
Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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why don't you leave the judging up to God?

you are arrogant, presumptuous and ignorant if you think u can read someone's heart and soul (never mind being on the outs with Jesus who said not to judge)


You felt okay to judge the priests to be anti Christ, have you no opinion about what happens to those people who follow this priest in his anti Christ ways?
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New member
You felt okay to judge the priests to be anti Christ, have no opinion about what happens to those people who follow his anti Christ ways?

since when is commenting on people's behavior "judging"?

I have a right to my opinion about people. Judging is saying such things as

that person whom I don't even know goes to Church but is not a true Christian

that is something non-Catholics are CONSTANTLY saying about catholics.. and that is judgmental b/c you don't even know the person, or I should say PERSONs, plural becasuse anti-Catholics speak of ALL Catholics (as on their wwy to hell or what have u). I spoke of people I "know." and I also stated clearly that I am not sure why they became priests, or why they do whatever..

so... nice try



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

since when is commenting on people's behavior "judging"?

I have a right to my opinion about people. Judging is saying such things as

that person whom I don't even know goes to Church but is not a true Christian

that is something non-Catholics are CONSTANTLY saying about catholics.. and that is judgmental b/c you don't even know the person. I spoke of people I "know." and I also stated clearly that I am not sure why they became priests, or why they do whatever..

so... nice try

I only asked a question? No judgement about anything, just a simple question. That you still wont answer. Is there a reason you wont answer my question?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
same thing that happens to those who follow Joel Olsteen blindly RE prosperity doctrines of man

I'm impressed. That is one of the very few times I can remember you giving a direct answer to a question. Not a bad answer either though it is a little judgmental. We should never judge anybody by the doctrines of the church they attend. God judges us according to the contents of our hearts. We all attend churches with questionable doctrines but that does not automatically damn anybody to hell.


New member
I'm impressed. That is one of the very few times I can remember you giving a direct answer to a question. Not a bad answer either though it is a little judgmental. We should never judge anybody by the doctrines of the church they attend. God judges us according to the contents of our hearts. We all attend churches with questionable doctrines but that does not automatically damn anybody to hell.

so in other words you are telling me

"Take my advice, I'm not using it"



New member
No it wasn't. It was perfectly formed.
Categorically refuted in Post #94 above.

What happens to those Catholics that follow their local clergy in his anti Christ teachings?
Catholics should follow the teaching of their priest to the extent that it comports with the formal doctrines of Christ's one historic Catholic Church. They have no business following any teaching that denies or rejects the authoritative teachings of the Church (Mt. 28:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 16:4; 2 Thess. 3:4; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Jn. 4:6). It's really not that complicated.

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Categorically refuted in Post #94 above.

Catholics should follow the teaching of their priest to the extent that it comports with the formal doctrines of Christ's one historic Catholic Church. They have no business following any teaching that denies or rejects the authoritative teachings of the Church (Mt. 28:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 16:4; 2 Thess. 3:4; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Jn. 4:6). It's really not that complicated.

Gaudium de veritate,

Given that the priest is generally teaching his congregation what the formal teachings of the RCC are, how are they to know they have been lead astray. As your participation on this site has revealed, Catholics are not encouraged to question their leaders. If the priest who speaks for the mother church says it must be so, then it must be so.


New member
Given that the priest is generally teaching his congregation what the formal teachings of the RCC are, how are they to know they have been lead astray.
By understanding what the Catholic Church actually teaches, so that if a priest happens to speak contrary to it, one will recognize the error immediately. This has happened to me on only two or three occasions in the past thirteen years.

As your participation on this site has revealed, Catholics are not encouraged to question their leaders. If the priest who speaks for the Mother Church says it must be so, then it must be so.
Here you merely place your fundamental ignorance of all things Catholic on public display once again. Catholics know full well that individual priests are in no way infallible in their personal teachings. It's clear that you knew precious little of Catholic doctrine when you abandoned the Church in your youth, and have gained no additional understanding since that time, as your above claims make more than evident.

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
By understanding what the Catholic Church actually teaches, so that if a priest happens to speak contrary to it, one will recognize the error immediately. This has happened to me on only two or three occasions in the past thirteen years.
And what of the small towns south of the border where there is only the parish priest in charge. He is the only one doing the teaching so how are people to know that what he is teaching is wrong? They don't have your resources, they only have their priest.

Here you merely place your fundamental ignorance of all things Catholic on public display once again. Catholics know full well that individual priests are in no way infallible in their personal teachings. It's clear that you knew precious little of Catholic doctrine when you abandoned the Church in your youth, and have gained no additional understanding since that time, as your above claims make more than evident.

Gaudium de veritate,

Your emotional outburst really doesn't address the point. YOU know that a priest is not infallible and are well enough indoctrinated into RCC-Think that YOU know when there is a problem. That vast majority of Catholics are not you. They follow their priest without question.


