Are we triggered yet?

Are we triggered yet?
Top Libel Lawyer: Covington Boy 'Was Vilified and Slimed by the Media'
( -- Famed defamation and First Amendment lawyer L. Lin Wood, who is representing Nick Sandmann -- the boy confronted by Indian activists at the March for Life and subsequently maligned by many reporters in the liberal media -- said his client "was vilified and slimed by the media" and portrayed as "the face of hate" simply because he wore a "red MAGA hat."
Wood further said that the Covington Catholic High School students who were waiting for a bus when they were confronted by activists after the march "were falsely accused of hurling racist slurs."
In a Feb. 1 statement, Wood said, "The media has largely moved on from their despicable smearing of the students of Covington Catholic with a plethora of fake news stories that put the teens, their families and their school in peril after they were falsely accused of hurling racist slurs at an elderly Native American man."
"Following the incident which took place in Washington D.C. during the March For Life, 16-year-old Nick Sandmann was vilified and slimed by the media as the face of hate simply because he stood his ground when confronted by Nathan Phillips and because he was wearing a red MAGA hat," said the attorney.
"The false narrative quickly began to deteriorate once a more extensive video showed that the teens were being heckled by black supremacists who showered them with racist and homophobic slurs and instigated the entire confrontation who like Phillips, were the true instigators," said Wood.
As the Covington kids were waiting for their bus to take them back to Kentucky, some of the activists berated them and said,
"Look at these dusty *** crackers with that race garbage on. Look at these dirty *** crackers."
"A bunch of future school shooters."
"A bunch of incest babies! A bunch of babies made out of incest!"
Student Nick Sandmann being interview on NBC's Today program. (YouTube)
"The biggest terrorist on the face of the Earth is the pale face man, woman and child."
"This child molesting faggot priest right there."
"That's Make America Great Again, a bunch of child-molesting faggots."
L. Lin Wood successfully represented security guard Richard Jewell in his lawsuits against NBC, CNN, and the New York Post, in relation to their coverage of the 1996 Olypic Park bombing.
Some of Wood's high-profile clients over the years have included Sheldon Adelson, Herman Cain, Dr. Phil McGraw, John and Patsy Ramsey, and the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith.
Wood was the subject of an article in the Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, entitled, “Suing the News Media in the Age of Tabloid Journalism: L. Lin Wood and the Battle for Accountability."
This Covington video shows what really happened that morning
This morning Ed wrote about the preparation for possible legal action being taken by a lawyer working for the family of Nick Sandmann, the student who became a left-wing punching bag after a misleading video of his encounter with Nathan Phillips circulated online two weeks ago. In addition to the letters sent out to 54 organizations and individuals, another attorney working with the family released a video over the weekend offering a coherent look at what actually happened that day. ...
2 weeks ago, the mainstream media, politicians, church officials, commentators, & celebrities rushed to judgment to wrongfully condemn, threaten, disparage & vilify Nick Sandmann based solely on a few seconds of an out-of-context video clip. It only takes 15 minutes to learn the truth. Here it is.
Most of the information in the video has already been brought out by other observers who took a fair look at what happened that day, but this clip really puts it together in a way that becomes undeniable. It was the Black Hebrew Israelites who were initiating the racist shouting at the Covington Kids and the kids put up with it without responding in kind.
Perhaps what is most striking about this is hearing Nathan Phillips own words about what he saw and heard that day even as the video shows his description is not remotely accurate. He describes the kids as animals who were snarling and ready to attack the Black Hebrew Israelites. But the video shows most of them are smiling.
As Ed pointed out earlier, it’s pretty unlikely any of the news organizations who piled on Sandmann and his classmates will wind up on trial. At worst, some of them might agree to settlements over their sloppy work. But if there’s one person who deserves to be held responsible for misleading people about what happened it’s Nathan Phillips. Especially telling is a moment when the kids, including Sandmann, walked away to their bus, Phillips and his group held a little celebration on the spot, cheering that they had won the encounter with the high school kids.
Here’s the clip. As the lawyer who created this says, it only takes 15 minutes to learn the truth. Unfortunately, that’s about 14 minutes longer than the media spent examining this before jumping to conclusions and coming down on these kids as racists.
This story was instantly adopted by the media as a visual metaphor for something larger happening in society. They were right. It just happens that the lesson is the opposite of what the media thought it was. The story here wasn’t racist white kids looking for trouble, it was racist black and Native American adults looking to create a confrontation with white kids they could turn to their advantage. They almost succeeded.
