ECT Mary: Mother of God


Well-known member
You cannot see your arrogance in thinking that I'm not led by the Spirit? You're doubling down on your arrogance.
I don't see that you're led by The HOLY SPIRIT, because you've demonstrated no fruit. You're certainly not walking in love, you don't enjoin peace, you're short-tempered, gruff, lack the faith to believe that God can and does visit more than one 'denomination' of Christianity (which is all the RCC is, in fact), you're arrogant and lack self-control, as I said earlier. I won't say that you're not 'good' since that's not my call, but as for the rest: you should be walking in every single one of those fruit if, indeed, The Holy Spirit lives in you. I'm just not seeing it. Sorry. :nono:
Let's take this one sentence from your prior post to me: "God isn't about religion."
How many people did Jesus invite to Synagogue? How many times did He ask: "How many times a week to you pray?" Which sect did Jesus walk after? Hint: NONE. He didn't walk in Jewry, because He knows that those who attend and think that church attendance or correct doctrine will get them into Heaven are not quite ready for His habitation. Many of those are the ones He spoke of saying that they will say to Him: "Lord, Lord..." and He will deny ever knowing them. He doesn't take attendance. He doesn't care so much about doctrine and He certainly isn't pleased with anyone worshipping idols or wearing special garments in public so that people bow to them in deference because they pretend piety. He came for one reason: to seek and to save that which was lost. What was lost? In the Garden Adam and Eve lost relationship. God sent Jesus to seek and to save that relationship. He wants to walk with us every minute of every day. He longs to have a relationship with everyone. He doesn't care about denominations. He doesn't care about church attendance. He doesn't care about social status or how much is in our bank accounts. He looks upon the thoughts and intents of the heart. That's what He looks at. That's why He didn't belong to a sect. That's why He healed on the Sabbath. That's why He said that the revelation knowledge that Peter received would be the rock upon which He builds His Church: because the Truth revealed is freedom. Religion is about restrictions and laws and putting people in line. Jesus is about setting people free from the law of sin and death, not bringing them back into bondage.
There's only one true religion today, just as there was only one true religion three thousand years ago, back then it was Levitical Judaism, looking forward to the Messiah, and today it is Catholicism, looking back on the Lord's first coming (born of Mary the Mother of God), Passion, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension, and looking forward to His second coming and the end of time.
Obviously: the RCC is error, since they make an idol out of Mary, calling her that disgusting, sacrilegious name. :vomit:

Again: God doesn't care about religion, race, creed, color, age, sex, looks, money or any other thing that impresses men. He cares about what's inside. You need to read your Bible with a bit more depth of understanding.
In the meantime He's left us an office held by men who oversee and pastor His Church, and He is really present in the Eucharist as well.
He's present in me. I don't need some religious mumbo-jumbo to think that I'm communing with God when there's nothing but dry bones in the cathedral and The Spirit of The Lord is prohibited from entering.
Do you go to church? I mean before the pandemic. Do you not call that religion? And if not what do you call it?
A place where people can bask in God's Presence and get orders from headquarters and go back out into the mission fields. What do you call it? I know! Pick me! I call it empty, dead: RELIGION. He doesn't listen to repetitious prayers to a false idol. He doesn't reward those who are religious. He doesn't give a gnat's tucas about all those dregs. He designed His Word to point to His Son Who came to seek and to save the sheep. The ones that you chase away every time you bow down to your idols. :duh:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That is what it is for you.

You must not obey God because I told you how I obey Him but you just can't tell how Catholics do it.
I tell you that you have a personal interpretation that the office of a bishop (cf. 1st Timothy 3:1) was only temporary, and that once the New Testament was completed, that the office ceased. You didn't get that from Scripture, it comes from your own imagination in an effort to justify your personal paganism, which, just fyi, does not interest or appeal to me in the slightest. I am not going to convert to your paganism. I'm sticking with my bishop, whose office is mentioned in Scripture, in the completed New Testament, since the idea that bishops are no longer needed is just a private interpretation, of people who deny that the office continues to be valid today and never stopped being valid, as the pastorate instituted by the Apostles to oversee the Church. You have begged the question that you are authorized to interpret Scripture even if it destructively conflicts with what the bishops uniformly teach.

God's Truth

New member
I tell you that you have a personal interpretation that the office of a bishop (cf. 1st Timothy 3:1) was only temporary, and that once the New Testament was completed, that the office ceased. You didn't get that from Scripture, it comes from your own imagination in an effort to justify your personal paganism, which, just fyi, does not interest or appeal to me in the slightest.

We have the Bible and it is finished.

Paul says even a child can understand what is written.

So you can't understand do not bow to the works of your hand?

I am not going to convert to your paganism. I'm sticking with my bishop, whose office is mentioned in Scripture,

Listen to what Paul says, listen to what Jesus says.

We have Jesus' words and he tells you how he will be your Teacher.

in the completed New Testament, since the idea that bishops are no longer needed is just a private interpretation, of people who deny that the office continues to be valid today and never stopped being valid, as the pastorate instituted by the Apostles to oversee the Church. You have begged the question that you are authorized to interpret Scripture even if it destructively conflicts with what the bishops uniformly teach.

