Lost sheep


New member

Jesus, the man, was Hebrew and the name given to him would be Hebrew.

Act 4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus*(G2424) Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
Of Hebrew origin [H3091]; Jesus (that is, Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:

Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

I was, at one time, stationed in Germany and during that time the Germans called me by my given English, name. I feel we should do the same when speaking of our Lord. After all, it is the name by which we must be saved.
Ἰησοῦς, Iēsous, Jehoshua, and Jesus, are Greek forms. Yahshua is Hebrew translated into English.


The English form "Jesus" was not seen nor spoken until after the year 1525, when Sir William Tyndale, a Protestant Reformer from Oxford, England; invented it. Because Hebrews dropped their 'ayins', to keep from saying God's name, hence we have "y'shua." Also spelled Yeshua, for which we have in Greek, "Iēsous" and "Isus." These are corruptions of the names that begin with "Yah."

Y’shua is Yahshua
After the return from Babylonian captivity the Jews began a practice of not speaking or writing God’s name, or His name in full. It is also known that the Galileans dropped their ayins, so as to not say God’s name. In a theophoric name even the letter yod can stand for the name Yah. Even today we use initial letters to represent a full name. Y’shua is Yahshua. The vowel between the first and last name does not belong, it is a sign for the person to say (Lord) instead of Yahwah or Yahshua.

I have studied on this as well... and I will now state... [MENTION=12870]steko[/MENTION]... it is no secret that I value your input on a massive level. I will take this into consideration.

I only want to point this out... it is odd that Cherub agrees with the YeHoshuWaH translation... because it links Jesus to YHWH.

On Jews for Jesus... there is an excellent article about this as well... and it uses many of the refs. your excellent PDF used... but it concludes differently and explains that the name (JoHoshua) or Joshua ... is bound to the name of God in such a manner that Jews are enraged by it being the name of Christ.

I'm willing to move from convinced on this matter to center point... because of your stance.

What are your thoughts?


New member
I have studied on this as well... and I will now state... [MENTION=12870]steko[/MENTION]... it is no secret that I value your input on a massive level. I will take this into consideration.

I only want to point this out... it is odd that Cherub agrees with the YeHoshuWaH translation... because it links Jesus to YHWH.

On Jews for Jesus... there is an excellent article about this as well... and it uses many of the refs. your excellent PDF used... but it concludes differently and explains that the name (JoHoshua) or Joshua ... is bound to the name of God in such a manner that Jews are enraged by it being the name of Christ.

I'm willing to move from convinced on this matter to center point... because of your stance.

What are your thoughts?

There is no shortage of educated idiots.


New member
Lost Sheep

It was only recently that I noticed these scriptures of the lost sheep of Israel.
I looked at this and realized that the disciples had to know where they were at, so they weren't lost physically, but spiritually. Doing a little research, not confirmed but logical, the 10 tribes of Israel had been taken captive sometime in 700 BC by the Assyrians. Then they mostly migrated north to Europe.

Paul was the only Apostle sent to the Gentiles.

This cleared up the scripture that states that Jesus would not return until the fullness of the Gentile come in. Of course this means all other races, but the other way Gentiles would come in was by intermarriage of the Gentiles with Israel, which is implied that the Lost Tribes of Israel has done. Very few people even know they probably have some of the blood of Israel, but God knows.