Mandating Same-Sex Marriage Would Put the US at Odds with the Western World


New member
Public Discourse on why there is no true global consensus on redefining marriage: :think:

Judicially Mandating Same-Sex Marriage Would Put the US at Odds with the Western World

There is no “emerging global consensus” for same-sex marriage. In fact, same-sex marriage in any form has been adopted by only 17 of the 193 member states of the United Nations—a mere 8.8 percent. In their brief, Koh and company stretch that number to twenty by counting Wales, Scotland, and England as separate nations, and by counting Finland, which has legislation in the works, but no final law.

All of the rest—176 sovereign nations— retain the understanding of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. That is, taking the 193 member states of the United Nations as the reference point, over ten times as many countries disallow same-sex marriage as allow it.

Additionally, more nations have constitutional provisions defining marriage as the union of a husband and a wife—47, as of last month—than have recognized any form of same-sex union. Many other countries have adopted legal protections of same-sex unions that stop short of changing the definition of marriage.

Moreover, rejection of same-sex marriage is not the result of mere animus and intolerance: 95 of the 176 states allowing only traditional marriage have decriminalized homosexual conduct.

continued at link:


New member
Hall of Fame
So conservatives are somehow, suddenly concerned with how the rest of the world views the United States.:yawn: :rolleyes:


New member
Hmmm, just throwing the ideas of Public Discourse out there.
Myself, I had actually thought there in fact was a global consensus favoring same sex marriage.

It certainly appeared that way in the media.
So this is actually a surprise. I know UK, Italy, France, Mexico, South America, Scandanavian countries, are all on board. :think:


New member
The Death penalty puts us at odds with the rest of the western world too. Does that make you want to get rid of it?


New member
The Death penalty puts us at odds with the rest of the western world too. Does that make you want to get rid of it?

Ohhhhhh snap! :DK:

Seriously, if "being at odds with the Western World" is such a big deal, why are we still incarcerating so many people, still executing people, still refusing to nationalize the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, still refusing to mandate aggressive sex education, still advocating pseudoscience as equal to actual science, still pushing a religious agenda in politics, still allowing private business to own public officials..............?


like marbles on glass
Public Discourse on why there is no true global consensus on redefining marriage: :think:

I don't know if I've been outraged into support for civil recognition of same sex marriage, or if I've been bored into support for it.


New member
Hall of Fame
We're at odds with virtually the entire world, usually for the wrong reasons. We happened to get it right this time.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Ohhhhhh snap! :DK:

Seriously, if "being at odds with the Western World" is such a big deal, why are we still incarcerating so many people, still executing people, still refusing to nationalize the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, still refusing to mandate aggressive sex education, still advocating pseudoscience as equal to actual science, still pushing a religious agenda in politics, still allowing private business to own public officials..............?

Well... you really have a way of getting me to be half cheering you on and half screaming at you at the same time :p


New member
Seriously? You make your decisions based on the western trend?

If the West starts supporting gay marriage and the death penalty you will too?

Some man of principle you are.
No, it came after much research and reflection about why we went the way of a rogue state on that matter.


New member
No, it came after much research and reflection about why we went the way of a rogue state on that matter.

I can't figure out your answer then because my original question was. . .

The Death penalty puts us at odds with the rest of the western world too. Does THAT make you want to get rid of it?

and you said. . .

Yes, it does.

So which one is it? THAT or your research and reflection?


New member
Judicially Mandating Same-Sex Marriage Would Put the US at Odds with the Western World

There is no “emerging global consensus” for same-sex marriage. In fact, same-sex marriage in any form has been adopted by only 17 of the 193 member states of the United Nations—a mere 8.8 percent. In their brief, Koh and company stretch that number to twenty by counting Wales, Scotland, and England as separate nations, and by counting Finland, which has legislation in the works, but no final law.

All of the rest—176 sovereign nations— retain the understanding of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. That is, taking the 193 member states of the United Nations as the reference point, over ten times as many countries disallow same-sex marriage as allow it.

Most of the countries that treat gay people equally in marriage rights are western countries, either part of western Europe, or in the Western hemisphere. Strange, and frankly flat-out dishonest, then, that she uses world-wide statistics to try to make the case that we're at odds with the Western World. It is, in fact, an emerging consensus in the West, and only growing.


New member
Western World? The West is the only part of the world that recognizes gay marriage. If anything, mandating SSM would put us at odds with Africa and Asia.