Did your mommy let your use her laptop?
Typical Darby Follower response.
Because Darby's false teachings cannot stand the test of scripture, the Darby Follower ALWAYS resorts to ad hominem.
Did your mommy let your use her laptop?
I said put it in one sentence so I can read it without wading through your superfluous verbosity.
I did put it in one sentence.
Here it is again for the 4th time:
"when in your Hyper-Dispensational eschatology, is a church of kingdom believing Christians, persecuted by a synagogue of Jews (who say they are Jews, but are not Jews), in the country of Turkey?"
The question is flawed and cannot be answered and it's incorrect phrasing. Given what little you think you know about us can you spot what I think the mistake is?
As expected, NO ANSWER.
Maybe you're more like a Washington Post employee than an CNN employee.
One fake bombshell after another.
No church existed in Smyrna during the Acts period.
Why don't you give us the "official Acts 9" view regarding the seven churches.
STP, heir, and musterion claim the seven churches haven't existed yet, they claim those seven churches that existed in the first century in Asia Minor have nothing to do with the seven churches in Revelation (Bullinger is credited with first introducing this theory).
Is that the "official Acts 9" position?
The question is flawed and cannot be answered and its present incorrect phrasing. Given what little you think you know about us, can you spot what I think the mistake is?
I can destroy mysteryboy's Bullingerism with scripture.
(Rev 1:1) The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place......
Based on the internal evidence, the book of Revelation was written during the Acts Period and the Seven Churches referred to in said book, had existed in the 1st Century.
But Grace Based assemblies they were not.
You're pretty knowledgeable for a 15 year old kid with monitored internet access.
You're pretty knowledgeable
Oops, I stumbled on a couple of articles by accident. I wonder how tet will handle the facts you cited that expose his error? Should I refrain from piling this on?