Left vs conservative definitive lines


Gay marriage is a special "right", that they believe supersedes the constitution.

How is demanding equality under the law superseding the constitution?

Do you consider civil rights as "superseding" the constution?

Sounds more like butthurt rhetoric to me.


New member
Hall of Fame
How is demanding equality under the law superseding the constitution?

By demanding that others give up their free speech and expression and religious beliefs to cater to theirs.

Do you consider civil rights as "superseding" the constution?
Sometimes, yes.

Sounds more like butthurt rhetoric to me.

Which means you arent capeable of rational adult conversation.


New member
Hall of Fame
The liberal will suffer a rooster to make life miserable for all the other chickens, and the conservative will shoot him and cook him up with dumplings.



New member
Hall of Fame
You mean ......give them respect.

Like they respect those who disagree with them? Adults would simply find another establishment that agrees.

Simple special pleading.

I agree its special pleading to single out christian establishments to try to force ones agenda.

Then your conversation here makes for quite a telling situation.

Good luck finding me ever saying the word "butthurt" to anyone.


Unseemly behavior in public is protected.

Not all "unseemly" behavior is.

The right to not participate is not?
We are given free will. God pronounced his creation "good."

A mind wide open may be filled with all sorts of unwanted things.
Life itself is filled with all sorts of things.

A disciplined mind may pick and choose that which is useful for getting on in society.
Of course.

The open mind requirement ought to apply to all of us.

Some potential butterflies would much rather go back into their cocoons and hide.


New member
Conservatives draw lines between things that need to be separated--like sin and righteousness.

Liberals tear down barriers that should never have been erected in the first place--like the line of racism between blacks and whites.

Where do you get that idea? Did you not know that Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger, two of the biggest progressives (liberals) of the twentieth century were also two of the biggest racists?


New member
No. I said opened eyes.

Get back to me when you, at the very least, give it a try.

What gives you the idea that we don't have our eyes open? Pretty presumptive, I'd say. Who do you think Jesus was talking about when he said "Let those with eyes to see, see"? I would say that those who don't follow him are the ones unable to see truth.