New member
All of the above I find accurate except the last. Here's my take:
If people are saved and hold fast to Him Who saved them to seek as He said to seek, they will be gifted His Faith, by measure, i.e., His Life, the ability to live as He lived and attain unto as He did.. What's the basis for God doing the choosing except to groom His sons unto fatherhood in Him. I believe, by your two verses, that gift was NOT for believing but for attaining unto in Christ by the receiving of the same Mind that was in Him, sons strengthened in all His might to conquer vanity/self/Satan as He exampled in His flesh __ and Paul later brought it to us by his own exeriences . . .
OMT: The "Gift of Faith" is a Pentecostal Gift. Jesus said: 'Don't leave home without it'!
I don't believe that faith is gifted, because faith is dependent on the word of God, and we have to incline our ear to hear. Once we hear the word, and accept it in our hearts, faith to lay hold of the promises is stirred up within us.
Acts 28:27 For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Paul is criticizing the people for not inclining their ears to hear. If people do not do this, they can't understand with their heart, and so faith cannot be stirred.