Getting big and cut is actually a science. I would say Thomas DeLauer for that information. He won't be far from Idolator in terms of what to do.
He is very pleasant. I haven't found all the good ones yet, Coach Rippetoe is good, Zack Telander (that guy's amazing), Dr. Mike (not going to advertise Dr. Mike's surname, not because I'm racist, but because he's verbally raunchy, whereas someone like Telander, Rippetoe, and Mitchell Hooper swear, sure, but they're not raunchy, and Dr. Mike is, so you're going to have to go look up Dr. Mike yourself, sorry) and House of Hypertrophy are good for the different sports involving weight training. There's strength training (power lifting and strong man), bodybuilding, and ballistic events (Olympic or Oly weightlifting).
For something particularly lifting & fasting related, today I did a stiff legged touch-and-go deadlift with a weight which today was my two rep max, or 2RM. But last week, it was my 4RM. So I'm weaker. But, I see that I'm down two LBS in the last week too (I'm aggressively dieting rn, in a cut). So I'm probably weaker because I lost two LBS of body fat, and that caloric deficit made me weaker—makes sense.
But it doesn't make sense. I established, that I can get stronger even when I'm water fasting. I can not only retain and preserve peak strength (anytime you're dealing with a 2RM or a 4RM you're in the vicinity of your peak strength) during water fasting regimen, but I can get stronger. So if that is true, then eating a caloric deficit cannot possibly weaken me. Right?
I'm thinking not. So therefore, why am I weaker this week, why did my 4RM become my 2RM? I could do it four times last week, now only two today. Why? It's either sleep, or I'm not fully recovered from my last weight training session which was a few days ago. It's not impossible that I'm not fully recovered. I added more volume last session, and so maybe that pushed it too far, too much to recover and restore, in too few rest days. So based on this, maybe my next session is at higher volume, but then the subsequent session, cut back to my prior volume /no. of sets.
Then hopefully next week I get this same weight, which I'll again have on the barbell, to bounce from my 2RM to my 4RM or hopefully all the way to my 5RM. So that's my plan.
The reason for this thread is to be able to troubleshoot any losses in strength, whether you're fasting or not, because fasting, at least water fasting, itself does not diminish your peak strength, but it does reduce your capacity to weight train with lighter weights (your 5RM and lighter, you can't do as many reps as when you're eating, especially if you're eating at caloric balance, and even more especially if you're eating at caloric surplus). Which makes sense since it's cutting into your muscle, particularly your myofibrils, which are the things in your muscle cells that grow larger, when [your] muscles grow larger, and so they're also, perfectly reversibly, shrinking when your muscles shrink. They can go back and forth. And so when your body needs more protein—and it always needs more protein—but you're water fasting, it will deplete your myofibrils from your muscle cells to get that protein. If the body runs out of protein the body dies, trust the science on this one. You either run out of protein and you die, or you run out of energy and you die, those are the two ways you die of starvation, and water fasting is the beginning of the starvation process, it's like weight training, in that you're imposing some hard work, voluntarily.