Emailed a client today in Ashburn virginia. Left the "h" out of "Ashburn", and everyone had a good laugh about it.
There's been some epic typos, and people in work love em.
Majoring in science doesn't help your spelling and grammar.
Your major is obviously on paper; less in actual practice.
Case in point (science ever being about the minutest of both, similarities and distinctions between things) - what is the salvation being talked about in the passages in Matthew thru John?
Is it always the same kind of salvation in every passage?
Likewise with the forgiveness their passages either mention, or imply - what is it?
And is it in the same sense in each case?
You want to talk about "basis" all the while proving you have been sloppy in your "science" as to the above NECESSARY inquiries.
The devil is in the details.
Meaning, put in the required, correct time in these matters, if you want to have some thing to say, not only of any actual substance, but substance actually relevant to the passages you so cluelessly bring up.
Put up, or shut up.