Attorney for Nick Sandmann takes steps to file suit against media, individuals
COVINGTON, Ky. (WKRC) - Attorneys for a Covington Catholic junior who became the face of a confrontation in Washington, D.C. that went viral have sent letters to media organizations, reporters and Diocesan officials demanding they preserve material in preparation for a lawsuit.
Nick Sandmann is represented by attorney Todd McMurtry of Fort Mitchell and L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. Wood most recently represented the brother of murder victim JonBenet Ramsey, who sued CBS after a television show suggested he murdered his sister. The case was recently settled.
Sandmann and his classmates were in Washington, D.C. two weeks ago for the March for Life. Following the march, the students gathered at the Lincoln Memorial awaiting a bus back to Kentucky.
A group of Black Hebrew Israelites yelled slurs at the boys and others at the memorial. Sandmann said he and his classmates performed some school cheers in response. Native American elder Nathan Phillips, who was at the memorial for an Indigenous Peoples event, walked toward the boys playing a drum. A three-minute video of the boys chanting and doing a tomahawk chop spread on the web quickly and drew swift criticism.
A longer video that showed the entire confrontation was published on the internet the next day.
The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that Sandmann's attorneys were sending the letter to 50-plus organizations or individuals, including:
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
The Guardian
National Public Radio
Atlantic Media Inc.
Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
Diocese of Covington
Diocese of Lexington
Archdiocese of Louisville
Diocese of Baltimore
Ana Cabrera
Sara Sidner
Erin Burnett
S.E. Cupp
Elliot C. McLaughlin
Amanda Watts
Emanuella Grinberg
Michelle Boorstein
Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
Antonio Olivo
Joe Heim
Michael E. Miller
Eli Rosenberg
Isaac Stanley-Becker
Kristine Phillips
Sarah Mervosh
Emily S. Rueb
Maggie Haberman
David Brooks
Shannon Doyne
Kurt Eichenwald
Andrea Mitchell
Savannah Guthrie
Joy Reid
Chuck Todd
Noah Berlatsky
Elisha Fieldstadt
Eun Kyung Kim
Bill Maher
Warner Media
Conde Nast
The Hill
The Atlantic
Ilhan Omar
Elizabeth Warren
Kathy Griffin
Alyssa Milano
Jim Carrey
The letter, embedded above, tells them not to destroy any documents that may be connected to the case, like early versions of articles or emails.
Along with the lawsuit, attorneys are demanding retractions and apologies.
Covington student’s attorney adds cyber bulling, assault threats as new cause of action
Attorneys for Covington student preparing for libel fight against journalists, lawmakers, celebrities
Student Nick Sandmann's attorneys send preservation demand letters to over 50 people and organizations; Doug McKelway reports.
The attorneys representing Nick Sandmann – the Kentucky teen seen being confronted by a Native American activist in a controversial viral video – have added cyberbullying and assault as possible legal action accusations against the “cybermob” that targeted the teenager after his interactions at last month’s March For Life event in Washington, D.C.
L. Lin Wood, a nationally-recognized attorney in the fields of libel, defamation and the First Amendment, told Fox News in a statement Tuesday that Sandmann's attorneys are looking at all avenues for a cause of action “beyond defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.”
“Many statement(s) were published that urged the idea of subjecting Nick to acts of physical violence,” he said. “Although the courts’ opportunities to identify appropriate causes of action for harm caused by unlawful speech on the Internet have been somewhat limited in number to date, I believe that there are number of viable causes of actions available to this young man who is and remains a private figure plaintiff.”
Sandmann was vilified online after a video clip went viral that purported to show him harassing a Native American man after a pro-life demonstration on Jan. 18 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The teenager had been at the nation’s capital with fellow students from Covington Catholic High School as part of an annual field trip.
The incident sparked massive and widespread criticisms of Sandmann, who was seen in the brief snippet of the encounter smiling while standing in front of activist Nathan Phillips.
But subsequent videos that captured the full incident revealed the students – some, including Sandmann, wearing red “Make American Great Again” hats – were actually the ones who were accosted and yelled at before Phillips and other Native American activists approached them. Another group – the so-called Black Hebrew Israelites – were heard and seen shouting at the students.
Both school officials and the Native Americans involved have said they’ve received death threats since the encounter.
