Also, please change your name to "angryc"
When are you going to change your name to "Wrong Divider"?
Also, please change your name to "angryc"
The MADists don't have anyone being saved before Mid-Acts.
The MADists don't have anyone being saved before Mid-Acts.
Just as you and IP do not see eye to eye within the Preterist view you both hold to, more or less.
Very few Mads hold to that.
IP is NOT a Preterist.
He believes the destruction that took place in 70AD fulfilled many of the prophecies given by Jesus, but that's it. Just about every Christian believes that, even some Dispies.
IP believes a "delay" occurred.
IP's eschatology is much closer to your's, then mine.
Every MADist I have ever encountered believes Paul was the first person saved. Those MADists don't consider the pre-Paul people as "saved" because they claim those people had to perform works in addition to faith, or they would lose their salvation.
Jerry was the only MADist I ever encountered who did not believe Paul was the first saved.
Am well aware that his view is much closer to Partial Preterism.
He is, in a sense, Partial Preterist MORE OR LESS, given his own, actually much finer distinctions - within Partial Preteris; that is..
It is the Full Preterist who asserts the Lord already returned - you.
By the way, thank you for acknowledging my correction to you about Jerry and myself - not :chuckle:
It is the Full Preterist who asserts the Lord already returned - you.
Every MADist I have ever encountered believes Paul was the first person saved. Those MADists don't consider the pre-Paul people as "saved" because they claim those people had to perform works in addition to faith, or they would lose their salvation.
Jerry was the only MADist I ever encountered who did not believe Paul was the first saved.
All dispensationalists are Darby followers..."-Craigie Tet.
No, most Partial Preterists believe the Lord returned in 70AD.
What separates the Partials from the Full, is the thousand years. Full Preterists believe the thousand years took place from 30AD - 70AD, and that the Great White Throne Judgment, Satan being cast into the fire, etc have all been fulfilled.
Partial Preterists (like me) believe the thousand years began in 70AD and will end sometime in the future, and the GWTJ, the casting of Satan in the fire, etc are all future events.
That's why I don't consider IP a Preterist. STP and other MADists believe the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD was the fulfillment of Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 (the first few verses of each chapter).
That's true.
Take away Darby, and there is no such thing as Dispensationalism.
What those of us who hold to this fact assert about Paul is that he was the first saved in the new dispensation.
You might want to check your books "about" :chuckle:
IP is far from alone in his version of the Partial view he more or less holds to.
Thank God for men like John Nelson Darby.
That's true.
Take away Darby, and there is no such thing as Dispensationalism.
That's only half of it.
You guys have Paul in a completely different program, and you guys never have those saved in the other program joining the program Paul is in.
And, you guys have those people saved in the other program having to perform works in addition to their faith, and you have those people losing their salvation if they cease with the works and/or faith.
Why would I thank God for a guy who invented one of the biggest heresies that exists in the Christian Church?
Should I thank God for Ellen White, Joseph Smith, and Charles Taze Russell also?
You won't find a Preterist site that holds to the same view as IP.
Like I said, his eschatology is no different than any Reformist or Amillennialist.