I don't think you have been around long enough to know how well connected several people here on TheologyOnline are to Bob Enyart.
Should these 'well connected' people be treated differently in a discussion because of their links?
that you seem to be making an accusation against Jefferson for quoting a close personal friend of his
From the 10 TOL Commandments "6. ... If you are posting material written by others, make sure to give them credit." He should have said that his comments were not his own, no matter how 'well connected' he is.
yet you quote the Apostle Peter without his permission.
I'll ask him first, next time!
How dare you use the words of someone else to defend your position! Don't you have any words of your own?
Is Bible quoting not allowed on this forum? I missed that rule.

Words of my own? You haven't read many of my posts, obviously, so I'll let that one pass. :cheers:
You aren't very tolerant of Doug McBurney or Jefferson.
They don't exactly encourage tolerance, do they? In any case, there is a difference between tolerating people and not questioning their attitudes. That's what this forum is about, isn't it, Chatmaggot? A polite exchange of views?