Laura Ingraham apologizes too late.

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Greg Jennings

New member
GM says:
Gregg, do you really have a deep-seated urge to keep arguing with 'Old GM?' I'll be more than willing to argue about anything you want to, as long as you create your own thread.

So let's re-cap:

I actually like Carlson quite a bit. Many liberals do not, but I find him quite fair and willing to take on anybody who will come to his show
Tucker is a smart guy pretending to be a very stupid guy on TV. It's a fascinating act to watch. He's got that one dumb face...

lol that I'll give you. He has an epic dumb face

I see you're the 'type' of person who kind of judges people by their appearance. You're kind of swallow, huh?

Maybe you missed my comments on Carlson, previously?

Do they nullify what I just read in post #258?

Yes. Take a gander. And I'd suggest a more thorough review of one's posts before throwing out accusations next time, GM

I think one can make an assumption out of the post I read. You were quite clear about what you were saying. Perhaps you need to articulate better in each and every post you create? If one has to read ALL of your posts in order to get a clear view of what you're trying to say overall, you may be expecting too much out of TOL posters?

It's on the same page, buddy. I stated that I liked Carlson because of his fairness and willingness to take on anybody who will come on his show. THEN I said he had an epic dumb face, because he does. Look up a pic. That has nothing to do with his acumen

Open those eyes. And don't make assumptions off of a singular post.

And now, instead of realizing your error and apologizing like an adult, you dig in your heels:

That's just YOUR opinion. You really shouldn't assume everyone has to agree with YOUR opinion. And, you ought not expect everyone to peruse each and everyone of your posts in order to get the total meaning of what you're trying to say. In other words, one post equals, one comment.

Gregg, do you really have a deep-seated urge to keep arguing with 'Old GM?' I'll be more than willing to argue about anything you want to, as long as you create your own thread.

GM, what are you smoking? You started this fight with me for no reason other than you didn't read my first and second posts on this thread, which were made minutes before the one you quoted. Get your head out of your behind

The fact that you think it's reasonable to throw out accusations against someone, without checking the accuracy of those accusations first, is disgraceful. I hope and pray that you have never been involved in law
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The Barbarian

"It ain't over until..." The whole thing about intelligence is not, imho, who can mess up the other person the best or worst.

Ingraham was pretty dumb not to realize that the kid had a way to fight back. She seems to have regarded herself as bulletproof. Hogg, on the other hand, realized he didn't just have to take the abuse, and taught her some manners thereby.

A lot of despots aren't that intelligent, they are just meaner.

As Dr. Laura just found out, there's a limit to what mean can do for you. This is the new reality. With government not functioning well, there's still social disapproval, which can be as effective as law.

I'd have thought you more contemplative with such assessments. How about "might doesn't make right?"

That's like saying wars never settle anything. WWII settled a great deal, and rightly so. Now, if Ingraham had offered up a thoughtful and respectful critique of Hogg's argument, and he had responded by calling for advertisers to dumb her, that would have been wrong. But fighting back against a bully is never wrong.

I STILL would have to call your credentials when comparing a high schooler to a lawyer.

One would think he'd have no chance dealing with her, wouldn't one? She picked on the wrong kid, it seems.

These two, on the very face of things, are not equal.

Turns out, it wasn't a big enough head start for her, in this case.

I've never had a student get the better of me in the one-up game,

If you let it get to that point, you've lost, period. The most you can do is make sure the student loses, too. No teacher ever wins a conflict with a student.

but 'if' it did ever happen, it wouldn't make the kid all the sudden 'more brilliant' than I. I'd suggest politics has clouded judgement.

Ingraham obviously didn't think things out very well. Generally, it's unwise to go after someone holding a big stick.

Another example: Trump vs Dr. King. Both not faithful to their wives. One you admire, one you do not.

I deplore both of them for that failing. Prominent men are often philanderers. Some of them, such as King or Oskar Shindler, may have other admirable qualities. Most of them don't.

I guarantee the difference is nothing more than politics. Guaranteed.

In the case of those two men, you're wrong. Trump, King, and Schindler all cheated on their wives. Two of them demonstrated courage and virtue in serving those who desperately needed help. The difference is not political but moral.

If you can't see beyond your blue or red, imho, you are just another cog in the polarization movement.

I would think that some things transcend politics. And as I've pointed out before, there have been presidents with deplorable morals who have nevertheless done reasonably good jobs as president. A while back, I suggested that Trump might turn out to be such a case.

The Barbarian

His gift is a populist message right now, ruled by emotion. Which is understandable since your friends were killed. And it supports an agenda.

He's quite accurately noted that lobbyists were calling the shots, and that made it easier for a mentally-ill kid to obtain firearms. And yes, he's angry. Reasonably so. What Hogg did skillfully, was to define the issue in those terms.

