I'll try to make it even clearer to you.
TOL has random ads.
Has for years.
If you do not like the random ads .......... don't use TOL that YOU ALREADY KNOW uses random ads.
YOU, Jacob, can make your decision right here and now.
Use TOL with random ads, or don't use TOL with random ads.
Easy peasy.
What's your hold up?
that the ads are or are not random ads; what is the technicality of saying that they are random ads? when I called the people who were proving the ads (not targeted, personalized) they did not know what to do or what I was talking about. They do not take responsibility, and the options for ads do not allow a person to choose which is also different from no ads on the internet or advertizing based on internet usage (cookies or not, even that cookies are not for this). Deciding to not allow a company to provide you with ads is not always something you can do as a user. To choose no ads when ads aren't allowed does what exactly?
Were you saying that the .com is one kind of website or internet address for websites that are discussion sites? As opposed to Theology Online being a business and / or engaged in commerce?
Some ads I have been asked to provide feedback on, specifically to select why I do not want to see the ad. Other ads do not allow a person to choose that they do not want to see it. I do not have sound on my computer. It used to be that videos or audio would play, sometimes without the user (myself) having any control over it even after it turns (turned) on. Inappropriate! Inappropriate ads if video and / or audio can be considered ads?!
Theology Online does not tell people better websites to go to. I do not see myself parting with Theology Online, especially over a matter of United States Law. I do not abandon lifelong ministry, specifically on this website, on account of someone saying I should run from a website because of the ads (on it, associated with it). Instead of leaving, make it better! If there is a problem, tell us what it is! Freedom of speech does not permit selling women or injuring men's minds, bodies, brains, or eyes, through the use of suggestive and illicit material. If Theology Online is not responsible for
www.theologyonline.com, then someone else is.
Why would I be making a decision right here and now at your suggestion? What decision? Why are you asking me to make a decision or telling me that I can? I do not even know what decision you are telling me to make, wanting me to make, or asking me if I would make. If there are random ads, how do you turn them off? What do you mean, uses random ads? When it was something desired maybe to pay for operating, function, or other costs?
If you know that something is wrong or bad you should either say something about it, do something about it, or do nothing about it (ignore the problem).