Lawsuit: UC Berkeley Promoting (Bad) Religion

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Lawsuit: UC Berkeley Promoting (Bad) Religion

Thursday October 27th, 2005. This is show # 214.

UC Berkeley in California and the National Science Foundation have a website to help public school teachers get across the message of evolution. They used about half a million dollars in Federal Funding to build the website. And on there they make religious claims encouraging teachers to tell students that most Christian, Jewish and relilgious groups support the theory of evolution. They have no conflict with the theory. And that seems to be a religious claim made by organizations spending government funds to promote that particular religious view.


New member
And that seems to be a religious claim made by organizations spending government funds to promote that particular religious view.
That's quite a stretch. They're not promoting any one of these views over another. They are saying that you can be a Christian/Jew/whatever and still accept evolution. Good for them. I applaud them. People like John Morris who say "If evolution is true, then the Bible is not true." have caused many young christians to reject their faith. This is not religious promotion.

"One thing that is always agreed upon is the damage young-earth creationism can do to souls; how many believers they have seen fall away. We have been taught that the Bible demands a young earth interpretation and when the facts of nature become inescapable - our faith becomes shattered!"
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