And, of course to turn Ingraham's snotty personal attack on him to his own advantage.

Brillant? No. A genius? No....

He didn't have to be a genius, or even brilliant. He just needed to be smarter than Dr. Laura.

A populist? Yes. Who now has an agenda? Yes.

Everyone has an agenda. Some, like Hogg, are more open about it.

The Barbarian

Marine Corps Veteran Pens Open Letter to David Hogg

This former Marine just forgot the oath he took. It's O.K.; not every veteran is going to be a good American, just most of them.

How shameful of him to try to tie patriotism to one particular political view.

Do you guys ever realize that such frantic attempts to abuse this kid for his opinions is backfiring on you?

He's a 17-year-old high school student and he has you running around like frightened sheep.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Do you guys ever realize that such frantic attempts to abuse this kid for his opinions is backfiring on you?
Pointing out facts about the kid is not abuse.
A lot of his info is not factual, and no one should have to be required to not oppose his faulty premise just because he's been through a tragedy.
A tragedy does not automatically make fiction a fact.

The Barbarian

Pointing out facts about the kid is not abuse.

The more you pile it on, the worse it will be for you.

A lot of his info is not factual

I notice though, that it's mostly personal abuse, not criticism of his facts that's been coming from the right. As you saw, one person suggested that he worked with Cruz on the shooting. Nothing seems too insane for those guys to justify their anger and fear over this kid.

and no one should have to be required to not oppose his faulty premise just because he's been through a tragedy.

If you have to lie about his argument to make your point, isn't that a pretty good tip-off for you? No one said that you can't disagree with him, because he's a shooting survivor. That's exactly the kind of thing that will discredit your own agenda.

Your personal anger at this kid for speaking his mind, does not automatically make fiction a fact. The more you abuse him, the better he looks.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The more you pile it on, the worse it will be for you.

I notice though, that it's mostly personal abuse, not criticism of his facts that's been coming from the right. As you saw, one person suggested that he worked with Cruz on the shooting. Nothing seems too insane for those guys to justify their anger and fear over this kid.

If you have to lie about his argument to make your point, isn't that a pretty good tip-off for you? No one said that you can't disagree with him, because he's a shooting survivor. That's exactly the kind of thing that will discredit your own agenda.

Your personal anger at this kid for speaking his mind, does not automatically make fiction a fact. The more you abuse him, the better he looks.

I don't know if you have kids, however if you do, I'll bet you were the world's most LENIENT parent. Judging from your posts in this thread, it appears you believe kids ought to be able to go through life without any discipline? Like I previously stated; " If parents don't discipline their kids growing up, the Penal System might have to take care of them later on." This 'Hogg' kid is a good example of a child who lacked proper discipline while being raised. As a result he ended up; arrogant, a know-it-all, disrespectful to adults, entitled, and expecting to receive everything for nothing.

Parent are not doing themselves a favor by not disciplining their kids properly. That lack of discipline will come back to bite those same parents in the seat of the pants some day.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This former Marine just forgot the oath he took. It's O.K.; not every veteran is going to be a good American, just most of them.

How shameful of him to try to tie patriotism to one particular political view.

Do you guys ever realize that such frantic attempts to abuse this kid for his opinions is backfiring on you?

He's a 17-year-old high school student and he has you running around like frightened sheep.

By seeing how you present yourself on this Forum, it's very obvious why you would speak negatively about a MARINE. After all, you sound like an average liberal Beta-male 'type.' I know a 'kid,' he's 34 now, but he was raised by parents that treated him like a friend, rather than a child of theirs. When he was about 8 or so, his parents would have their friends over and if this 'kid' walked into the room, the Mother would insist that her 'kid' be brought 'up to date' with the adult conversation. After all, she wanted to treat her 'kid' like a friend and a fellow adult. As a consequence of this kind of UPBRINGING, this 'kid' is now 34 and can't hold down a job, depends on his parents, financially, can't find a steady girlfriend, travels the world on his parents DIME, has a goal of spending his life dancing and going to exotic places, he's arrogant, feels superior to others, he's very articulate, and he can't be around his Mother without bickering and arguing with her, constantly.

His parents bought him a Town House and expected him to make the payments from a job he presently held, however that 'job' didn't last long (as usual) and he couldn't make the payments. Basically, he's waiting for his parents to vacate this world so he'll be left 'their' money. The funny thing is, this 34-year-old 'kid' treats 'Old GM' with respect and honor. I actually like the 'kid,' and he likes me. He was just RAISED wrong by parents that, desired to be his friend and NOT his parent.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It could be this 'kid' Hogg was raised in a similar way to the 'kid' I spoke of? Hogg's Mother works for CNN and his Father worked for the FBI. Isn't that a piece of irony?

The Barbarian

By seeing how you present yourself on this Forum, it's very obvious why you would speak negatively about a MARINE.

