eight years of bammy and the morons thought they had a monopoly on the process :chuckle:
I’ve found that the people most hell-bent on revenge are low in forgiveness and high in narcissistic traits.
eight years of bammy and the morons thought they had a monopoly on the process :chuckle:
Sean Hannity: Smollett case proves that journalism in this country is dead and buried
In case after case after case, the mainstream media devours any story that fits their divisive agenda.
Despite the massive amount of evidence against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, you have to assume he's an innocent man until convicted in a court of law. That is standard for anybody.
But this is about so much more than an overpaid, attention seeking, wanting a raise, Trump-hating actor. The Smollett case represents another example of what I have been saying since 2007 and 2008: Journalism in this country is dead.
In case after case after case, the mainstream media, they devour any story that just fits their radical, extreme extension of the Democratic socialist party agenda. If it advances the narrative that Donald Trump is evil and his supporters are bad and America is scary and racist and sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, the media mob will shift into full gear without performing any due diligence -- without even picking up the telephone, without any kind of investigation, not even five minutes worth.
Look at what they did to the 16-year-old Covington high school student, Nick Sandmann. Off a 15-second blurb, they accused him of being a racist, harassed him, accused him of assaulting a 65-year-old activist and getting in his face. They tried to ruin this kid's life with slander, smearing, besmirching, character assassination.
They accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape, saying that every other weekend, he and his friends were drugging teenage girls and literally, you know, lining up in the hall for gang rapes that nobody ever reported. They tried to ruin his life, tried to call him an alcoholic. We know how that ended. He is now a Supreme Court justice.
The media mob's disgusting bias, it is obvious, both from what they obsess over and what they choose to sweep under the rug.
Remember, they falsely accused UVA students of rape. Remember the Duke Lacrosse players? They accused them of rape. Eighty-some-odd professors at Duke bought the story hook, line, and sinker without any evidence. They falsely accused Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Remember, he used to be a police officer. His career is now over.
George Zimmerman, everybody saying he was guilty but there was an eyewitness that showed up. Several police officers in Baltimore, everybody was assured they were going to get guilty pleas. None of them did.
And guess what? As we speak, they're falsely accusing President Trump of Russia collusion. That, too, is a hoax, while simultaneously ignoring what is now a mountain of evidence of the single biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal in history where they tried to rig an election, and then undo the election of the duly-elected president of the United States. In the era of Trump, far-left hoaxes, are way too common. The media are way too complicit.
But they buy these stories again and again -- hook, line, sinker -- vilifying innocent people in the process over and over again. When the stories are exposed, when the lies are revealed, so-called journalists and so-called news organizations, they move on. They just pretend like it never happened.
Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh summarized the state of the media pitch-perfectly. He said the following: "The left is nothing but phony. Hate crimes, phony alleged hate crimes, phony charges, made up stories, they know these things probably aren't true but they want them to be and that's why they report them as true. They think this is what America is."
"In the mind of the American left, these crimes are happening everywhere," Limbaugh continued. "Even if the Smollett case isn't real, it's real elsewhere and we must raise consciousness.
The media is signing onto it, the celebrities are signing on, presidential candidates are signing onto it, and tweeting what a rotten place America is because of it."
Rush is right. The media mob's disgusting bias, it is obvious, both from what they obsess over and what they choose to sweep under the rug.
Jussie Smollett's alleged hoax got more media attention than my son, who was shot and killed in Chicago
Three Ways to Fight Back Against the Left
Not long ago, I heard a conversation on a nationally syndicated radio program between the host and a writer for the New York Post. Both were supporters of President Trump. Referring to the relentless intensity of the opposition to the president from the Left, the host asked his guest whether the madness will soon have to come to a head. The Post writer replied, in time, when the country improves materially, Trump will get the credit that he deserves and a calm will settle over the land.
I wish that I could believe that’s so.
Even if they are certain that he is entitled to it, Leftists will never give this president his due. And for as long as Trump is in office, and probably even long afterwards, Leftists will spare no occasion to manipulate other Americans into seeing things their way.
The American Left has been traumatized by Trump’s upset victory.
For that matter, it isn’t just the American Left that remains shocked to its core, but Leftists around the world. It is telling that in spite of Trump’s massive rallies and the personal connection that he established with his supporters, Leftists apparently could not so much as conceive of the possibility that Hillary Clinton might lose to the Republican nominee.
Although fake news outlets and their phony polls consistently showed Trump losing in a landslide to Clinton, the President won 2,623 American counties compared to Clinton’s 489. If we subtract that bluest of blue states, California, Trump would have won the popular vote by more than 1 million votes (and this is assuming, counterfactually, that there was no voter fraud). If we also subtract New York, he would have won by 3 million votes over 48 states.
Trump swept most of the country, making it painfully obvious to Democrats that their party is now largely a coastal party. As far as the Electoral College goes—and this, let us not forget, is how presidential elections are supposed to be decided in the United States—Trump crushed his opponent with 306 votes to Clinton’s 232.
The Left’s collective head exploded. After a month or so of waxing outrage over Trump’s refusal to say in advance of the election whether he would automatically accept the outcome if Clinton won, Leftists still refuse to accept the outcome after Trump actually won.
Here are the people you are claiming have a high need for cognition:"Those with a high need for cognition have a positive attitude toward tasks that require reasoning and effortful thinking and are, therefore, more likely to invest the time and resources to do so when evaluating complex issues."
You are talking about SJWs again?I’ve found that the people most hell-bent on revenge are low in forgiveness and high in narcissistic traits.
It looks like the real problem is low-information media.In case after case after case, the mainstream media, they devour any story that just fits their radical, extreme extension of the Democratic socialist party agenda. If it advances the narrative that Donald Trump is evil and his supporters are bad and America is scary and racist and sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, the media mob will shift into full gear without performing any due diligence -- without even picking up the telephone, without any kind of investigation, not even five minutes worth.