Wood said the breadth of the false and threatening speech from the incident is “extraordinary” and "will test the boundaries of cyberbullying, cyber-harassment, cyber-assault, and the intentional infliction of emotional distress.”
“Defendants who have intentionally joined a cybermob aimed at harassing and threatening a teenager have good reason to be legally concerned,” he added.
MAGA teen Nick Sandmann notifies Elizabeth Warren of possible libel suit
‘Social media mobs’ targeted in action concerning Covington student
The Kentucky MAGA teen who was vilified after a faceoff with a Native American activist last month is striking back with a threatened libel suit, and his high-profile lawyer has sent “preservation demand letters” to U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and a long list of media outlets and commentators who disparaged him.
“The Sandmann Family was blindsided by the mainstream and social media mob accusations and threats against Nick,” Lin Wood, who represents 16-year-old Nick Sandmann, told the Boston Herald. Wood said civil lawsuits could encompass libel, slander, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, cyberbullying and cyber assault.
Sandmann’s faceoff with activist Nathan Phillips, 64, in Washington, D.C. in January was initially reported as a “smirking” confrontation — which prompted widespread denunciation of the Covington Catholic High School students.
Warren tweeted on Jan. 19: “Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran Nathan Phillips endured hateful taunts with dignity and strength, then urged us all to do better.”
But a longer video showed another fringe group, the Black Hebrew Israelites, yelling profane insults at the students. Phillips is seen walking up to Sandmann, banging his drum.
The U.S. Marine Corps, meanwhile, has confirmed Phillips is not a Vietnam veteran as he had claimed.
Warren’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Wood said Warren “must be held accountable for her willingness to use social media to boost her personal career and political ambitions by joining mob who rushed to falsely accuse and vilify a high school student and his classmates.”
Sandmann’s team hopes to “start to effectuate a sea change” in how media responds to “social media flash mobs.” Their other lawsuit targets reportedly include the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, NPR, HBO’s Bill Maher and comedian Kathy Griffin.
Boston civil rights attorney Harvey Silverglate said there were more effective ways to show Warren “made a fool of herself” than suing for libel.
But Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor and blogger, said he believe Sandmann has a strong case.
“These kids were not in any sense public figures. … A bunch of people piled on a bunch of kids because they didn’t like what they symbolized,” Reynolds said, adding that the more conservative Supreme Court might be ready to roll back some press protections such as the absence of malice standard, at a time when the media is seen as more partisan and less professional.
Nick Sandmann’s lawyer: ‘Nathan Phillips will be sued’ over lies against Covington boys
February 8, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) - One of the attorneys representing Covington High School student Nick Sandmann and his parents confirmed to LifeSiteNews that Native American activist Nathan Phillips, and some of the others who have received notices from the attorneys, “will be sued.”
Lin Wood, an Atlanta-based lawyer, told LifeSite yesterday that Phillips’ “lies and false accusations” against Sandmann and the other Covington students are “well documented.”
He also said they would be filing the first round of lawsuits "within two weeks." Todd V. McMurtry, a Ft. Mitchell, Ky attorney, is also representing Sandmann and his parents. Doug Schloemer, a Ft. Mitchell, Ky attorney, represents a number of other students and Robert Barnes, a California attorney, is also representing families and students of Covington High School.
The legal action by Sandmann’s attorneys is ramping up after notices demanding preservation of evidence for possible slander litigation were recently sent out to more than 50 media, dioceses, and celebrities.
Wood told LifeSite that the list of recipients of the notices “continues to grow in number” and that the legal team is “in the process of sending formal written retraction demands in conformity with statutes in states in which litigation may be filed.” They expect to advance to the next stage and “file the first round of civil lawsuits within the next two weeks.”
an offshoot from here:
As the Nathan Phillips / Nate Sandmann controversy has developed, i've run across way too many leftist/liberal/feminist/progressive blogs, articles, websites, twitter feeds, etc - way too much social media and other internet based opinion centers that justify their naked hatred for these catholic kids - justify their desire to see them hurt, regardless of the veracity of the original story.
One common theme is that these kids were at a pro-life rally, and the extreme leftist/liberal/feminist/progressives, from the relative anonymity of the internet, wish death on anybody with that viewpoint
the other common theme that has taken the forefront these past couple days is their choice of apparel.