I just pointed out that he let down his fellow marines by turning his back on the things he was supposed to defend.

After all, you sound like an average liberal Beta-male 'type.'

I was an Air Force veteran, but I made NCOIC of my section in a very short time. The commander liked the way I did things. They claim that they like "Beta-males", but in practice, they prefer someone with strong opinions.

I know a 'kid,' he's 34 now, but he was raised by parents that treated him like a friend, rather than a child of theirs.

Big mistake. Be a parent to your kid when he's young, and he'll be your friend when he's 40. I feel sorry for your "friend." You don't have to accept things that way, you know. People can change, even after 30.

Worth thinking about, Grosnik.

The Barbarian

I don't know if you have kids, however if you do, I'll bet you were the world's most LENIENT parent.

Generally, NT's are parents who expect their kids to internalize discipline, rather than expect it to be imposed on them. Worked pretty well; all five of my kids have degrees and are in jobs they like that require a lot of creativity and self-direction.

Not all of them make a lot of money. My oldest daughter made soccer her life's work, and she makes a living administering a club and coaching. The youngest wanted to make some money; she became an actuary. Two of them work for start-ups in the Northwest; not sure what they do, but seems to keep them happy.

One's a lawyer. He does seminars for other lawyers.

So teaching self-discipline, as opposed to enforcing it, has some benefits. Sorry about your circumstances.

Judging from your posts in this thread, it appears you believe kids ought to be able to go through life without any discipline?

If you think so, you're dumber than you seem to be. But that's possible, I suppose.

Like I previously stated; " If parents don't discipline their kids growing up, the Penal System might have to take care of them later on."

Well, many years ago, I did get a call from the police. "You know where your son _____ is?"

"I hope he's studying with his friends."

Actually, they were up on a tower watching the sunset. That's the worst run-in they had with the law. Oh, and my oldest daughter got a week in alternative suspension at school. Some guy in gym class touched inappropriately. She grew up with three older brothers, who taught her to hit with a fist. The guy ended up on the floor crying and she got a few days in the PAS room. I told her to take the punishment, and that I was very proud of her.

This 'Hogg' kid is a good example of a child who lacked proper discipline while being raised. As a result he ended up...

...triggering a pack of right wingers who never grew up and are frightened by a 17-year-old who is more mature than they are. If their parents had given them the expectation of self-discipline, they wouldn't be such whiny little snowflakes now.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Generally, NT's are parents who expect their kids to internalize discipline, rather than expect it to be imposed on them. Worked pretty well; all five of my kids have degrees and are in jobs they like that require a lot of creativity and self-direction.

Not all of them make a lot of money. My oldest daughter made soccer her life's work, and she makes a living administering a club and coaching. The youngest wanted to make some money; she became an actuary. Two of them work for start-ups in the Northwest; not sure what they do, but seems to keep them happy.

One's a lawyer. He does seminars for other lawyers.

So teaching self-discipline, as opposed to enforcing it, has some benefits. Sorry about your circumstances.

If you think so, you're dumber than you seem to be. But that's possible, I suppose.

Well, many years ago, I did get a call from the police. "You know where your son _____ is?"

"I hope he's studying with his friends."

Actually, they were up on a tower watching the sunset. That's the worst run-in they had with the law. Oh, and my oldest daughter got a week in alternative suspension at school. Some guy in gym class touched inappropriately. She grew up with three older brothers, who taught her to hit with a fist. The guy ended up on the floor crying and she got a few days in the PAS room. I told her to take the punishment, and that I was very proud of her.

...triggering a pack of right wingers who never grew up and are frightened by a 17-year-old who is more mature than they are. If their parents had given them the expectation of self-discipline, they wouldn't be such whiny little snowflakes now.

You're sorry about, what circumstance? See how you're making another negative assumption and a generalization in regards to others? You're a rather 'NASTY' kind of human being, the kind of person I avoid outside of TOL. That's one of the reasons a moratorium was set in place here. You can't seem to control the kind of person you are.

The Barbarian

You're sorry about, what circumstance?

Whatever caused your self-disclosure. I was touched and so offered a little self-disclosure myself. Thought it might ease your embarrassment.

See how you're making another negative assumption and a generalization in regards to others? You're a rather 'NASTY' kind of human being, the kind of person I avoid outside of TOL.

Here, you are obsessed with me. I'm not the first to notice that. I think you've projected what you don't like much about yourself, on your idea of me. Maybe you'd be happier not talking to me anymore? I don't care if you do, but it brings out some unpleasant things in you, things you don't seem to be proud of.

But it is an obsession, isn't it? You can't seem to control the kind of person you are.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hogg has shown that he stomps on apologies, but is still asking for apologies.
Lucy with a football.
Who can take his words seriously as he cries WOLF! WOLF! WOLF!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Here is his said "dumb face":
Reminds me of Columbo.
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