:chuckle:Last edited by Nazaroo; Today at 11:58 AM..
Was that before or after your little talk with Grandma?
I'm beginning to think you like having a "grandma" on board.
"Neutral" means you want to tolerate evil because you yourself are evil in your heart.
So, in order to not tolerate evil one must involve themselves in every conflict?
So if a blood and a crip are fighting each other, do I have to chose a side?
America was hard pressed to occupy Iraq over an extended period, so where is a small nation like Israel (8,462,000 million) going to find the troops to occupy Syria , Lebanon, Iraq and part of Egypt?MAJOR MIDEAST WAR COMING
According to Mr. Bill Salus, there is a Major Mideast War coming.
After thoroughly studying, Ezek 38 and Psalm 83 prophecies
he thinks that Israel will be attacked by Syria and Retaliate
and end up taking over Syria , Lebanon, Iraq and part of Egypt.
That territory will give Israel the area of the Land Promised to Abraham.
So, in order to not tolerate evil one must involve themselves in every conflict?
So if a blood and a crip are fighting each other, do I have to chose a side?
The last time you predicted a date, you turned out to be absolutely wrong. You are the one who is all wet. Scripture says that we should test the spirits. If you cannot submit to a test, it proves you are unwilling to submit to scripture. You should be grateful that the old covenant under which false prophets are put to death has been abolished. The old covenant's purpose was to give us a yardstick as to what is right and wrong in anticipation of becoming children of God when we no longer need rules like that. You, on the other hand, have not heeded the warnings in the old covenant of the seriousness of the false prophesies you are bringing to the public constantly. If I were in your church I would evict you from the congregation because what you are doing has nothing whatsoever to do with being a Christian.
So if a blood and a crip are fighting each other, do I have to chose a side?
This is all you could come up with? They are both wrong and law enforcement should take both before judges for execution.
Militarily, Israel lacks the troops required to occupy the territory promised in the Old Testament, even if by some miracle was able to defeat the arrnies of a Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey!Israel has not got the Territory promised by God to Abraham.
This first War will Lead to the God & Magog War 3 1/2 years later.
And that will culminate in Armageddon and a Pole Shift in which Billions will Die.
If the reports are true, this thing is about to explode. 150,000 Sauds going into Syria is a terrible idea. Just think about this a sec; US, Russia, Turks, Syrians, Iraqi's, Iranians, ISIS, Al Queda and now Saudi Arabia. Let's throw more gas on this fire.
It must be before Sept. 2017