Mass sexual assault in Germany

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When the police chief was asked why the police department claimed that things on New Year’s eve were calm, he said: “That was wrong. For this we apologize.”

wait a minute

didn't granite have his panties in a knot over the "misleading" thread title?


New member
When does Granite not have his panties in a knot? :AMR:

Can someone please post a pic of Granite's panties, so we can establish the facts here?

For Reference only:





Specifically, the police have not confirmed the M-word, that's what. But it doesn't matter, they know everyone knows.

When I read the following:

City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it "a completely new dimension of crime". The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.

the first thing that came to my mind was:

"Those damn 7th Day Adventists are at it again".

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Probably better to look at Islamist incidents as the surge of ISIS has been particularity recent.

However as the racists become louder and more ignorant, american Muslims will become more ostracised and therefore more radicalised.

The racism show here and other places is the best recruiting policy ISIS has within American Muslims.

In 2015, there have been 90 ISIS incidents in the US. There were almost none in 2014. --FBI & the Gorka report


New member
Probably better to look at Islamist incidents as the surge of ISIS has been particularity recent.

However as the racists become louder and more ignorant, american Muslims will become more ostracised and therefore more radicalised.

The racism show here and other places is the best recruiting policy ISIS has within American Muslims.

and not stopping Muslim immigration prevents rapes how exactly?

Feminists deliberately invented WESTERN 'Rape Culture'
but turn a blind eye to REAL Rape cultures.

But my biggest objection to your nonsense is that you deliberately ignore
that this mass Muslim invasion into Europe and the West is completely by Design and PLAN.
That is, a powerful set of groups within the West are actively betraying the West for a sinister political purpose.

To deny this is to miss the real point of why they dismantled 4 stable secular dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East,
and then opened the floodgates of immigration to those fleeing the wars the Western TRAITORS created.



New member
Hall of Fame

Why We Can’t Stay Silent on Germany’s Mass Sex Assaults

It took several days for the news of hundreds of sexual assaults in Cologne to make headlines. As progressives dither over what to say, the far right has already seized the opportunity.

It reminded us all of the beginning of the end of the Arab Spring. In 2011, the celebratory crowds in Egypt’s Tahrir Square began giving way to organized street gangs who targeted and raped women out in the open. Perhaps this was a bad omen for things to come in the region.

Germany’s welcoming euphoria at receiving 1.1 million asylum seekers in 2015 may have just turned a similarly dark corner. More than 120 criminal complaints have been filed by women in Cologne who say they were subjected to public sexual assault or robbery, including at least two alleged street rapes, all in one night. The 400 men accused of being behind this mass attack formed coordinated rings around the women. They have been universally described as being of North African and Arab appearance. Police are examining Internet forums and chat groups on the working assumption that it is unlikely 400 men just met by accident.

Though this all occurred on New Year’s Eve, the absolute scandal is that we only found out about it five days later. Amid accusations that it deliberately covered the incident up in order not to spark panic, the public broadcaster ZDF was forced to issue an apology for failing to include the assaults in its main evening news broadcast. It appears that, as the authorities and the media were choosing between stirring up racial tension and these women’s rights, we were faced with a conspiracy of silence.

Eventually, this was bound to happen. Recent mass migration patterns across Europe have meant that misogyny has finally come head to head with anti-racism, multiculturalism is facing off against feminism, and progressive values are wrestling with cultural tolerance.

Yes, it is racist to suspect that all brown men who look like me are rapists. It is bigoted to presume that all Muslim men who share my faith advocate religiously justified rape. It is xenophobic to assume that all male refugees are sexual predators awaiting their chance to rape. But let me be absolutely clear: What will feed this racism, bigotry, and xenophobia even more is deliberately failing to report the facts as they stand. Doing so only encourages the populist right’s rallying cry against “the establishment.”

If liberals do not address such issues swiftly, with complete candor and courage, the far-right and anti-Muslim populist groups will get there first. They have been doing so for a while now.

The far-right street protest group Hogesa, or Hooligans Against Salafism, continues to cause consternation on the streets of Cologne, while the populist-right Pegida has already responded to the New Year’s Eve attacks by announcing a protest in Cologne on Jan. 9.

No, my fellow liberals, these issues cannot be brushed under the carpet or simply willed away. They are not going anywhere, anytime soon. So how can we address this sensibly, without bursting a blood vessel in our Right eye, or missing the blind spot in our Left?

Let’s start by looking at the evidence. Official figures in Germany suggest that, currently, refugees are no more likely to commit sexual crimes than other sections of the population. “Refugees commit just as few or as many crimes as groups of the local population,” says Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere. That’s good news. Bank it.

Street sexual violence is also—obviously—not exclusive to Arab and Muslim-majority countries. Indeed, among the worst offenders is Papua New Guinea, where two-thirds of women are subjected to some kind of physical or sexual violence, and rapists from “raskol” gangs are happy to pose for photos after their latest rape.

Having said that, what is infuriating and totally counterproductive is to deny that a specifically cultural problem around immigration patterns and European sexual norms has been steadily rising across the continent. To pretend this is not the case only further stigmatizes us brown Muslim men. That the problem requires attention is clear.



Well-known member
Yes, it is racist to suspect that all brown men who look like me are rapists.

Not in a certain major northern European city where, just last year I believe it was, maybe 2014, almost 100% of rapes reported in that city were committed by Muslim invaders turned loose on the populace by their own government. And white Brits weren't running the Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Telford and Oxford child rape rings.

Assimilation is impossible. Mass deportations or civil wars are Europe's only options.


New member
Western governments are fully engaged in restructuring language to restrict thought, which in turn restricts action. Just as Orwell described.

12 minute video, worth saving.

Great video.

Another video from Church Militant shows the Freemasons behind these wars,
and the plan to destroy the USA by the Foreign Affairs Group, Bilderburg Group, and the UN.

The Liberal female mayor is blaming WOMEN for the RAPES....
she has to be a conspirator.

This ought to make any European furious.



Well-known member
That mayor basically said it was the German women's fault for going into no-go zones, without admitting such no-go zones exist.

Problem is, it's now to the point in Europe where no go zones are anywhere groups of Muslims choose to gather in any number.