Liberal Canada now poses greatest Muslim Threat to the USA


New member
The Canadian Government KNOWS the real danger 50,000 unvetted Muslim immigrants pose.

So they have conveniently decided to stop importing them to Ottawa (Canada's Capitol)
and British Columbia (Canada's largest White Rich Retirement zone).

In other words, Trudeau is willing to bring in 50,000 immigrants to turn Canada into
a warzone,
as long as its not in his own neighbourhood!

Now most of the immigrants will be dumped in the Toronto Greater Area (GTA).

There never were any places for them to live.

Canada has had a housing shortage for the poor ever since the housing boom
caused by rich Asians coming in and overpaying cash for real estate.

When Trudeau said he'd bring in 50,000 immigrant families, he knew there was
no place to put them anywhere in Canada.

So where will they go?

As usually happens, poor Canadians who were born here, like Native peoples,
and White working class will be displaced, dispossessed and left homeless

while the government of Canada gives our tax money to Muslim immigrants
so they can move into rooms, apartments, and buy houses already occupied
by real Canadians!

Thanks Trudeau you Saudi sell-out!

Syrian refugee flow to Vancouver and Ottawa temporarily halted over housing shortage

Pause only applies to government-assisted refugees whose costs are covered by the federal government

The Canadian Press Posted: Jan 18, 2016 7:53 PM ET Last Updated: Jan 19, 2016 8:15 AM ET


Syrian refugee housing shortage 1:10

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Two cities, Vancouver and Ottawa, are taking a break from accepting any more government-assisted Syrian refugees as agencies in both cities try to work through housing bottlenecks.
A surge of arrivals in the last month filled temporary housing to capacity and the settlement groups responsible say they need time to move people into permanent homes before they can accept any new cases.

The director of settlement for the Immigrant Services Society of B.C. says the pause in Vancouver will last five days, beginning Tuesday. Even though the group added 700 beds to its housing stock, it is still taking time to find permanent homes, Chris Friesen said.
"Nobody is stuck in an airport for a week or something like that," he said. "Overseas, what it means is either they will put them on later flights or they may (send) them to new centres that have current capacity just to keep the flow going," he said.

Friesen said it also took more time than expected for the federal immigration department to process the cheques newcomers use to pay for their first homes and other needs.
