Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath
Hopefully you don't send little children into any public restrooms without an adult... :shocked:
No, I can't. And the reason why I won't is.. well, basically what we have been talking about.
I suppose you could always pray that your god would protect them...
Yeah, I could, since society can't seem to keep the freaks out of public. Wouldn't wanna be called a bigot now would we.
Only a fundy religionist doesn't see anything wrong with constantly telling everyone else how they should live their lives. You have a very narrow view... marching in a parade need not be a celebration of any sexual act.![]()
Only an apostate would disallow a "religionist" voice in the public sqaure on public issues.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. A "Gay Pride" parade isn't about homosexuality. Thanks for reminding me...
Most such activity didn't begin until after the successes of the civil rights movement in the fifities and sixties and the changes in public assembly laws. They act out publicly for the same reason an ill-disciplined child does... because they think it gets them attention and/or their way. Conversations like this one would seem to indicate that they're right. They certainly have your attention riveted to the "action".
And I should assume you support the 60's bad ideas like you support the RCC's bad ideas.
How is marching in a parade a public manifestation of anyone's bedroom life? That's as unrealistsic as comparing a promise keepers' rally to a bunch of heterosexuals trotting out their bedroom lives when they talk about being happily married men.
That's right, you reminded me, "Gay Pride" really isn't about homosexuality...
I carefully worded my statement to clearly indicate that I was referring to those people I know. If you want to find out what the rest of the world thinks, look elsewhere...
You said "majority". That means out of 10, maybe 6 or so were the ones you wanted to use as an example. I wanted to know about the other 4.
Somehow I don't think that "gay day" at the local theme park is designed to turn the place into a massive orgy... If your purient interests see it that way, write a complaint letter and stop patronizing the companies that participate in such things. Despite you fundies best efforts, its' still a free country.
And taking over family oriented theme parks by homos holding hands, kissing and, whatever they wanna do in the public bathrooms, isn't designed to promote a family friendly environment, for... well... you know... kids.
Anyway, I avoid theme parks that have homo day(s) whenever they "allow" us to know it's going on, instead of paying upwards of $60 to get in then finding out.
So what? They're merely another special interest demographic to the boys and girls in the marketing departments of the companies who sponsor such things... do you really think that if people didn't attend and spend lots of money there on those special group days, that the parks would continue to sponsor them?
A couple of days won't harm them much. Especially at Disney. They know families who have saved all year and made reservations can't cancel out at the last minute. I'd like to see a homo theme park exist on 2% of the population funding it.
Get realistic, Nineveh! This is the United $tate$! The land of mammon and free enterprise! :greedy:
I think if you checked carefully you'd find that most such things are all about the money... :think:
I don't think it is. There's no money in a public restroom. Unless you want to accuse homos of turning tricks and public officials getting a cut.