ECT Lk 24 explodes D'ism because Christ is actually present in the transition

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The atonement was mentioned many times in Hebrews, in addition to Rom 3.

If you knew Greek you would know that 'He tabernacled among us' is found in Jn 1, referring to his whole ministry.

Stuff your "Greek," you fraud, as you know no Koine Greek, cannot write it, cannot understand it, cannot speak it, cannot read it, and would not the difference between "Jimmie the Greek," and "Kojak," and are a clown, as you pose as a "Greek" experts, although TOL laughs at your slop of English(loosely employed here).

You made up this jazz that the fall feasts were already fulfilled, magician,sorcerer Simon(Acts 8:9 KJV), as you waive your magic wand again.

Flap those big shoes, clown.


Well-known member
DId I say you had to know Greek to know that the atonement is thoroughly set up and mentioned in hebrews? No. In rom 3? No. It's right there in the ordinary meaning.

You both are irrational.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
DId I say you had to know Greek to know that the atonement is thoroughly set up and mentioned in hebrews? No. In rom 3? No. It's right there in the ordinary meaning.

You both are irrational.

The atonement is complete for the Hebrews when the LORD roars out of Zion, which has yet to happen. Study the Bible.