's the wonder in being called racist because you woke up white :rolleyes:


And take that stupid looking ring out of your nose.

Hoop nose piercings have become almost as standard as hipster glasses- you see them everywhere on a college campus, specifically.

I've even seen them on 14 year olds- you see, that's why I brought up parents earlier :rolleyes:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

That's a pretty white black girl, jus' sayin :rolleyes:

Ahh, how college went from education to brainwashing. The hipster glasses, nose ring, and an all black 'safe zone'. Who'd want to live with someone like that anyway_

I guess she would refuse to live with some of her own family. Pathetic. Plus she is no doubt a Democrat and thinks Trump is a racist. LOL! Oh the irony.

....Bout time folks said what they really think.....
Isn't that what you hate Trump for, saying what he thinks?


Meanwhile, the REAL Racism comes from the Left

Just another example of conservatives "mining" the media for obscure stories that reflect negatively on the "left" - attempting to portray them as indicative of all liberal thinking!

If conservatives were secure in their beliefs, there would be no need for such blatant distortions of the truth!


New member
Where does it mention her political leanings? Are you assuming that because she's a person of color she's part of the left?


New member
There's a million stories like that out there. You just want to bury your head in the sand when it comes to the Real Racism of the Left.

Still waiting for you to say how you know she is on 'the left" and represents "the left." Is it her skin color that makes this leftest?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Good for her.
Bout time folks said what they really think.

And take that stupid looking ring out of your nose.

She needs the ring in her nose to be led around by the rest of the racist crowd with, given she is to stupid to to realize she represents everything she supposedly opposes. :loser: