Some of this goes back and forth and I've seen the assessments this harsh before. Listening, I've come to different conclusions and I'll share them but I am nobody that can pave a road or build a bridge. I do, however hope that it might be of help or benefit to at least a few on TOL.
YOU can slice and dice Jesus up and remove Him from His own Gospel but I am not going down that rabbit hole with you !
Unless you are of Covenant Theology as I am, all dispensationalists believe the Lord Jesus Christ made a genuine Kingdom offer to them. Matthew 23:37 (notice how far through Matthew the longest gospel too). Even as a Covenant Theologian, I see an unfolding and pointing to the gospel. In Acts, I see how it was applied going from 'first to the Jews' to eventually 'the ends of the earth.'
Jesus was, is, and will always be the first to live, teach, be the sacrifice for , center of, and only one worthy to trust and follow for salvation.
Are you thinking they are against this idea? All dispensationalists believe Paul spelled the Lord's work out clearly for the Gentiles. I as a Covenant Theologian believe this as well (see
RC Sproul if interested)
You have been deceived into "another gospel" as Paul taught.
Perhaps two things will help: 1) MAD and most of Christianity believe in salvation by grace through faith in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2) MAD only believes one gospel exists today. 3) The Apostle Paul (okay, 3 things) wrote extensively about the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if MAD only had his Epistles, they would know the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving work and would be (and are) lovers of Him.
Based on MAD all of the other Apostles are accursed for preaching "another gospel" !
Paul did oppose Peter to his face. Why? For converting gentiles to Judaism proselytes.
I follow Jesus as Paul taught ! How exactly are you following Jesus if you have been taught Jesus was for Israel and Paul for the gentiles ?
They don't. They rather see the Lord Jesus Christ giving a genuine kingdom offer. For me as Covenant, the offer was to teach to the end their need for a Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ explained to those in Paradise, 'from' the O.T. why messiah had to die. 1 Peter 3:18-20
If Jesus' universal teachings, and there are many , are not for you I would believe you have no part in Christ Jesus! It is stated several times that Jesus was sent to Israel which He was to fulfill God's plan;however, Israel was set aside and the gospel was opened to "all" that would place their faith in Him. So now do those in Christ IGNORE His teachings as MAD teaches and believes or do those seeking to do as even Paul teaches follow Jesus or ignore Him and follow Paul ? Double speak much ?
They do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ's universal truths. Even Dispensationalists believe that. Even Covenant, we know we gentiles are not to follow Jewish directions on all accounts. So, if we all agree, how pronounced is our disagreements over 'how much?'
This poster wants every one to be Water Baptized and neither John 3:3 and 5 mention the BLOOD of Christ !!
These people are all FALLEN FROM GRACE and are ACCURSED , Gal 5:4 !!
I disagree with Dan, else only MAD and few others would be saved. I don't think observing a couple of Jewish customs makes us Judaized, simply because we are not becoming Jews or proselytes. Paul did baptize one gentile. Remember? That guy was not accursed nor could he fall from Grace. Rather, he needed to be retaught what grace is, perhaps, but he didn't lose grace. Sola gratia, most of us from Covenant to MAD in dispensationalism,
must believe in Grace alone.
Even the other Apostles are caught up in the lies of MAD. Claiming only Paul taught the gospel of grace and no other Apostle taught the " mystery" is a provable lie from scripture !
Cornelius came to Peter, so we know God was doing something. I'm not sure how MAD answers this, but I can explain that they believe the epistles of those Apostles are written primarily to Jews, because they are addressed specifically to Jews. I cannot dispute that claim, can you?
They think you and I are reading someone else's mail! :noway:
“3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1 KJ)
I disagree with MAD as well, however, I believe 1) They believe there is only one gospel today and 2) that is a clear gospel message whereby gentiles (most of us) will be saved, believing not in Paul, but the Lord Jesus Christ, for their salvation. Worth a fight? Yeah, I think it is, but I count these my brothers in Christ.
In what Peter said in the following verses you have :
1. The D.B.R.
2. Salvation
3. Salvation by faith in Jesus.
MAD is a lie !
This would keep that fight going, alright.
Only Israel will be BORN AGAIN as written in John 3:3 and verse 5 BORN OF WATER and the Spirit !!
I disagree with this too. I don't believe Nicodemus 'could' have been born again without the Lord Jesus Christ's saving work. The Lord Jesus Christ was clearly talking about this. All of Israel were unable to grasp what the Lord Jesus Christ was saying. Though it is 'plain' to me, it was not to the Jews, including His own disciples. No Jew could 'born again' themselves. It HAD to be the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and I believe it had to be by becoming a 'new creation.'
If he says by Grace he is LYING to all as that is DISPENSATIONALISM !!
dan p
Covenant is sola gratia too. Romans 11:6