New member
And what of the small towns south of the border where there is only the parish priest in charge. He is the only one doing the teaching so how are people to know that what he is teaching is wrong? They don't have your resources, they only have their priest.
If that were actually the case---and it should be noted that you actually know nothing about what Catholics know or don't know "south of the border"---one would conclude that the priest would be held more accountable before God than his parishioners. In any case, your imaginary scenario is entirely hypothetical to begin with.

Your emotional outburst...

Rather, an objective observation based upon your own posted statements on this forum. Try again.

YOU know that a priest is not infallible... They follow their priest without question.

Any Catholic who has obtained even the most rudimentary instruction in Catholic teaching is aware of the common-sense fact that while the Church is infallible in her doctrines, individual priests can and occasionally do misspeak in their personal preaching and teaching. (I mean, even you seem to know this, and you know virtually nothing about Catholic teaching.)

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
If that were actually the case---and it should be noted that you actually know nothing about what Catholics know or don't know "south of the border"---one would conclude that the priest would be held more accountable before God than his parishioners. In any case, your imaginary scenario is entirely hypothetical to begin with.
Your unfounded assertion about what I know us noted for what it is, an ad hominem.

Of mire interest is the hypothetical I offered. Yes, it was a hypothetical but that is how we explorer and learn. We ask what if and chase down the path.

Rather, an objective observation based upon your own posted statements on this forum. Try again.
Call it what ever you want to make yourself feel better.

Any Catholic who has obtained even the most rudimentary instruction in Catholic teaching is aware of the common-sense fact that while the Church is infallible in her doctrines, individual priests can and occasionally do misspeak in their personal preaching and teaching. (I mean, even you seem to know this, and you know virtually nothing about Catholic teaching.)

Gaudium de veritate,

Just how formal do you catechism class is in small parishes? Besides, as so fondly love to point out, you think my catholic education was completely lacking in a Catholic doctrine.. I attended a catholic parochial school taught by nuns, I went to weekly catechism classes taught by people like you. I went through all the confirmation classes and was confirmed. If that is not enough to instill a rudimentary knowledge of catholic doctrines, your church has got big problems. Really big.


New member
Your unfounded assertion about what I know us noted for what it is, an ad hominem.
How does my observation about your level of experiential knowledge in any way attack your character or motives? It doesn't. Therefore, no ad hominem whatsoever. Keep studying.

Call it what ever you want to make yourself feel better.
Right back at you.

Just how formal do you catechism class is in small parishes?
I said nothing whatsoever about "formal" catechetical education; this is merely your anti-Catholic imagination at work yet again. In fact, no formal training is required. All that's necessary is to have been a Catholic for a notable period of time, and to have actually paid attention during homilies, liturgical prayers, catechesis, and casual Catholic discussions. You've already been answered on this point.

Besides, as so fondly love to point out, you think my Catholic education was completely lacking in a Catholic doctrine.. I attended a Catholic parochial school taught by nuns, I went to weekly catechism classes taught by people like you. I went through all the confirmation classes and was confirmed. If that is not enough to instill a rudimentary knowledge of Catholic doctrines, your Church has got big problems. Really big.
The problem was and is yours. See just above: the operative phrase is "to have actually paid attention during homilies, liturgical prayers, catechesis, and casual Catholic discussions." If you paid no more attention to the explanation of Catholic teachings in Catholic school than you have here on TOL , your basic ignorance of Catholic doctrine is more than accounted for.

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
How does my observation about your level of experiential knowledge in any way attack your character or motives? It doesn't. Therefore, no ad hominem whatsoever. Keep studying.
You'll figure it out if you think about it.

I said nothing whatsoever about "formal" catechetical education; this is merely your anti-Catholic imagination at work yet again. In fact, no formal training is required. All that's necessary is to have been a Catholic for a notable period of time, and to have actually paid attention during homilies, liturgical prayers, catechesis, and casual Catholic discussions. You've already been answered on this point.
Then why does the church bother with catechism class at all? Your churches actual teachings are at odds with your assertions about learning during mass.

The problem was and is yours. See just above: the operative phrase is "to have actually paid attention during homilies, liturgical prayers, catechesis, and casual Catholic discussions." If you paid no more attention to the explanation of Catholic teachings in Catholic school than you have here on TOL , your basic ignorance of Catholic doctrine is more than accounted for.

Gaudium de veritate,

On the other hand, I might have learned more than they thought. I, like others, may have learned all that they taught and then started asking questions. Questions that people like you can't answer (remember post 518?).


New member
You'll figure it out if you think about it.
Already answered (Post #118).

Then why does the Church bother with catechism class at all?
Because there's a lot to learn, and not everything comes by osmosis. There are some things, however, that one generally becomes aware of in the everyday course of living as a Catholic. The fact that priests are not infallible is an example of the latter.

On the other hand, I might have learned more than they thought.
Not if your posted statements on this forum are any indication. :nono:

Gaudium de veritate,
