Christian Liberty
Well-known member
Enyart did not support Santorum.
Good for him and fair enough.
Bottom line: you have no argument when you accuse Bob of not advocating a dismantling of the current government and a radical reformation of the government overall.
Yet Enyart opposes people like Ron Paul, who actually want to stop the government from murdering people, because of what he would "allow" the individual sovereign states to do.
But does he advocate, as you do, the forced secession of states that do not criminalize abortion if the federal government recognizes it as murder?
I do know he has advocated a human life amendment. I'm not sure if his stance is exactly the same as mine though. I also know Ron Paul has voted for some Federal anti-abortion laws, such as the PBA ban. Whereas I don't support any Federal anti-abortion laws (Other than via constitutional amendment, under the conditions we've already discussed). But, I don't claim to agree with Ron Paul on every single issue. The details of my stance and his on this issue are probably different.
What do you think he meant?
That Christians who support Ron Paul should repent?
It would have been easier if you had broken the OP up into quote boxes and posted your comments on the outside.
Fair enough.
Except that maybe they recognize that the US government has authority within the US, but not outside it.
Or do you no longer believe that?*
The Federal Government has no authority to make or enforce homicide laws. Only the states have that power. Ron Paul recognizes that, hence the Sanctity of Life Act. Bob Enyart, Alan Keyes, and yourself reject that.
Personally, the state vs Federal divide on this particular issue isn't a make or break issue. As I've said, Ron Paul doesn't totally agree with me, and Rand Paul completely disagrees with me. I don't reject Enyart and Keyes solely because they misinterpret the 14th amendment. I reject Keyes because he's a warmonger and I reject Enyart because (in addition to the fact that he's a heretic, as I've said) he attacks the only Christian, pro-peace candidate from the 2012 election for being "Pro-choice" when that's completely crap.
I don't know a single personhood advocate that doesn't want homicide laws used against abortionists.
Most Republicans would say they support personhood. But they always want to exempt "mothers" from prosecution. The pro-choice crowd rightfully calls them hypocrites.
Also we don't disagree with Paul that the states should take care of the enforcement of said laws.
Then what exactly is your issue?
It is genocidal apathy in regard to abortion, because abortion is not simply a murder every now and then, and certainly not a single murder, but millions of murders a year, with governmental authorization.
I can agree with this stance for someone who is genuinely pro-choice, and especially someone who would actually use government money to pay for abortions. Obama, Romney, and Santorum would all be "Genocidally Apathetic." I can agree with that.
For someone who wants to see abortion banned, but wants to do it in a way that he feels is constitutionally appropriate (Even if you disagree with him) this definitely doesn't apply.
It is as much apathy to genocide as it was when the government stood by and let its citizens kill black people, during and after slavery. And sometimes its not even apathy, such as is the case currently with abortion, it is active support.
Well, unfortunately, before the 13th amendment, that WAS a state issue. But anyone in the state government who didn't fight to see slavery banned was indeed in the category you suggest.
And the only time the woman is not guilty is if she is forced into it by someone else
Obviously she wouldn't be guilty in that case.
and most of the time even when the woman is complicit there are still more murderers than she and the doctor.
Can you explain more? I'm not sure who you are defining as a murderer and why, and I don't know enough about this.
Can you give a detailed explanation as to why this amendment is not valid?
I don't know enough about this, but basically, it was essentially forced on the CSA at gunpoint. They were forced to ratify it to be restored into the Union (And they weren't allowed to leave, the murderous Lincoln saw to that). If that doesn't scream "Invalid cheating" I don't know what does.
Do you really think you needed to point that out?
Did Enyart really need to pretend that Ron said something like that?
We can debate this one in another thread, but open theism denies God's omniscience, and also by necessity, much as Arminianism does, rejects the absolute effectiveness of Christ's atonement on the cross. As such, it does not accurately reflect the gospel, and as such it is heresy.