Here are the people you are claiming have a high need for cognition:
You are talking about SJWs again?
Critical thinking is a liberal idea. It remains fearful for most conservatives.
Frederich Nietzsche once said:
“A very popular error--having the courage of one’s convictions. Rather we should have the courage for an attack on one’s convictions."
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche |
Critical thinking is a liberal idea.
It remains fearful for most conservatives.
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Conservatives on public forums are loath to write statements like “Hillary Clinton won the U.S. popular vote in 2016.”
Conservatives rely on insults, mockery and name-calling than critical thinking. They largely eschew facts and evidence that challenges their thinking.
Conservatives on public forums are loath to write statements like “Hillary Clinton won the U.S. popular vote in 2016.”
Or, “...the president lied today when he claimed...."
Liberals on public forums are loath to write statements like “Donald Trump won the US presidential election in 2016”
or, for that matter "President Donald Trump" :chuckle:
Not many Christians are insane.But not ALL Christians are insane.
Religion has to do with FAITH, not FACT.
PARABLES & ALLEGORIES, not authentic stories.
Romans 1:20-21 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. |
Hillary Clinton won the U.S. popular vote, which proves that a Democratic form of government is a bad idea.Conservatives rely on insults, mockery and name-calling than critical thinking. They largely eschew facts and evidence that challenges their thinking.
Conservatives on public forums are loath to write statements like “Hillary Clinton won the U.S. popular vote in 2016.”
Hillary won the popular vote without qualifications?But don’t you see that Hillary won the popular vote?
Can you say that?
Without conditions or qualifications?
And you reply with “I dunno.”Hillary Clinton won the US popular vote in 2016.
She lost the Electoral College vote.and she still lost! :darwinsm:
Opinion | Liddick: Modern journalism is dangerous and let Douglas Robinson down
Douglas Robinson was murdered last week. You probably don’t know that name, even though you probably know his fellow Chicagoan Jussie Smollett, who was arrested last Thursday for falsely claiming to have been beaten up by two white racist homophobes wearing “Make America Great Again” hats.
It’s not your fault. Smollett, a fashionably gay B-grade actor who appeared on the television series “Empire” has been plastered all over broadcast, print and internet “news,” where his increasingly complex and contradictory story has been repeated ad nauseum with embellishments and commentary from all the usual suspects about the horrors of living in Donald Trump’s America. Accompanied by the usual histrionics and hand-wringing.
Robinson, on the other hand, was no one bright and beautiful, save perhaps in the eyes of God and those who were his friends in the tent city by Chicago’s Dan Ryan Expressway. He was 57, alone and homeless, and he was shot to death at 4:45 in the afternoon in an unknown dispute. You don’t know him because to the media, who claim to do what they do in search of decency, good and truth, Robinson was a nobody. His death couldn’t provide them with another opportunity to attack the president, so it was trashed by all those earnest seekers after truth who had bigger fish to fry, and Smollett’s victimization to do it with.
A decent journalist with real interest in actual issues facing everyday Americans could have turned Robinson’s death into something meaningful.
He — or she — could have used it to speak of things long in need of frank discussion: what society does to people who refuse to, or can’t, conform; how those who trumpet their concern are often concerned more with their own image than with the impact of their actions on those toward whom they profess concern; the reasons behind the despair, the abandonment, the surrender. He or she might have usefully wondered whether large and expensive bureaucracies staffed by comfortable bureaucrats in climate-controlled offices are really the best answer, and whether Robinson might have preferred smaller, more helpful mercies delivered by people who knew him and thought of him as something more than a statistic.
But Smollett’s story had racist goons in MAGA hats. And taunts. And a beating. And a noose. And did I mention MAGA hats?
It was irresistible; Robinson was, in contrast, nothing to them. True, his death was real and Smollett’s assault was apparently a lie. But one that fit all the media’s stereotypes to a tee, so they hit it like a prize Tarpon hitting a lure.
Smollett, who apparently missed the day when “adulting class” addressed how one requests a raise, concocted a story about an attack by rage-fueled, Trump-addled racists, and a breathless national commentariat seized and obsessively revisited it even after the lie was exposed. Because, TRUMP!
Similarly Julie Swetnik, the Maryland woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh of drugging, raping and pimping teenage girls back in the day was idolized briefly by the left and their stenographer-pool media, who ignored her casual familiarity with the truth and her history as a lawsuit maven. Until the whole business simply collapsed under the weight of its ludicrous improbabilities. Rely on the scribbling classes to studiously ignore any action against her for perjury. She’s a saint, because TRUMP!
Nick Sandmann, a good Catholic boy from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky went with a group of friends to a National Right to Life march in Washington, D.C., and was accosted afterward by one Nathan Phillips, a Native American who approached him and for some minutes beat a drum near his head and chanted while Sandmann stood stock still. For which, on the basis of one brief video from one anonymous source, Sandmann was diagnosed as a psychotic, racist sociopath wearing a MAGA hat. Because, TRUMP!
Even by people who should know better. I’m looking at you, Bishop Foys …
Smollett, Swetnik and Phillips are simply tools in the left’s ongoing scorched-earth campaign against President Trump. How they were wielded tells us much about the decline and debasement of journalism in America.
Once upon a time, stories did not run in respectable media outlets without two-source corroboration — and that didn’t mean two sources who didn’t want to give their names. Anonymous sources were confined to supermarket tabloid stories about Bill Clinton’s alien love child, bat-boys and sundry other subjects more suitable for the byways of a carnival midway than for national television. Now that’s all out the window. Because, TRUMP!
Now the country suffers because the few and well-connected who thought themselves Masters of the World, were shown otherwise, and can’t get over it.