ECT MAD implies both Jesus and Paul are liars.



(John 18:36) Jesus answered, "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world."

You can keep looking for it, but you won't see it.

(Luke 17:20) One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, "When will the Kingdom of God come?" Jesus replied, "The Kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs.

You're as lost, and confused as the Pharisees were.


Yep, it was not for them (including John) to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

Once again, you avoided the question.

Daniel was told to seal his scroll, John was told not to seal his scroll.

John wrote to seven churches in Asia Minor in the first century. John told those seven churches that the time was near

(Rev 1:3) Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Why would John tell the seven churches the time was near, if it was really 1,900+ years and still counting?

Dispensationalism is a mess!!!!


Even one stone in Jerusalem left upon another in 70 = no fulfillment of Luke 19:44.

There's your math.

More desperation from a desperate Darby Follower.

(Luke 21:5-6) Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, 6 “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

In the above prophecy, Jesus is only talking about the temple.

In 70AD, every stone of the temple was knocked down, with not one stone left standing upon another.

Give it up mysteryboy, your Dispensationalism cannot stand the test of scripture, or the test of history.



(Luke 21:5-6) Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, 6 “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

Luke 21:5-6 already happened.

Dispensationalism is a mess !!!

James Dalton

(Luke 21:5-6) Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, 6 “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

Luke 21:5-6 already happened.

Dispensationalism is a mess !!!


Luke 21:24 makes it clear that Jesus was foretelling the lead up to "The Age of the Gentiles".

Luke 21:24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Yet, you lie about this tie in to Romans 11 by misquoting Joseph and Jacob.

Ephrium and Manasseh are both Seed of Jacob. The Bible perpetually shows how the younger is offered the blessing. Like the Gentiles! If the age of the Gentiles is done, then you are cut off from salvation, unless you're Jewish.

Also, Revelation 1:7 is a big wrench in your lies!

As in ALL EYES... EVERY EYE... Have the wicked been resurrected yet? Has everyone seen His majestic coming in the clouds?

It's foretold in Daniel, The Gospels as Jesus is before the Sanhedrin and Revelation.

Care to Lie like Satan Himself about what these erases mean?
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James Dalton

(John 18:36) Jesus answered, "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world."

You can keep looking for it, but you won't see it.

(Luke 17:20) One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, "When will the Kingdom of God come?" Jesus replied, "The Kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs.

You're as lost, and confused as the Pharisees were.

It says ALL eyes!

Can you please name one Divinity of Christ denying cult that doesn't teach replacement theology?

Do you know why Preterism is so Wicked? The Devil lusts after the destruction of Jacobs descendants and the ability to contaminate scripture.

Preterism gives him that ability in spades!

James Dalton

Once again, you avoided the question.

Daniel was told to seal his scroll, John was told not to seal his scroll.

John wrote to seven churches in Asia Minor in the first century. John told those seven churches that the time was near

(Rev 1:3) Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Why would John tell the seven churches the time was near, if it was really 1,900+ years and still counting?

Dispensationalism is a mess!!!!

Now, let's jump on over to Revelation 1:7...

You call Jesus a liar by saying ALL EYES didn't or won't see Him.

You make the WORD of God to no effect by denying He keeps His promises and erasing His Scriptures Prophetic content as if it is void of application to the future.

You are a doubting Thomas and a Dispensational Judas! You once knew of God's promises to Israel that have yet to be fulfilled and you became a follower of pop theology.

The only mess around here is your blindness to God's ability to save to the uttermost. He will even honor His Covenant to those that are partially hardened as Romans 11 says!

You aren't attacking MAD or dispensationalism... you are attacking Elohim!
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James Dalton

Jesus said "Father forgive them"

Tetelstai says Jesus came 38(ish) years later and Slaughtered the Jews.

Jesus says that there will be no more tears.

Tetelstai says that all tears are gone. This is the promised new earth of Revelations. Heaven sure does seem a lot like Hell Tetelstai. You cling to lies so closely that it is sickening. I haven't seen a Mormon butcher scripture as badly as you do on a daily basis here.


If your Preterism is so awesome, why do you care what the dispensational say? You think you're correcting people, but deep down, you know Preterism is a lie and the lies you are spewing and embracing are causing you unrest!
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Luke 21:24 makes it clear that Jesus was foretelling the lead up to "The Age of the Gentiles".


70AD was when the times of the Gentiles was fulfilled.

