KRKS and Calvary Chapel's Ed Taylor & BE

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KRKS and Calvary Chapel's Ed Taylor & BE

This is the show from Thursday January 25th, 2007.


* Pastor Taylor Discusses: Open Theism with Bob Enyart. After giving a woman caller the strongest possible warning against Pastor Enyart's teachings, Pastor Taylor's audience gets to hear for themselves the biblical evidence that God is free, and able, to change the future, and thus, the future is not settled, but open!

* Kishia from Aurora CO: asked a great question, whether or not Ezekiel 11:5, which says that God knows our thoughts, might be a proof-text for the Settled View. Bob pointed out that countless Christians who defend the Settled View, even authors and scholars, have a hard time distinguishing between the future and the present, and they quote passages like Ezek. 11:5 which refer to the present, while claiming that such verses prove exhaustive foreknowledge of every detail of eternity future. If there actually were many Bible verses that defended the Settled View, then Christian scholars, like Dr. Samuel Lamerson in his debate with Bob, would not repeatedly quote present-knowledge verses as proof for exhaustive foreknowledge.

* Robert from Denver CO: asked a great question, about whether or not the Open View teaches that the book of Revelation will unfold exactly as foretold. Because His Father is merciful, Jesus Himself said of the Great Tribulation, that "those days will be shortened" (Mat. 24:22). And the Apostle Peter said that we can "hasten" the Coming of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12). God's love and mercy take precedence over His commitment to a schedule, just as with Nineveh, He repented "from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it" (Jonah 3:10). Those who defend the Settled View regarding prophecies of doom seem not to have learned the vital message of Jonah. The prophet was angry that God did not follow through precisely with His prophetic plan to destroy the people of Nineveh. God's mercy "displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry," and God said, "Is it right for you to be angry?" and "should I not pity Nineveh, that great city...?" (Jonah 4:1, 4, 11). God did not make man for the prophecy, but the prophecy for man! Likewise, John's Apocalypse reveals God's schedule, which the Father and the Son both eagerly want to deviate from, if given the opportunity even at the last moment to show mercy!

Today's Resource: If you can't be at Bob's seminar in Indianapolis this Saturday, you can still read Bob's debate about Open Theism! His opponent is D. James Kennedy's professor Samuel Lamerson! You will absolutely love Battle Royale X, Is the Future Settled, or Open?, or your money back! Read it for free, online at TOL, or purchase the debate in its more comfortable and helpful 240-page manuscript form, or you can listen to a computer read BR X via an MP3 CD!

Mr. 5020

New member
I listened to the show. Pretty good.

It didn't sound like Bob "beat" Ed, though. It seems like that would be a good debate. Bob should get Ed to call into BEL one of these days (though, if I know my fellow CC'ers, he'll respectfully decline).

Nathon Detroit

As usual Bob is very respectful of his (and Ed's) audience.

Note to Ed... Ed, hold to your guns! If Bob's theology is so wicked (when you aren't on the phone with Bob) why not continue the same tone when you ARE on the phone with Bob? :think:

I think those listening will appreciate Bob's eagerness to give straight-to-the-point answers to Ed's questions, while in contrast Ed was very elusive and didn't like answering any of the questions Bob asked of him.

Great show. :up:
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