Well-known member
You cannot see your arrogance in thinking that I'm not led by the Spirit? You're doubling down on your arrogance.
I don't see that you're led by The HOLY SPIRIT, because you've demonstrated no fruit. You're certainly not walking in love, you don't enjoin peace, you're short-tempered, gruff, lack the faith to believe that God can and does visit more than one 'denomination' of Christianity (which is all the RCC is, in fact), you're arrogant and lack self-control, as I said earlier. I won't say that you're not 'good' since that's not my call, but as for the rest: you should be walking in every single one of those fruit if, indeed, The Holy Spirit lives in you. I'm just not seeing it. Sorry. :nono:
Let's take this one sentence from your prior post to me: "God isn't about religion."
How many people did Jesus invite to Synagogue? How many times did He ask: "How many times a week to you pray?" Which sect did Jesus walk after? Hint: NONE. He didn't walk in Jewry, because He knows that those who attend and think that church attendance or correct doctrine will get them into Heaven are not quite ready for His habitation. Many of those are the ones He spoke of saying that they will say to Him: "Lord, Lord..." and He will deny ever knowing them. He doesn't take attendance. He doesn't care so much about doctrine and He certainly isn't pleased with anyone worshipping idols or wearing special garments in public so that people bow to them in deference because they pretend piety. He came for one reason: to seek and to save that which was lost. What was lost? In the Garden Adam and Eve lost relationship. God sent Jesus to seek and to save that relationship. He wants to walk with us every minute of every day. He longs to have a relationship with everyone. He doesn't care about denominations. He doesn't care about church attendance. He doesn't care about social status or how much is in our bank accounts. He looks upon the thoughts and intents of the heart. That's what He looks at. That's why He didn't belong to a sect. That's why He healed on the Sabbath. That's why He said that the revelation knowledge that Peter received would be the rock upon which He builds His Church: because the Truth revealed is freedom. Religion is about restrictions and laws and putting people in line. Jesus is about setting people free from the law of sin and death, not bringing them back into bondage.
There's only one true religion today, just as there was only one true religion three thousand years ago, back then it was Levitical Judaism, looking forward to the Messiah, and today it is Catholicism, looking back on the Lord's first coming (born of Mary the Mother of God), Passion, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension, and looking forward to His second coming and the end of time.
Obviously: the RCC is error, since they make an idol out of Mary, calling her that disgusting, sacrilegious name. :vomit:
Again: God doesn't care about religion, race, creed, color, age, sex, looks, money or any other thing that impresses men. He cares about what's inside. You need to read your Bible with a bit more depth of understanding.
Again: God doesn't care about religion, race, creed, color, age, sex, looks, money or any other thing that impresses men. He cares about what's inside. You need to read your Bible with a bit more depth of understanding.
In the meantime He's left us an office held by men who oversee and pastor His Church, and He is really present in the Eucharist as well.
He's present in me. I don't need some religious mumbo-jumbo to think that I'm communing with God when there's nothing but dry bones in the cathedral and The Spirit of The Lord is prohibited from entering.
A place where people can bask in God's Presence and get orders from headquarters and go back out into the mission fields. What do you call it? I know! Pick me! I call it empty, dead: RELIGION. He doesn't listen to repetitious prayers to a false idol. He doesn't reward those who are religious. He doesn't give a gnat's tucas about all those dregs. He designed His Word to point to His Son Who came to seek and to save the sheep. The ones that you chase away every time you bow down to your idols. :duh:Do you go to church? I mean before the pandemic. Do you not call that religion? And if not what do you call it?