With the majority of the nation Israel having been concluded by the Law and the Prophets as being in unbelief, for their having filled up their sins against the LORD and His Christ, said nation was now "in UNcircumcision" or "under sin" with the Gentiles, Acts 4; Acts 7, Rom. 1-3.
With that, the world was now headed for events that would culminate in God's Prophesied wrath, followed by His Prophesied Grace, thus, why Stephen saw the Lord standing, Is. 3:13; 66:16, Ezek. 30:26-38, etc.
But as God had also planned: where sin abounded, God's Unprohesied Grace did much more abound, Rom. 5, and with that began to unfold an Unprophesied Mystery pattern of longsuffering towards all without distinction, Rom. 3:21-31.
Paul being the first God began to show said longsuffering in, and through, to them that should thereafter believe, , 1 Tim 1:11-16; Titus 1:2-3, etc.
THIS is the Actual Acts 9 aka Mid-Acts Position, on the intended sense of 1 Tim. 1:16's "longsuffering."