I am equally blessed. This is how I perceive the church is to operate. We admonish in love, and grow, and others grow.
I would ask you to expound on " That's why I'm a Matthew 8:19 KJV, Matthew 8:20 KJV kinda follower.". And " being a Matthew 8:19 KJV, Matthew 8:20 KJV follower of Jesus; so, I sorta consider myself as having graduated from 'church.' "
I cannot dial in these Scriptures as presented.
Always a Holy pleasure to interact with you brother.
You are indeed a kind Spirit, brother RO... indeed, and a fair question. I do not know of any church that has connected those ancestral dots as you suggest are "incredibly dialed in". To say that yet another, among slightly more than a handful of believers, realize this connection is incredible to me, RO. Your recognition is quite inspiring! There is more supporting documentation that connects the above dots to early Genesis... a tremendous, ongoing journey that does reveal the box top of the puzzle. The solitary Divine authorship of the Bible, OT + NT, becomes more and more evident as these dots connect.
Jesus' breathed upon His disciples conveying the Holy Ghost before He ascended (John 20:21 KJV, John 20:22 KJV). Perhaps His breath was a 20-gig download of truth in those days, even at Pentecost. In my opinion, today, He breathes upon us via His Word... we are "born again... by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever" (1Peter 1:23 KJV). And, it amazes me at the ways various churches have confabulated 'born again', salvation paradigms from Scripture... like baptismal spiritual regeneration advocates (water and/or the Holy Ghost baptism is a requirement for salvation) who stepped onto the slippery slope...
Adherents of this doctrine include the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican (especially its High-Church and Anglo-Catholic parties), and Stone-Campbell, Church of Christ, and Reformed churches.
Gregory A. Boyd says that Oneness Pentecostals teach what he calls baptismal regeneration.[45] The publication Vantage Point attributes what it calls baptismal regeneration to "Roman Catholicism, Seventh-day Adventism, Mormonism, United Pentecostalism (and other Oneness churches), most Churches of Christ and Eastern Orthodoxy".[46]
Yet, these folks are so busy zealously defending and selling this baptismal regeneration doctrine... they've walked all over some of the glaringly obvious truths in Scripture, but they're not alone. The notion of the sibling rivalry between the descendants of Isaiah's Messianic progenitor (Isaiah 65:9 KJV) has been in the Books for centuries. And, some blind wild hawg comes along and roots up that little acorn that figuratively grew into a magnificent oak right before my eyes. It's readily obvious to you, RO, and scant more than a handful of others. But, with only a mustard seed of faith, this clears the air about who the predominate lost sheep were (Pharzites and Zarhites), and that the Shelanites were who misled the Israelites to not consider Jesus (a Pharzite Jew) as THE Messiah.
That simple little acorn cracked the code to all the rift in the NT. You've heard the expression, one can't see the forest for the trees? Some can't see the acorns for the forest, lol! But, that little sibling rivalry acorn's just really hard to refute... it's one of those realizations that sorta sends shock waves in the foundations of churches... maybe we need to take another look-see here!
Interestingly, being this thread's about end-time prophesy... Jesus said to His disciples:
Matthew 24:36-39, KJV But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37) But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38) For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39) And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
So, what was going on before Noah entered the ark? I hear folk generally speak of the wickedness of man... What was that wickedness? Who were those "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1, 2? And, who were those "daughters of men"? They and their progeny precipitated God's wrath inspiring the flood! I'm not hearing any consensus among the church crowd, RO.
The "sons of God" is relatively easy to grasp... they were the Sethite descendants (and his siblings) of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:25 KJV). As an expression of Hebrew 'patrilineal mention': grandsons, and great grandsons of a patriarch were the "sons" of the patriarch. Consider Ezra's tribal roster of Judah in 1Chronicles 4:1 KJV; Pharez' son Hezron, Judah's grandson, was considered a "son" of Judah, and so forth. It is noteworthy, that even though Shelah was the eldest "son" of Judah... Shelah's sons were NOT counted among Ezra's tribal rostor of Judah (1Chronicles 4:21 KJV, 1Chronicles 4:22 KJV [corrected from Genesis 4:22 KJV]). That's a glaring documentation those Shelanites were NOT authentic Jews (Revelation 2:9, 3:9)! Those last few words of v. 22 are a hint, further still (Genesis 6:1, 2, 3, Genesis 6:4 KJV, Genesis 6:5). The very Bible translation we use impacts our clarity on these, and many other finer points.
Take a look now at the generations of Jesus, where Judah's 'grandson' "Hezron" was translated in the NT as "Esrom" in Matthew 1:3 KJV, Luke 3:33 KJV. Keep reading in Luke 3:34 KJV, Luke 3:35 KJV, Luke 3:36 KJV, Luke 3:37 KJV to the next verse: "Which was the SON of Enos, which was the SON of Seth, which was the SON of Adam, which was the SON of God" Luke 3:38 KJV. So, those were all the "sons of God" with Jesus being the begotten Son of God. Therefore, the "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1, 2 were the Sethites & Co.
The "the daughters of men" were the female forbidden descendants of Cain. Does it not sorta stand to reason God wouldn't want His Son to be a descendant of Cain, or Cain's descendants? That oughta be a gimme. That one's within a stone's throw to grasp, another time perhaps, but obviously... who was aboard the Ark suddenly comes into focus!
But, I think you see the big picture, RO. Already the waters are stirring. I'm of the opinion one pretty much has to be a non-church member to venture into these aspects of Scripture. I don't follow a church anymore, RO. That's why I say I 'graduated' from church, a great place to glean some basic knowledge. But, look at all those baptismal regeneration advocates. Once baptized according to their protocol, I'm not hearing any of them being closer to the answers than this blind wild hawg wallowing in His Word, lol!
The Bible is my map... and the Holy Spirit of TRUTH is my compass. It is Scripturally documented Isaiah's Messianic progenitor (Isaiah 65:9) sired sons via his "Canaanitess" wife (Genesis 38:1, 2; 1Chronicles 2:3), and via his daughter-in-law Tamar who played the harlot (Genesis 38:24 KJV). Judah's descendants were Shelanites by his Canaanitess wife. And, Judah's descendants via his daughter-in-law were Pharizites, and Zarhites (Numbers 26:20). Jesus was a descendant of Pharez, eldest twin son of Judah and Tamar (Matthew 1:3 KJV, Luke 3:33 KJV). All documented, RO. And, the notion of a little sibling rivalry as through whom Messiah would descend lit the fuse on that powder keg in those days. But, we don't read the Bible from their physical perspective of those days. Many Bible readers give little credit understanding to whom words were spoken (written) being probably the largest contributing factor to verses taken out of context.
I even go so far as to say the more grounded one is in their church, the less likely these simple subtle cues will rise to significance in the grand theme of churches... they already have their confabulated, church-fabricated, salvation paradigms boxed up and gift wrapped. Speaking to baptismal regeneration advocates, most specifically.
So, when I hear Jesus' words in Matthew 8:19 KJV, Matthew 8:20 KJV, I hear Jesus saying to be one of His followers, we'll have to get off the beaten path, and listen to the subtle clues found in His Word.
In His 'name', all 77, unadulterated, generations, thereof!