Yet, you lie about this tie in to Romans 11 by misquoting Joseph and Jacob.

I didn't misquote Jacob. Jacob made it clear that the descendants of Ephraim would become a multitude of nations.

You don't like that, because it destroys Dispensationalism.

Ephrium and Manasseh are both Seed of Jacob. The Bible perpetually shows how the younger is offered the blessing. Like the Gentiles! If the age of the Gentiles is done, then you are cut off from salvation, unless you're Jewish.

Wrong again.

The New Covenant is fully in place right now. There is no longer a difference between Jew and Gentile.

Also, Revelation 1:7 is a big wrench in your lies!

Wrong again. Rev 1:7 was fulfilled in 70AD. Christ Jesus came in judgment, just like He said He was going to do.


LOL....every eye in Jerusalem saw Him, even those who pierced Him.

Apparently you must think those who pierced Him are still alive, because Rev 1:7 makes it clear that those who pierced Him, would see Him return.

Have the wicked been resurrected yet?

No, that's the second resurrection. That takes place when the thousand years is over.

Has everyone seen His majestic coming in the clouds?

They did in 70AD

It's foretold in Daniel.

Yep, and it happened.

Care to Lie lie Satan Himself about what these mean?

You're a typical Darby Follower. You call everyone a liar who doesn't follow John Nelson Darby like you do.


It says ALL eyes!

It also says that when Christ Jesus was born "all" of Jerusalem was troubled.

(Matt 2:3 KJV) When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Was "all" of Jerusalem troubled when Christ was born?

If not, then the word "all" doesn't always mean what you think.

Can you please name one Divinity of Christ denying cult that doesn't teach replacement theology?

The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant.

Only Darby Followers deny this fact.

Do you know why Preterism is so Wicked?

It's not, it can stand the test of scripture.

It's your Dispensationalism that is wicked, and cannot stand the test of scripture.

The Devil lusts after the destruction of Jacobs descendants and the ability to contaminate scripture.

We live in the New Covenant. The Old Covenant was fulfilled by Christ Jesus.

As long as you continue to deny the New Covenant, you will continue to live a lie.

Preterism gives him that ability in spades! I said, Preterism can stand the test of scripture, your Dispensationalism is a lie, and cannot stand the test of scripture.

James Dalton


70AD was when the times of the Gentiles was fulfilled.

I didn't misquote Jacob. Jacob made it clear that the descendants of Ephraim would become a multitude of nations.

You don't like that, because it destroys Dispensationalism.

Wrong again.

The New Covenant is fully in place right now. There is no longer a difference between Jew and Gentile.

Wrong again. Rev 1:7 was fulfilled in 70AD. Christ Jesus came in judgment, just like He said He was going to do.

LOL....every eye in Jerusalem saw Him, even those who pierced Him.

Apparently you must think those who pierced Him are still alive, because Rev 1:7 makes it clear that those who pierced Him, would see Him return.

No, that's the second resurrection. That takes place when the thousand years is over.

They did in 70AD

Yep, and it happened.

You're a typical Darby Follower. You call everyone a liar who doesn't follow John Nelson Darby like you do.

Every word you write here mocks scripture and God. You have lost your faith in His return and cling to your lies to hide your failed belief!

A day is as a thousand years and your disrespect for scripture is so disgusting.

You are the Darby follower. I'm positive now. You worshiped him and now you worship the men that write the lies that you spew here.

The Councils of Nicaea is where Preterism started and your continual glorification of it here is enough for me me to see that you exalt men's writings over God.

You believe the lies you tell and in that light, what makes you different from mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses?

Nothing. You are incapable of acknowledging your error because you have sold your soul to the teachings of men.

James Dalton

It also says that when Christ Jesus was born "all" of Jerusalem was troubled.

(Matt 2:3 KJV) When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Was "all" of Jerusalem troubled when Christ was born?

If not, then the word "all" doesn't always mean what you think.

The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant.

Only Darby Followers deny this fact.

It's not, it can stand the test of scripture.

It's your Dispensationalism that is wicked, and cannot stand the test of scripture.

We live in the New Covenant. The Old Covenant was fulfilled by Christ Jesus.

As long as you continue to deny the New Covenant, you will continue to live a lie. I said, Preterism can stand the test of scripture, your Dispensationalism is a lie, and cannot stand the test of scripture.

This is a mockery of God! I rebuke you for being so dishonest with scripture! This doesn't even begin to coherently rebut what I said.


You are deceived so horribly, I can't even begin to express how worthless your use of scripture is!

You have zero scriptural integrity.


Now, let's jump on over to Revelation 1:7...

Wow, the third time. Ok, let's do it again:

"...every eye will see him, even those who pierced him...”

Please explain how the men who pierced him over 1,900 years ago, will see Him in the yet future?

You call Jesus a liar by saying ALL EYES didn't or won't see Him.

The unbelieving Jews saw Him. Over a million of them were killed, and their temple and city were destroyed.

You make the WORD of God to no effect by denying He keeps His promises and erasing His Scriptures Prophetic content as if it is void of application to the future.

Christ Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets. It is you who denies it.

You are a doubting Thomas and a Dispensational Judas!

"Dispensational Judas"....hmmmm...that's a new one. If it implies denying Dispensationalism , then by all means, I'm ok with it.

You once knew of God's promises to Israel that have yet to be fulfilled and you became a follower of pop theology.

Read Joshua, everyone of God's promises to Israel were kept.

(Joshua 21:45) Not one of all the LORD's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

The only mess around here is your blindness to God's ability to save to the uttermost. He will even honor His Covenant to those that are partially hardened as Romans 11 says!

The only "mess" is Dispensationalism.

Dispensationalism is a mess.

You aren't attacking MAD or dispensationalism... you are attacking Elohim!

Nope, I'm attacking the false teachings of John Nelson Darby. a.k.a. Dispensationalism/MAD

James Dalton

Wow, the third time. Ok, let's do it again:

"...every eye will see him, even those who pierced him...”

Please explain how the men who pierced him over 1,900 years ago, will see Him in the yet future?

The unbelieving Jews saw Him. Over a million of them were killed, and their temple and city were destroyed.

Christ Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets. It is you who denies it.

"Dispensational Judas"....hmmmm...that's a new one. If it implies denying Dispensationalism , then by all means, I'm ok with it.

Read Joshua, everyone of God's promises to Israel were kept.

(Joshua 21:45) Not one of all the LORD's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

The only "mess" is Dispensationalism.

Dispensationalism is a mess.

Nope, I'm attacking the false teachings of John Nelson Darby. a.k.a. Dispensationalism/MAD

I'm not kidding... you Profane God with your misuse of His divinely inspired Scriptures! You are a mouthpiece for the Wicked One!

You respond with demonic gibberish that only a fool would believe. How dare you slap Christ in the face the way you do!

The Davidic Covenant restated all land promises and thus all are still in full effect. You lie!


Jesus said "Father forgive them"

Of course.

Jesus also said the following about what would happen to those same Jews:

(Luke 19:43-44) The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. 44 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

You might want to read those two verses a couple of times.

Jesus said that what happened in 70AD was because they (the Jews) did not recognize the time of God's coming to them (the Jews)
Tetelstai says Jesus came 38(ish) years later and Slaughtered the Jews.

40 years later (one generation, just like the wilderness generation).

See above, Jesus gives the reason why the destruction took place.

Jesus says that there will be no more tears.

There are no more tears in the kingdom. However, the kingdom is not on planet earth.

Tetelstai says that all tears are gone.


There are no more tears in the kingdom.
This is the promised new earth of Revelations.

It's the New Covenant.

God remembers are sins no more.
Heaven sure does seem a lot like Hell Tetelstai.

You've never been to Heaven, therefore, you can't make that statement.

Trust me, Heaven is not like hell.

You cling to lies so closely that it is sickening.

That would be you, the Darby Follower.

I haven't seen a Mormon butcher scripture as badly as you do on a daily basis here.

Did you know that Mormonism and Dispensationalism were both invented in the year 1830?

They call that era "the age of the cults".

If your Preterism is so awesome, why do you care what the dispensational say?'s a theology forum.

You think you're correcting people, but deep down, you know Preterism is a lie and the lies you are spewing and embracing are causing you unrest!

Nope. I was a Dispensationalist for 25 years. I now know that Dispensationalism is the lie.

James Dalton


What part of that phrase do you not understand?

All eyes. That's All Eyes that have ever existed. You mock God. You have no Biblical understanding of Eschatology.

I pray your salvation is different.

As for reasoning with you, you are more blind than Israel.