Originally posted by Sozo
I can't believe I just read through this thread.
I can't believe that there are people out there who are so self-centered that they put their own interests above their childrens.
i have taken EVERY precaution i can think of to keep this away from my children so what are you getting so worked up over?
It isn't like i'm doing lines of coke off of my chidrens toys here, and does anyone recall the start of this discussion where we all pretty much agreed that nothing in the bible says it is wrong, that God gave us all seed bearing plants for our use? You cannot base your assumption that i am self centered soley on this one matter. I think this discussion has gotten away form the topic and now people are attacking others personally.
i thought a lot of the people here were christians!
yes i smoke marijuana, i do not do it around my children or any other children, i do not do it all day every day, i do not abuse it nor do i put it before anything else. Atleast if i am going to do it i am not being careless. How many of you have had ONE drink and then drove becasue you deduced that you would not be impaired to do so? Well then how can you say smoking pot is any different? You can't. And the fact that they are even considering lagalizing it shuold let you know that there must be some good points to it, you don't see them pushing to leagalize heroin do you? NO, because it's different. AND if anyone wants to try and tell me that i am wrong for making use of a seed bearing plant that GOd made and put on this earth then YOU are the one that is wrong. I feel sorry for the ones who have fallen into the ideals that society or the government has pushed onto them for whatever reason and have falen away form even trying to decide between themselves and God if something is right. What is it too hard for people these days to gather FACTS and talk to God and make decisions that way instead of just doing what the laws of these days tell you. The laws today also make it acceptabe to sell firearms to terrorists and make it to where a man does not have to go to jail if he beats up his wife and kids. If anyone really had a brain they would take a moment to even think about WHy it became illegal in the first place, who here has looked up that information? You know why they made it illegal, to control mexicans that were being rowdy and to boost one mans reputation in the drug force field. Think not? Do some searching, it isn;t because people were killing one another while smoking it, it isn't because it was proven to be unhealthy. So we all have a differnce of opinion i can see, and that's fine, but for a group of people such as this with obvious intellignece to reduce to name calling and judging others as their source to defer someone away form doing something that they claim is wrong seems a little WRONG to me.

:kookoo: :nono: