ECT MADists don't follow Paul


They only deserve ridicule.

Ridicule is all MADists have.

They can't support their claims with the Bible.

Not one MADist has shown even one verse that shows Peter observing the law after the cross.

Yet, MAD claims Peter observed the law after the cross.

MAD is a mess.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You just refuted yourself.

Peter was shown that he no longer had to eat clean animals.

God didn't flick a light switch from the old covenant to the new covenant.

It took 40 years for the Jews to learn that they were no longer under the law of Moses, and that they were now equal with Gentiles who never kept the law.

"Peter was shown that he no longer had to eat clean animals."-devil boy

Observe, the again satanic deception. The devil boy asserts that Peter did not follow the law, but agrees that he did, as he is given the verse, showing Peter observing the dietary restrictions, that he followed, were straight out of the law, but he craftily spins it, very subtly(Genesis 3), with "God didn't flick a light switch from the old covenant to the new covenant."

You wicked demon, habitual liar.

And the punk's habitual lie:

"The law was nailed to the cross. You can't divide the law into parts that suit your belief system."-Tet.

"God didn't flick a lightswitch that in a split second switched the entire planet from OC to NC.Hebrews tells us that the OC was "waxing" and would soon be obsolete. We know that the OC was completely gone in 70AD."-Tet.

"The unbelieving Jews had their temple and city destroyed for good in 70AD. That marked the end of the old covenant, the law and prophets, etc."

"But, remember, the Law of Moses was still in place."-Tettie asserting that the law was in place in Acts.

And yet not one person followed it.

Satanic dung.

Still waiting, slick:

Who taught the law of Moses, punk? Who "put it in place?"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
OK Craigie-agreed on a thread, you deceiving punk?

And you are going to address the below, you soft, pudgy sodomite. I've asked you over 15 times, devil boy.

-Who taught the law, in the OT, to the children of Israel?
-Who taught the law, in Matthew-John, which was OC, prior to the dbr?
-Who taught the "early Acts" believers, to adhere to the law, including the feasts, "the appointed feasts," such as Pentecost?
-Who taught the OC/"Old Testament,"from the cross, until AD 70, since you say that the OC did not end until AD 70-"transition period...God did not flip a lightswitch"?
-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:

Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Josephus? Wikipedia?
-The Lord Jesus Christ spoke only the words of God the Father(as all prophets did-God's spokesman)-he taught the Savior, what to say. Go on record, and assert that God the Father did not teach him to teach the law.
-Tell us why the Lord Jesus Christ kept the law, a law, that He never taught. Go ahead.

"The law brought me, and brings others to Christ..."-Craigie

Who taught you the law, satanist?

I thought it was "nailed to the cross?"

Does the law serve to bring others to Christ today?

-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:

Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Who taught Peter, the law, to bring him to Christ?

"God didn't flick a lightswitch that in a split second switched the entire planet from OC to NC.Hebrews tells us that the OC was "waxing" and would soon be obsolete. We know that the OC was completely gone in 70AD."-Tet.

"But, remember, the Law of Moses was still in place."-Tettie

Whose directive was to keep the OC, still in place, which included the law, post dbr?

Why do you lie, when you asserted that the law was "nailed to the cross...abolished at the cross," when you assert that it lasted until 70 AD?

Rhetorical-children of the devil, are taught to lie habitually, like you.

Who taught the Acts believers, the law, to bring them to Christ?

Who taught the thousands, to observe Pentecost, in Acts?

Again, who taught you, if you are saved, the law, to bring you to Christ?

Who taught Paul, to go into the synagogues, reserved only for Torah/law keeping, followers?

Who taught Peter, John, to go to the temple,reserved only for Torah/law keeping, followers?

Who taught those that were "zealous of the law," in Acts?

Acts 22:12 KJV

And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there,

Who sent this "devout man according to the law," to Saul/Paul?

Acts 21:20 KJV

And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:

Who taught these thousands of Jews, which believed, to be zealous of the law?

Wikipedia? Flavey Joe?


Name one teacher, who ever taught, that the law was not observed by Peter, John, the other 10, the masses, in early Acts? Names, please. Specifics.

You are going to answer these questions, you satanic dirt bag.

Am I clear?
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Right Divider

Body part
You just refuted yourself.

Peter was shown that he no longer had to eat clean animals.

God didn't flick a light switch from the old covenant to the new covenant.

It took 40 years for the Jews to learn that they were no longer under the law of Moses, and that they were now equal with Gentiles who never kept the law.
So according to the Great Deceiver Tell-lies, God is a poor teacher.


So according to the Great Deceiver Tell-lies, God is a poor teacher.

What part of Peter not observing the law after the cross do you not understand?

Peter's sheet vision was to show Peter that no longer was there such a thing as clean meat and unclean meat to eat.

Right Divider

Body part
What part of Peter not observing the law after the cross do you not understand?

Peter's sheet vision was to show Peter that no longer was there such a thing as clean meat and unclean meat to eat.
According to your perverted "story", it took God 40 years to teach the Jews that they were no longer under the OC. You're a dummy!

The OC and NC are not compatible and cannot run "in parallel".


According to your perverted "story", it took God 40 years to teach the Jews that they were no longer under the OC. You're a dummy!

It didn't take God 40 years, God waited one generation (40 years), because the wicked generation rejected their Messiah.

God did the same thing with the Exodus Generation, He waited one generation (40 years).

The OC and NC are not compatible and cannot run "in parallel".

You keep saying that, but you have yet to explain Heb 8:13.

Hebrews 8:13 proves you wrong.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Peter's sheet vision also showed that the dietary laws of the law of Moses were no longer in place for those in Christ.

He followed the dietary restrictions, according to the law, you devil boy, he went to the temple, devil boy, according to the law, he observed the "appointed times," including Pentecost, devil boy, as did thousands of the Acts believers("zealous for the law"), according to the law, despite your satanic spin/denial to the contrary, per direct orders, from the risen, glorified, Lord Jesus Christ, during his "40 day boot camp."

Now-answer my questions, you sleazy satanist-all of them.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It didn't take God 40 years, God waited one generation (40 years), because the wicked generation rejected their Messiah.

God did the same thing with the Exodus Generation, He waited one generation (40 years).

You keep saying that, but you have yet to explain Heb 8:13.

Hebrews 8:13 proves you wrong.

The punk's habitual lie:

"The law was nailed to the cross. You can't divide the law into parts that suit your belief system."-Tet.


"God didn't flick a lightswitch that in a split second switched the entire planet from OC to NC.Hebrews tells us that the OC was "waxing" and would soon be obsolete. We know that the OC was completely gone in 70AD."-Tet.

"The unbelieving Jews had their temple and city destroyed for good in 70AD. That marked the end of the old covenant, the law and prophets, etc."

"But, remember, the Law of Moses was still in place."-Tettellalie asserting that the law was in place in Acts.

And yet not one person followed it.

Satanic dung.

Answer all of my questions, Lamont Tetellalie.


He followed the dietary restrictions, according to the law, you devil boy, he went to the temple, devil boy, according to the law, he observed the "appointed times," including Pentecost, devil boy, as did thousands of the Acts believers("zealous for the law"), according to the law, despite your satanic spin/denial to the contrary, per direct orders, from the risen, glorified, Lord Jesus Christ, during his "40 day boot camp."

Not one verse supports your MAD propaganda above.

Prove me wrong Little Johnny?

Show us a verse.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Not one verse supports your MAD propaganda above.

Prove me wrong Little Johnny?

Show us a verse.

Already did, satanist, but your daddy the devil keeps telling you to deny it, you filthy demon.

And quit with your "Johnny" sodomite "come on's" to me, as you did in a PM, you loser.

And you are going to address the below, you soft, pudgy sodomite. I've asked you over 16 times, devil boy.

-Who taught the law, in the OT, to the children of Israel?
-Who taught the law, in Matthew-John, which was OC, prior to the dbr?
-Who taught the "early Acts" believers, to adhere to the law, including the feasts, "the appointed feasts," such as Pentecost?
-Who taught the OC/"Old Testament,"from the cross, until AD 70, since you say that the OC did not end until AD 70-"transition period...God did not flip a lightswitch"?
-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:

Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Josephus? Wikipedia?
-The Lord Jesus Christ spoke only the words of God the Father(as all prophets did-God's spokesman)-he taught the Savior, what to say. Go on record, and assert that God the Father did not teach him to teach the law.
-Tell us why the Lord Jesus Christ kept the law, a law, that He never taught. Go ahead.

"The law brought me, and brings others to Christ..."-Craigie

Who taught you the law, satanist?

I thought it was "nailed to the cross?"

Does the law serve to bring others to Christ today?

-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:

Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Who taught Peter, the law, to bring him to Christ?

"God didn't flick a lightswitch that in a split second switched the entire planet from OC to NC.Hebrews tells us that the OC was "waxing" and would soon be obsolete. We know that the OC was completely gone in 70AD."-Tet.

"But, remember, the Law of Moses was still in place."-Tettie

Whose directive was to keep the OC, still in place, which included the law, post dbr?

Why do you lie, when you asserted that the law was "nailed to the cross...abolished at the cross," when you assert that it lasted until 70 AD?

Rhetorical-children of the devil, are taught to lie habitually, like you.

Who taught the Acts believers, the law, to bring them to Christ?

Who taught the thousands, to observe Pentecost, in Acts?

Again, who taught you, if you are saved, the law, to bring you to Christ?

Who taught Paul, to go into the synagogues, reserved only for Torah/law keeping, followers?

Who taught Peter, John, to go to the temple,reserved only for Torah/law keeping, followers?

Who taught those that were "zealous of the law," in Acts?

Acts 22:12 KJV

And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there,

Who sent this "devout man according to the law," to Saul/Paul?

Acts 21:20 KJV

And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:

Who taught these thousands of Jews, which believed, to be zealous of the law?

Wikipedia? Flavey Joe?


Name one teacher, who ever taught, that the law was not observed by Peter, John, the other 10, the masses, in early Acts? Names, please. Specifics.

You are going to answer these questions, you satanic dirt bag.

Am I clear?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Peter's sheet vision was to show Peter that no longer was there such a thing as clean meat and unclean meat to eat.

Wrong. And the answer is in the text. Gentiles were no longer unclean and separate from God.

28 Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

And the purpose of our showing you is that Peter was keeping the law years after the cross. Peter, full of the Holy Spirit and under his direct guidance didn't eat unclean animals, after the cross.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Who taught Peter, the law, to bring him to Christ, sodomite Craigie Tetellalie?

Who taught Paul, the Galatians, the law, to bring him to Christ, sodomite Craigie Tetellalie?

Who taught the early Acts believers, the law, to bring them to Christ, sodomite Craigie Tetellalie?

Who teaches the lost, the law, today, to bring them to Christ, sodomite Craigie Tetellalie?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Wrong. And the answer is in the text. Gentiles were no longer unclean and separate from God.

28 Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

And the purpose of our showing you is that Peter was keeping the law years after the cross. Peter, full of the Holy Spirit and under his direct guidance didn't eat unclean animals, after the cross.

He will deny it, Brother Nick. Watch him spin it, subtly(Genesis 3), as his father the devil has a gag order on him saying anything but his spam denial.

that I should not call any man common or unclean.

And notice that the vision was in symbols, and it pertained to men, not food, or animals, as Nick pointed out. Pete was being shown to take "the way" message beyond, now, not just within the narrow confines which had operated up to that point in God's plan. It had NADA to do with removing the restrictions on forbidden food, i.e., that it was "clean" now. There is NADA verse in the book, that teaches, that the Lord Jesus Christ, Pistol Pete, or any of the apostles cleansed, or ate that which God had declared to be forbidden and unclean. They were all following the dietary restrictions, according to the law.
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Well-known member
It didn't take God 40 years, God waited one generation (40 years), because the wicked generation rejected their Messiah.

God did the same thing with the Exodus Generation, He waited one generation (40 years).

You keep saying that, but you have yet to explain Heb 8:13.

Hebrews 8:13 proves you wrong.

Hi , so use Heb 8:13 to prove us wrong ??

Explain Heb 8:13 and what it means , IF you can !!

Run away , which is what youm will DO , RIGHT !!

These 2 COVENANT , should remind you of 2 Gospels , don't they ??
