Law Man:
Jesus & Christ WAS and IS the WORD OF GOD!!
The OLD LAW, A-N-D The NEW LAW!! -- ""(( And the W-O-R-D Was Made FLESH ))"", ->
(( John 1:12-14 KJV )) -- 2- "But as Many as Received HIM, to Them gave HE Power to become the Sons of God, ""Even / ( That is )"" To them that Believe "On" HIS Name: 13- Which Were Born, NOT of Blood, Nor of the WILL of the Flesh, Nor of the WILL of Man, BUT O-F -- G-O-D. 14- And the WORD Was MADE F-L-E-S-H". --//-----
N-A-M-E Means His / Christ's "AUTHORITY".
Believe "O-N" His NAME, or "I-N" His Name. - "O-N" - Means they are "THERE" Believing; - and "I-N" Would Mean they Are "NOT THERE" Believing Yet.
( SPACE And GOD IS The Same Thing ). "God Is the SPACE", and Space has NO Parts of Anything, or Form or Kind, But the "ONE FORM" of SPACE E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!! - Space Makes UP "Everything". There IS No'thing /// Not Anything that IS Not Totally Made of SPACE // G-O-D!!!
Every Atomic Particle OF Every KIND IS Nothing BUT, ""TOTAL SPACE""!!! -- There IS Nothing B-U-T --- S-P-A-C-E; And Space IS G-O-D, And GOD IS The Total SPACE, which IS The "TOTAL PLACE", and there is NO "Outer Space" / "GOD"!!
Take Any Atomic Particle, and take IT Apart; ALL "Orbited and Orbiting Vibrating Parts" Will Flash Off into Nothing but Moving SPACE // GOD IN MOTION!!!
Space Forms ALL Things. There is Nothing that IS Not Formed OF "Space In Motion" /// "GOD In Motion"!!!
Substance Particles: Take "Water" for Instance. - H-2O, ( 1 Hydrogen & 2 Oxygen ) A-T-O-M-S! Gas Atoms to Man; - Combined because they Will "Harmonize" INTO what S-e-e-m-s to be Water, IT Feels like Water, But Water is Still Formed of 2 Gases. - Some Things Will Dissolve in Water // the Two Liquid Formed Gases; and some thing Will NOT.
The Atomic Bomb: - When that Bomb Explodes; the Whole Thing Goes BACK TO Nothing But "ENERGY", Space In "Orbiting Motion", and "FLOWS" Rapidly Away from Itself TO Everything that is Absorbing Space to Contain Itself IN Orbiting MOTION. NO STREIGHT MOTIONS!!!!!!!
SPACE Was First Called "LIGHT", ( "Let there be LIGHT" ), Without SPACE / GOD there is No'thing, / Not One Thing But Darkness. Darkness Means the Absent of Light / Christ the Light of the TRUTH /// Himself!!!
This May be Something that the Smart guys cannot Believe, Because They are S-M-A-R-T!! -- ""B-A-P-T-I-S-M"" IS The Only WAY TO Get Out of the "Darkness of Nothing" INTO the Light / Christ of Heaven: - Believe IT OR NOT!!
PAUL, DAVID -- 040216