Maybe it's just me, but this seems a very important and interesting topic involving some deeper truths, so, before I shutup, maybe put it this way, in closing?
Jesus Christ is, ultimately, all about eternity. Grace in scripture is about eternal consequences, being free from condemnation of hell, or being made free to live that which is holy, the yoke of Satan off our necks, eyes and ears opened to the things of God by the Spirit of Christ. These things do not make us free of the world, free of the curse or free of the consequences of sin, even God's chastisement, in this life. If forgiveness meant no consequences anymore, period, why did we not change and translate to glory, the minute we were saved and received His Spirit? Countless Christians we all know or have heard of live in the wake of their forgiven sins, carry, as if, that curse, in a cursed world, yet they are washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus by their faith. And we all suffering in this flesh and die, the forgiven with the unforgiven.
So, the things of Christ are focused on eternity and matters of our eternal destinies, clearly not freedom from the consequences of sin in this world and life, nor, in fact, God's punishments anything less than a blessing, if they conform us more to the image of Christ and served as an example to others, as David's life has done down the ages, both the good and bad serving the greater glory of God and His purpose that we be conformed to the image of Christ.