MAGA hats, as it turns out, have the power to make the left (already insane) violently insane
it's being proposed in the other thread that the students should have known this and should have respected the weakness of those easily triggered by the magical power of the MAGA hats and foregone their choice of apparel
the corollary is, of course, that having made the choice to wear those pernicious MAGA hats, the violence and hatred directed toward them is their own fault :dizzy:
MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left
Apparently some of the profits generated from selling Trump paraphernalia, like the MAGA hats, have been siphoned off to pay for the legal bills of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner!
Given that Kushner is a multimillionaire in his own right, this is just another example of average Americans subsidizing the rich and powerful!
Like watching football games?
“...a revealing look at the diseased mind of the rabid leftist...”
“...a revealing look at the diseased mind of the rabid conservative...”
Covington kid Nick Sandmann’s lawyer: ‘Nathan Phillips will be sued’
One of the most disgusting phony propaganda gambits to discredit Trump supporters is to face the civil justice system, where the truth will come out. Most AT readers already know that a wide array of media and political figures have been put on notice that they will be sued for libel of Nick Sandmann, the parochial school kid who was approached by Indian “elder” Nathan Phillips, who drummed inches from his face. Based on edited video, Sandmann was vilified as the aggressor. But now comes word that in addition to media outlets, writers and politicians, Phillips himself will be sued.
This is important not for the monetary damages at stake, because Phillips shows no signs of having any financial resources, but because he will be placed under oath and questioned, where he will have to face videotape evidence of his behavior, contrasted with what he has said to the media.
Steve Jalsevac reports in Life Site News:
One of the attorneys representing Covington High School student Nick Sandmann and his parents confirmed to LifeSiteNews that Native American activist Nathan Phillips, and some of the others who have received notices from the attorneys, “will be sued.”
Lin Wood, an Atlanta-based lawyer, told LifeSite yesterday that Phillips’ “lies and false accusations” against Sandmann and the other Covington students are “well documented.”
He also said they would be filing the first round of lawsuits "within two weeks."
Getting Phillips on the record, facing perjury penalties if his testimony is contradicted by the video, will be of inestimable value in suing the media. He would be wise to consider apologizing if he has any assets at all that he might wish to protect from a monetary judgment. Because the lawyers choose the order in which to sue, they can get this on the record before proceeding with other targets, a group which is growing in number:
The legal action by Sandmann’s attorneys is ramping up after notices demanding preservation of evidence for possible slander litigation were recently sent out to more than 50 media, dioceses, and celebrities.
Wood told LifeSite that the list of recipients of the notices “continues to grow in number” and that the legal team is “in the process of sending formal written retraction demands in conformity with statutes in states in which litigation may be filed.” They expect to advance to the next stage and “file the first round of civil lawsuits within the next two weeks.”
The media that will be sued have a serious vulnerability once Phillips is discredited:
Most seemed to rely almost entirely on statements made by Phillips and especially on a short initial video posted on social media that went viral. The video appears to have been deliberately edited to portray the Covington students as accosting and disrespecting Phillips.
The video was initially pushed through what has been revealed by Breitbart to be a likely Democrat activist controlled, anti-Trump fake Twitter account. It has since been suspended by Twitter for violating its fake account policy. Experts say the use of the account to so effectively promote the video had "the hallmarks of a disinformation campaign."
Naturally, the media would prefer that this examination of their accuracy and bias just go away. But that will not happen, thanks to the civil justice system. Federal courts do not permit video cameras, but many state courts do.
Video of Phillips being cross examined could turn into a sensational rebuke. And it could also demonstrate media deception and bias harming an innocent child.
Much though they would prefer to ignore it, the existence of social media makes that a poor option, for spiking the story only would make them look worse. Keep in mind that journalists are one of the most unpopular groups in the country. Are juries going to sympathize with them, or with a boy who was unfairly demonized?
That line is ...
just as ignorantly silly as posting:
That’s Life: Up now, the gaslighting of America
By now video of the confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial has been examined more closely than the Zapruder Film, and the gaslighting of America is complete. You really didn’t see what you saw.
Sen. Kevin Cramer, in his ongoing inspirational battle against the First Amendment, encouraged lawsuits against the media for misinterpreting the video. “Those kids did nothing wrong,” he said on Fox News. “Zero.”
Zero. It’s a good thing those kids are Catholic. Now they can become saints.
