Levi, the Levites, and the Levitical Priesthood.



Levi, the Levites, and the Levitical Priesthood.

What can we learn?

What does the Bible say about the Levitical Priesthood? Does it exist today?

Beginning with the Torah, and with the Prophets, and the Writings, and even Matthew through Revelation, what can we learn about Levi, the priest, and the Levitical Priesthood?




New member
What does the Bible say about the Levitical Priesthood? Does it exist today?

Levites served in the Tabernacle. Does the Tabernacle exist today?
Levites served in the Temple. Does the Temple stand today?

And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests,
and a holy nation. These are the words which
thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.

Exodus 19:6
This PROPHECY has not yet been fulfilled. This National Priesthood of Israel is the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Read Ezekiel chapter 40-48 to get a glimpse of the future Kingdom on Earth. The Levites will still have a role in the future.


Levites served in the Tabernacle. Does the Tabernacle exist today?
Levites served in the Temple. Does the Temple stand today?

And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests,
and a holy nation. These are the words which
thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.

Exodus 19:6
This PROPHECY has not yet been fulfilled. This National Priesthood of Israel is the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Read Ezekiel chapter 40-48 to get a glimpse of the future Kingdom on Earth. The Levites will still have a role in the future.

I do not accept your position.




You do not accept Ezekiel ch. 40-48? (description of future Temple & Messiah).
You do not accept the National Priesthood of Israel described in Exodus 19:6?

I read, study, observe, and teach Torah. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation.

You mentioned Ezekiel 40-48. I do not know or understand what you are referring to. I also do not know when this temple will be. I do not equate it with one thousand years.

Exodus 19:6 was not not then a present reality. I believe that you just said that this is future.




New member

I read, study, observe, and teach Torah. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation.

You mentioned Ezekiel 40-48. I do not know or understand what you are referring to. I also do not know when this temple will be. I do not equate it with one thousand years.

Exodus 19:6 was not not then a present reality. I believe that you just said that this is future.


I'll assume that you are unfamiliar with the last 9 chapters of Ezekiel.
At what point in history is the nation of Israel a "kingdom of priests" and a "holy nation"?


I'll assume that you are unfamiliar with the last 9 chapters of Ezekiel.
At what point in history will the nation of Israel be a "kingdom of priests" and a "holy nation"?

No. I have read Ezekiel 40-48.

Do you believe that the scripture you are referring to speaks of something that was true when it was written? How long, if any time at all, would the nation or people of Israel have to or need to wait? Waiting was not involved.




New member

No. I have read Ezekiel 40-48.

Do you believe that the scripture you are referring to speaks of something that was true when it was written? How long, if any time at all, would the nation or people of Israel have to or need to wait? Waiting was not involved.



Well, here is a map of Israel as described near the end of Ezekiel:
The "landmarks" are clearly identifiable today, as they were in Ezekiel's time.

*note the portion allotted to the Levites, where Messiah will dwell


Well, here is a map of Israel as described near the end of Ezekiel:
The "landmarks" are clearly identifiable today, as they were in Ezekiel's time.

*note the portion allotted to the Levites, where Messiah will dwell

I do not have this understanding. I do not know what you are trying to say.

Do you see this map in Ezekiel? Is it described there? Why would you say that this is for the Millennium? Do you believe that there is a Millennium spoken of in Ezekiel. I know that there is a thousand years spoken of in Revelation. But I do not see it spoken of elsewhere in scripture, and we must start with the Torah and the TaNaKh. I also accept Matthew through Revelation. Your view of the Bible that you read is very important.




New member
I do not have this understanding. I do not know what you are trying to say.
Do you see this map in Ezekiel? Is it described there?
Shalom. Jacob

The map of Israel has changed many times prior to the New Testament times;
however, the map described in Ezekiel has never existed to date.
The Temple described in Ezekiel has never existed yet in all history.
The "Prince" living in the Ezekiel Temple will be both a Priest and a King;
this has never occurred in the entire history of Israel. The sacrifices described by Ezekiel are not quite the same as the ones given by Moses.


