One Eyed Jack
New member
I dunno. I think aikido7 has some of the stupidest posts I've ever read around here, but at least he can spell. I generally skip over e4e's posts because I don't feel like deciphering them.
I hardly read yours at all . You usually have nothing useful to say.Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
I dunno. I think aikido7 has some of the stupidest posts I've ever read around here, but at least he can spell. I generally skip over e4e's posts because I don't feel like deciphering them.
Originally posted by elected4ever
I hardly read yours at all . You usually have nothing useful to say.![]()
I said hardly. I never said neverOriginally posted by One Eyed Jack
You read that last one.
Originally posted by elected4ever
I said hardly. I never said never![]()
George Bush and many of his supporters are absolutists. They are the haters of complexity, and are the haters of intellectuals because intellectuals are willing to embrace complexity. They view the world in polar extremes because that makes the world look simple to them. And they really want to believe that the world and everything in it is very simple. They both fear and resent complexity and the people who can embrace complexity. They actually believe that the intellectuals among us are really just fools who over-complicate everything, or are using the confusion of complexity to get away with something. In fact, they really believe that they're the smart ones because they can see how simple the world really is while the intellectuals can't, or won't. But in reality they're just being governed by their emotions and are therefor basically irrational.
Originally posted by elected4ever
1. By not challenging the policies of the Bush neocons. One word of descent and you become a commie to BB
and the rest of the illiterate neocon supporters.
Yeah, how could they not know that D students with resentments against smart people make the best presidents?Originally posted by dotcom PureX,
I read your post again and thouhjt the lieberal Dems are so out-of-touch with reality they will never get it.
Originally posted by PureX
Yeah, how could they not know that D students with resentments against smart people make the best presidents?
You prejudged me as not knowing anything because of my spelling.. I never could spell well. That doesn't make me stupid. Some of the best spellers in the world are stupid people.Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
It's not like it really matters to me anyway. If you want to prejudge my posts as having no value, then knock yourself out.
Originally posted by elected4ever
You prejudged me as not knowing anything because of my spelling..
I will try to do better and its my misunderstanding of your intent.Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Where did I do that? I simply said that I generally skip over your posts because I didn't feel like deciphering them. That's not making any judgments concerning the quality of your ideas. I simply find them hard to read.
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
If you ask me, they make the best democrats.
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
If you ask me, they make the best democrats.
:darwinsm: Saddam was not a threat. There was no pre-invasion and is no post-invasion hard evidence that suggests otherwise. Even if you make the stretch that Saddam was a "terrorist," not all "terrorist" dictators need to be overthrown by an invasion that unnecessarily and immorally kills tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children!Originally posted by BillyBob
Saddam was a terrorist, removing him from power was a defensive move.
Spreading it at the point of a gun defeats the purpose of democracy.Spreading democracy does not equate to world domination.
No county, including the self-righteous U.S., has a right to wage war, and kill thousands of innocent men, women and children, in order to overthrow dictatorships that are not a threat, or to impose what we think of as "democracy" on other nations.However, world wide democracies are in our own best interest, simply because democracies are much less likely to wage war, dictatorships are much more likely to wage war.
In your Right-wing militaristic world view.Originally posted by Frank Ernest
A sovereign nation exists because of its ability to defend its territory and sovereignty.
In your Right-wing militaristic world view.A nation exists because of the forebearance of other sovereign nations.
The effectiveness of rules is one thing. The morality of rules is another.The rules imposed by other sovereign nations against a sovereign nation are effective only if the rules imposed can be enforced.
Saddam was complying with UN inspectors. Iraq was being truthful when it told the UN that they no longer had any WMD or WMD programs. When the U.S. claimed that Iraq did have WMD or WMD programs, the burden of proof was on those who made the claim, i.e. the U.S. The Bush Administration failed to substantiate any such claims. Bush failed at diplomacy with Iraq, not the other way around. Bush was not even interested in diplomacy! If Bush and company had pursued diplomacy, they would have not been able to achieve their goal of invading Iraq, which unnecessarily and immorally killed tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, for their political, economic and strategic interests.Enforcement can come about through compliance, diplomacy, and/or force of arms. With Saddam Hussein compliance was never an issue, diplomacy failed and the United States, and others, resorted to armed force. That's the way of the world, like it or lump it.
Originally posted by Skeptic
:darwinsm: Saddam was not a threat.
Spreading it at the point of a gun defeats the purpose of democracy.
Well, that pretty much sums up the way the Real World™ works, Skep...Originally posted by Skeptic
If the weaker cannot effectively prevent the stronger from dominating them, should the strong inherit the earth?