Lawsuit Threatens Bob Enyart's Ministry
This is the show from Wednesday, November 21st, 2012.
* Trying to “Bring it All Down, Man”: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney explains Bob’s mysterious absence these past few days… turns out Bob’s been busy hemorrhaging money responding to a trademark lawsuit filed in Manhattan against Bob & Fred Williams, claiming “Real Science Friday” is infringing the trademark held by National Public Radio syndicated Science Friday, Inc. The suit is seeking damages in the six figures and threatens to severely impact not only Bob’s ministry; but creation ministries across the globe, as the law is used as a weapon to silence God’s word that He is our Creator.
* The Devil & William Costello: ...and former governor Dick Lamm, and Democrat operative Mike Stratton… and who knows who else! Seems the alleged serial rapist (and thug who attacked Personhood petitioner Everett Stadig) has connections with top Democrats in Colorado. Doug posits the theory that his connections may have influenced prosecutors to file a less serious “2nd degree” assault charge in the Pro-Life assault case. Could it be that Costello was trying to use his political connections to avoid a felony charge? But that the facts of case and witness statements left prosecutors unable to file misdemeanor charges against even a well connected Colorado liberal pro-abort? And the felony charge led to the DNA match, that led to his arrest for multiple rapes. Food for thought…
* Sin & The Government School: Doug reads the latest horror story coming out of the government schools and asserts that it is a sin for a Christian to send his child to the government schools.
* Just-a-System: Hear how one inmates deathbed confession to murder get’s him “life”, and another’s insistence that “I’m guilty! Please convict me quickly so I can get back to lockup and watch Monday Night Football,” get’s him… well, nothing really, except the ability to watch all the football he can until his sentence is carried out… in 15, or 20, or 30 years…
* Something About Elmo: The voice of “Sesame Street” character “Elmo” has resigned in light of allegations that he’s a child molester. Reason number 613 NOT to allow Sesame Street into your home!
* Happy Thanksgiving: On the occasion of this true Christian original, the American Thanksgiving Day holiday, we wish all of you and your families a blessed time of refreshing in the Lord, and give our humble thanks to Him for the manifold blessings we daily enjoy!
This is the show from Wednesday, November 21st, 2012.
* Trying to “Bring it All Down, Man”: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney explains Bob’s mysterious absence these past few days… turns out Bob’s been busy hemorrhaging money responding to a trademark lawsuit filed in Manhattan against Bob & Fred Williams, claiming “Real Science Friday” is infringing the trademark held by National Public Radio syndicated Science Friday, Inc. The suit is seeking damages in the six figures and threatens to severely impact not only Bob’s ministry; but creation ministries across the globe, as the law is used as a weapon to silence God’s word that He is our Creator.
* The Devil & William Costello: ...and former governor Dick Lamm, and Democrat operative Mike Stratton… and who knows who else! Seems the alleged serial rapist (and thug who attacked Personhood petitioner Everett Stadig) has connections with top Democrats in Colorado. Doug posits the theory that his connections may have influenced prosecutors to file a less serious “2nd degree” assault charge in the Pro-Life assault case. Could it be that Costello was trying to use his political connections to avoid a felony charge? But that the facts of case and witness statements left prosecutors unable to file misdemeanor charges against even a well connected Colorado liberal pro-abort? And the felony charge led to the DNA match, that led to his arrest for multiple rapes. Food for thought…
* Sin & The Government School: Doug reads the latest horror story coming out of the government schools and asserts that it is a sin for a Christian to send his child to the government schools.
* Just-a-System: Hear how one inmates deathbed confession to murder get’s him “life”, and another’s insistence that “I’m guilty! Please convict me quickly so I can get back to lockup and watch Monday Night Football,” get’s him… well, nothing really, except the ability to watch all the football he can until his sentence is carried out… in 15, or 20, or 30 years…
* Something About Elmo: The voice of “Sesame Street” character “Elmo” has resigned in light of allegations that he’s a child molester. Reason number 613 NOT to allow Sesame Street into your home!
* Happy Thanksgiving: On the occasion of this true Christian original, the American Thanksgiving Day holiday, we wish all of you and your families a blessed time of refreshing in the Lord, and give our humble thanks to Him for the manifold blessings we daily enjoy!