Idolater, you know all those extra teachings from your popes? Well, God did not testify to what they say.

Do you understand that the Bereans checked the Bible to see if what Paul taught was true?

Paul said they were more noble for doing that. But what do you say about it, you say it is pagan.

I want to help you to see the Truth.

Now please tell me how you Catholics obey God:

Matthew 23:9 And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

Mark 1:15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Acts 10:26 But Peter made him get up. "Stand up," he said, "I am only a man myself."

Leviticus 26:1 "'You must not make for yourselves idols, so you must not set up for yourselves a carved image or a pillar, and you must not place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down before it, for I am the LORD your God.

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
We have the Bible and it is finished.

Paul says even a child can understand what is written.

So you can't understand do not bow to the works of your hand?

Listen to what Paul says, listen to what Jesus says.

We have Jesus' words and he tells you how he will be your Teacher.

Idolater, you know all those extra teachings from your popes? Well, God did not testify to what they say.

Do you understand that the Bereans checked the Bible to see if what Paul taught was true?

Paul said they were more noble for doing that. But what do you say about it, you say it is pagan.

I want to help you to see the Truth.

Now please tell me how you Catholics obey God:

Matthew 23:9 And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

Mark 1:15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Acts 10:26 But Peter made him get up. "Stand up," he said, "I am only a man myself."

Leviticus 26:1 "'You must not make for yourselves idols, so you must not set up for yourselves a carved image or a pillar, and you must not place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down before it, for I am the LORD your God.

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,
You make yourself into your own pope. And you take it even further than the papacy takes it, the papacy transmits what the Apostles taught, while you devise novel interpretations of what you think you read in Scripture, and that the Apostles never taught. This is a feature of your paganism. This has been my challenge to you all along, and you continue to avoid, evade, and dodge the issue, even though it's manifest that you hold to a private interpretation that is not found in the Bible, something you accuse Catholicism of doing.

God's Truth

New member
You make yourself into your own pope.
'Pope' means 'father'. I have a Father and He is God in heaven.

And you take it even further than the papacy takes it, the papacy transmits what the Apostles taught, while you devise novel interpretations of what you think you read in Scripture,

That is nonsense.

Let's try it.

Look at a scripture and read it and you tell me what it says.

You won't get understanding unless you get Jesus' teachings and do them.

You won't get understanding from God if you do what your denomination tells you to do.

and that the Apostles never taught. This is a feature of your paganism. This has been my challenge to you all along, and you continue to avoid, evade, and dodge the issue, even though it's manifest that you hold to a private interpretation that is not found in the Bible, something you accuse Catholicism of doing.

Why do you keep saying 'paganism'? You have been told by others that is what Catholicism is? I didn't say that to you. Why do you keep throwing it at me?

You never want God's Truth? You never questioned anything about the Catholic denomination?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
'Pope' means 'father'. I have a Father and He is God in heaven.
God is Our Father, yes. God also gives us authentic pastors, who hold the valid, Apostolic pastorate of bishop. They're right in the completed New Testament.
That is nonsense.

Let's try it.

Look at a scripture and read it and you tell me what it says.
1st Timothy 3:1. It says that there is an office of a bishop.
You won't get understanding unless you get Jesus' teachings and do them.

You won't get understanding from God if you do what your denomination tells you to do.
How convenient for you, since your "denomination" /paganism has you yourself as its pope.
Why do you keep saying 'paganism'? You have been told by others that is what Catholicism is?
Of course---right itt. It's called idolatry, and that is paganism, or heathenism. So I call you all pagans and idolaters, though I am careful to acknowledge that you all believe in and worship God, so you are all Christian idolaters, or Christian pagans.
I didn't say that to you. Why do you keep throwing it at me?
It's a word. It's the right word. We're all self-identifying Christians here. Sin is sin, and idolatry is idolatry. I'm accused of being idolatrous because I believe that the departed saints are alive and many of them are in heaven now and can hear our prayers, this has been established objectively by the Catholic Church. You I'm sure reject that this establishment is valid, and that's your right, but we don't just make up something without testing it, and believe in it, and teach others to believe in it too, when all we've done is make up something and not test it to see if it's true. The departed Christians we call Saints have been confirmed to be answering prayers, obviously not by themselves but through their intercession on our behalf, when we ask them for their help.
You never want God's Truth? You never questioned anything about the Catholic denomination?
I questioned everything about it, I was born into and reared a Christian pagan, like you and so many other self-identifying Christians are pagans, abiding by and confessing religions that are of recent vintage, in your case since you are your own pope, your paganism was invented during your own lifetime, by your own self.

I did not enter into Catholicism lightly. And I did not convert haphazardly. I did it because the Catholic Church is Jesus's Church, God's religion, the one named and mentioned in the completed New Testament.

God's Truth

New member
God is Our Father, yes. God also gives us authentic pastors, who hold the valid, Apostolic pastorate of bishop. They're right in the completed New Testament.

There is no such thing as Apostolic Succession

That is a false doctrine of the Catholics.

1st Timothy 3:1. It says that there is an office of a bishop.

There were a lot of things going on during the laying of the foundation.