The map of Israel has changed many times prior to the New Testament times;
however, the map described in Ezekiel has never existed to date.
The Temple described in Ezekiel has never existed yet in all history.
The "Prince" living in the Ezekiel Temple will be both a Priest and a King;
this has never occurred in the entire history of Israel. The sacrifices described by Ezekiel are not quite the same as the ones given by Moses.

I do not have this map in my Bible. If it has not yet existed, where do you get it from? Meaning, you can reference scripture if you believe that it will be helpful, but I do not have a map.

What do you mean by a priest living in the Ezekiel Temple?




New member

I do not have this map in my Bible. If it has not yet existed, where do you get it from? Meaning, you can reference scripture if you believe that it will be helpful, but I do not have a map.

What do you mean by a priest living in the Ezekiel Temple?


The map is mapped out in Ezekiel in the last chapters. The land is divided between the 12 Tribes in horizontal fashion. This was never the case in ancient Israel (having parallel inheritances).
Ezekiel's Temple will be the residence of the Prince. The Prince will be both King & Priest.
The Messianic title in Daniel 9:25 is Messiah the Prince mashiyach nagiyd.


The map is mapped out in Ezekiel in the last chapters. The land is divided between the 12 Tribes in horizontal fashion. This was never the case in ancient Israel (having parallel inheritances).
Ezekiel's Temple will be the residence of the Prince. The Prince will be both King & Priest.
The Messianic title in Daniel 9:25 is Messiah the Prince mashiyach nagiyd.

I just read Ezekiel 47 and Ezekiel 48. I looked at the map that you provided, but I don't know what to believe about it.

Is the prince different from Messiah the Prince or an anointed one in Daniel 9:25. I do not know these to refer to the same thing or person.




New member

I just read Ezekiel 47 and Ezekiel 48. I looked at the map that you provided, but I don't know what to believe about it.

Is the prince different from Messiah the Prince or an anointed one in Daniel 9:25. I do not know these to refer to the same thing or person.


The borders of the tribes are spelled out, you would still have to make a regular map from that. Others have done all the work and come to pretty much the same conclusion. The Tribes are arranged horizontally from north to south.
The Prince appears in the early chapters, from 40 on. A Prince on a Throne in the Temple ruling over Israel. Who do you suppose that could be? Is there anyone in heaven that is preparing to return to the earth to set-up a Kingdom?


The borders of the tribes are spelled out, you would still have to make a regular map from that. Others have done all the work and come to pretty much the same conclusion. The Tribes are arranged horizontally from north to south.
The Prince appears in the early chapters, from 40 on. A Prince on a Throne in the Temple ruling over Israel. Who do you suppose that could be? Is there anyone in heaven that is preparing to return to the earth to set-up a Kingdom?

I do not know if you are correct. (I do not know who the prince is.) I also do not know what is the eastern sea.




New member

I do not know if you are correct. (I do not know who the prince is.) I also do not know what is the eastern sea.


What we call the Dead Sea will be healed by the living water coming from Jerusalem. That is the Eastern Sea. The Western Sea is the Mediterranean.
The 12 Tribes have their allotments parallel to each other as the text describes.
Daniel uses the term מָשִׁיחַ mâshîyach נָגִיד nâgîyd


What we call the Dead Sea will be healed by the living water coming from Jerusalem. That is the Eastern Sea. The Western Sea is the Mediterranean.
The 12 Tribes have their allotments parallel to each other as the text describes.
Daniel uses the term מָשִׁיחַ mâshîyach נָגִיד nâgîyd

I am not sure about your answer. What makes you believe that the Eastern Sea is the Dead Sea? Is that what you said here? I do not know why you say that it will be healed, nor any time frame.




New member
I am not sure about your answer. What makes you believe that the Eastern Sea is the Dead Sea? Is that what you said here? I do not know why you say that it will be healed, nor any time frame.
At some point you will have to actually read the text. Your comments indicate that you have not done so.


At some point you will have to actually read the text. Your comments indicate that you have not done so.

I need to read from Ezekiel 40 on again, but everything else that you have suggested for me to read I have read. You may be confused about what the text says. I do not know.