What was baffling was the apology from the Diocese of Covington and the school. This is an institution that’s still trying to figure out if pedophilia is a problem in the priesthood, and yet they instantly conclude “this behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that what the Diocese found objectionable were the tomahawk chops, the mocking Indian chants and dances, and the smirk on Nicholas Sandmann’s face as he stared down Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist who claimed he was trying to diffuse a standoff between some Black Hebrew Israelites, and what would be characterized as “a mob” if they were liberals.
Curiously, several days later, the Diocese apologized for apologizing. The bishop explained they were “bullied” into making the first apology. And they know bullying when they see it. For instance, when the Covington boys were filmed harassing passing girls, that was so totally not bullying.
Let me help you see that you didn’t really see what you thought you saw. This should be getting easier. You’ve had two years of gaslighting practice going back to the inauguration where many folks thought there was low attendance. In reality, 17 bazillion people showed up.
Even if you did see what you thought you saw, disrespecting Phillips is justified because it turns out his military service wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. He was never deployed to Vietnam, and according to the Washington Times, he went AWOL three times. To be fair, I think it had something to do with bone spurs. And don’t forget about the black guys yelling unkind things at these innocents. It’s a well-known fact that if you are disrespected by one minority, it’s alright to disrespect the next minority you see. It’s one of those pay it forward deals.
Anyway, that wasn’t a disrespectful smirk. Clearly you got this one wrong. To buttress this theory, I would encourage every teenage boy in America to give the old man that look the next time you’re in trouble. Purely as a social experiment.
What was even more unfair to these boys was the conclusion by some that MAGA hats are a symbol of bigotry and misogyny. North Dakota conservatives bemoaned the injustice perpetrated against these poor lads through the unfair use of actual footage that made them look like boorish twits.
People actually criticized them. Who treats children this way? By golly, when the Parkland shooting survivors were in North Dakota advocating for gun reform, no one staged protests, mocked their politics and sexuality, or called them punks or crisis actors.
Not one conservative said a discouraging word.
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
FBI told us it’s investigating threats against Covington students: pro-life group
KENTUCKY, February 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The FBI and local law enforcement are investigating threats against Covington Catholic High School and its students, according to the Ohio Christian Alliance (OCA).
The OCA was one of several pro-life groups that called on federal law enforcement agencies to investigate threats of violence made online against a group of Catholic high school students based on false reporting of a confrontation at the 2019 March for Life.
“OCA President Chris Long received a call from the Special Agent working in the Covington FBI office, confirming that the office was in receipt of our letter and confirmed that the FBI was working with local law enforcement to investigate the threats that were made against the school and its students,” Cleveland Right to Life shared in a press release February 8. “The indication was that charges will be filed in the coming weeks, if not days, against those who made threats against the students, their families, and Covington Catholic High School.”
“We are pleased that the FBI and law enforcement officials are taking this matter seriously. These Christian students did nothing wrong, but a hate campaign was waged against them as they stood for the unborn by participating in the Annual March for Life,” said Long. “While waiting for their bus at the Lincoln Memorial steps after the march, they became the target of counter protesters. We encourage the FBI and Justice Department to thoroughly investigate, utilizing the video tapes and the twitter statements from individuals who made threats against the students.”
“We have said from the beginning that this is a watershed moment,” he continued.
“A message needs to be sent to the public at large that making threats against minors resulting in harassment and potential danger is not free speech, but is in fact criminal activity.”
“The madness that followed the students from the encounter...put them at the center of a generated hate campaign, fueled by false media reports and social media,” Created Equal said in a press release during the initial call for an FBI investigation. “Known individuals have called for violence against the students and their Christian school.”
Law enforcement authorities confirmed in late January that they were investigating unidentified threats against Covington Catholic and its students. The school closed its doors on January 22 out of fear of leftist threats and protests.
L. Lin Wood, a nationally-recognized attorney, is representing Covington student Nick Sandmann, who became the focus of the ire of leftists, media outlets, and even conservatives and Catholic authorities. They attacked him for “smirking” at Native American activist Nathan Phillips, who it was later revealed has a violent criminal past and tried to storm and disrupt a Catholic Mass the day after the 2019 March for Life. Sandmann and his fellow students, accused of chanting “build the wall” and allegedly racist statements at Phillips, were completely vindicated by extended footage of the encounter showing them peacefully enduring verbal abuse from adults, and not mocking Phillips as they were falsely accused of doing.