That doesn’t mean there is such a thing as Apostolic Succession, and it doesn’t mean you can go against God and call your brothers in Christ “the Pope”, and “father”; and, it doesn’t mean the brothers in Christ who allow themselves to be called ‘father’ should then call each other ‘father’. THEY ARE BROTHERS. You don’t call your BROTHER IN CHRIST A FATHER.

How convenient for you, since your "denomination" /paganism has you yourself as its pope.

That is bizarre. I am not in a demonization, and I am not a pagan, and I am not called a pope.

Of course---right itt. It's called idolatry, and that is paganism, or heathenism. So I call you all pagans and idolaters, though I am careful to acknowledge that you all believe in and worship God, so you are all Christian idolaters, or Christian pagans.

None of that makes sense.

God's Truth

New member
It's a word. It's the right word. We're all self-identifying Christians here. Sin is sin, and idolatry is idolatry. I'm accused of being idolatrous because I believe that the departed saints are alive and many of them are in heaven now and can hear our prayers, this has been established objectively by the Catholic Church.

You I'm sure reject that this establishment is valid, and that's your right, but we don't just make up something without testing it, and believe in it, and teach others to believe in it too, when all we've done is make up something and not test it to see if it's true. The departed Christians we call Saints have been confirmed to be answering prayers, obviously not by themselves but through their intercession on our behalf, when we ask them for their help.

Stop and think about this for a minute: if a person is saved, they have the Holy Spirit in them, and that is Jesus, and he intercedes for you to the Father.

I questioned everything about it, I was born into and reared a Christian pagan, like you and so many other self-identifying Christians are pagans, abiding by and confessing religions that are of recent vintage, in your case since you are your own pope, your paganism was invented during your own lifetime, by your own self.
You say I was born and reared a Christian pagan---I agree with you on that, since I was raised strict Catholic. You say pope is paganism, you are right about that again.
I did not enter into Catholicism lightly. And I did not convert haphazardly. I did it because the Catholic Church is Jesus's Church, God's religion, the one named and mentioned in the completed New Testament.
I understand that you were searching for God’s Truth, but what you did was end up in the Catholic’s truth, which is from man and not God.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There is no such thing as Apostolic Succession
I did not use this term. What is it?
Stop and think about this for a minute: if a person is saved, they have the Holy Spirit in them, and that is Jesus
That isn't Trinitarian. The Son is not the Spirit. And the Trinity of course is Catholic.
You say I was born and reared a Christian pagan
I didn't say that, I said that you are a Christian pagan, I said that I was born and raised Christian pagan, not you.
You say pope is paganism
I didn't say that either.
the Catholic’s truth, which is from man and not God.
The Catholic Church is the Church in the Bible. It's the "New Testament Church".

God's Truth

New member
I did not use this term. What is it?
It is what you are talking about.
You don't know your own denomination.
That isn't Trinitarian.
The trinity doctrine is false.

When a person receives the Holy Spirit---they then have the Holy Spirit---THE FATHER AND THE SON.

They are not three different and separate.

They are three who are one and the same.

The Son is not the Spirit. And the Trinity of course is Catholic.

The Son IS the Spirit.

Jesus is a life giving Spirit, see 1 Corinthians 15:45.

The Spirit gives life; see 2 Corinthians 3:6.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

I didn't say that, I said that you are a Christian pagan, I said that I was born and raised Christian pagan, not you.
I didn't say that either.
The Catholic Church is the Church in the Bible. It's the "New Testament Church".

The Catholic church is nothing like the church in the new testament.

God's Truth

New member
That is another one of your endless lies.

The First Post in this thread has not been refuted.

Who's the liar?

You or me?

I said the Catholic church is nothing like the church in the new testament.

The churches in the new testament were in people's homes.

The Catholic churches are expensive mini castles.

The churches in the new testament called each other brothers.

The Catholic churches call the brothers 'father'.

The churches in the new testament times were told not to put one apostle over another.

The Catholic church says they are of Peter.

The churches in the new testament times prayed with living saints and for living saints.

The Catholic church prays to dead saints.

I can go on with more.

Now do you understand?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Nowhere in Scripture is Mary called "Mother of God." Therefore all she is is the mother of Jesus.

Jesus IS God, therefore Mary is the Mother of God. You're not very bright are you.

Do you even bother to read or learn or do you just repeat child-like things over and over like a dumb parrot.

The Council of Ephesus in AD 431, I say again, the Council of Ephesus in AD 431, decreed that Mary is the Theotokos because her son Jesus is both God and man: one divine person with two natures (divine and human).

The title of Mother of God (Greek: Μήτηρ (του) Θεοῦ) or God Bearer, is most often used in English, largely due to the lack of a satisfactory equivalent of the Greek τόκος. Because of that the title is often left untranslated, and she is called "Theotokos".

Mary "bore" God (Jesus) in her womb so she is the God Bearer, Mother of God.

This is the belief of almost all Christians, Catholic and Orthodox. Only a tiny fringe reject it.
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Well-known member
Philippians 2:6-7 NLT
[6] Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
[7] Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,

The Bible is very clear that Mary gave birth to a human being.