Kissinger: Trump Has ‘No Baggage’ or Obligation to Any Group


Quote Originally Posted by Danoh

You extremists are ever blinded by labels.

you mean the way you call him a "career politician" even though he's never run for office? :chuckle:

Looks like a lifetime of government jobs to me (unless Kissinger had a job flipping burgers that no one knew about).

Henry A. Kissinger
United States statesman

BTW, when can we talk about the mass murders the communists committed after US troops withdrew from SE Asia?
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Liberals use labels because they are outrageously judgemental. There ironic existence is astounding.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Looks like a lifetime of government jobs to me (unless Kissinger had a job flipping burgers that no one knew about).

Henry A. Kissinger
United States statesman

BTW, when can we talk about the mass murders the communists committed after US troops withdrew from SE Asia?

that's cuz you're a retard

who likes to pretend he's a fag

BTW, when can we talk about the mass murders the communists committed after US troops withdrew from SE Asia?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
if it lights you up, go for it

you can prolly find some way to accuse him of being a homo too


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You boyz better brush up on your history, because after the US withdrawal from SE Asia, the communist blood bath really got started.


It doesn't change the fact that Kissinger was awarded the Peace Prize for the efforts he made towards peace, furthermore Kissinger cannot be blamed that peace was not to come through the Paris accords, or that politicians did not have the stomach to do what needed to be done in SE Asia, which includes the genocide in Cambodia. I don't need to brush up on it I lived through it, my father served a tour (1 yr) as a fighter pilot in SE Asia, I actually remember the events quite vividly.


It doesn't change the fact that Kissinger was awarded the Peace Prize for the efforts he made towards peace, furthermore Kissinger cannot be blamed that peace was not to come through the Paris accords, or that politicians did not have the stomach to do what needed to be done in SE Asia, which includes the genocide in Cambodia.

So who should be blamed for the sell out of American GI's who were fighting a war that wasn't supposed to be won? Who should be blamed for the Vietnamese refugees who watched their family and friends slaughtered before their eyes by the communists after the US withdrew from SE Asia? Kissinger was part of the Establishment that you Trumpeteers are supposedly against. And look at you now: defending it with all of your might. Pathetic.

BTW: There's an old saying about those who receive the Nobel Peace Prize:

"I didn't know that he was a communist."

I don't need to brush up on it I lived through it, my father served a tour (1 yr) as a fighter pilot in SE Asia, I actually remember the events quite vividly.

And I know guys who never came home and those that did, live with the horrors of war, a war that could have been won if traitors like Henry Kissinger and company weren't calling the shots.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So who should be blamed ...


it was his war, more than anybody's else's

or blame the germans for leaving the french without the national will or wealth to retain their hold on their colonial empire after ww2

or blame wilson and clemenceau for failing to heed ho chi minh's calls for vietnamese civil rights during the versaille peace conference in 1919



it was his war, more than anybody's else's

or blame the germans for leaving the french without the national will or wealth to retain their hold on their colonial empire after ww2

or blame wilson and clemenceau for failing to heed ho chi minh's calls for vietnamese civil rights during the versaille peace conference in 1919

Kissinger's betrayal: He sold out South Vietnam in the 1973 Paris Accords

Kissinger: traitor to America

Who helped negotiate America's diplomatic defeat in Vietnam and Ian Smith's defeat in Rhodesia in 1976? Henry Kissinger. Several years ago he was invited to South Africa to negotiate differences between the Zulus and the Marxist ANC. Donald McAlvany warns, "Watch out! When Kissinger negotiates, the communists always win!" (McAlvany Intelligence Adviser, April 1994, p. 14)

Henry Kissinger
The very day after the Tiananmen Square massacre in China, Kissinger's syndicated column referred to Deng Xiaoping (China's leader) as "one of the great reformers in Chinese history" and a man "who chose a more humane and less chaotic course" [1] for China. Though he later expressed shock at the "brutality" of the crackdown, the general trend of his statements have been to find excuses for the Chinese authorities.
According to Bill Gertz, "Kissinger played the key role in secret talks during the 1970s that led President Nixon to establish informal ties with China in 1972 and ultimately led to formal diplomatic relations in 1979..." (The China Threat, Bill Gertz, p. 44)
In a single year, Kissinger may go to China several times, and the door is always open to him. In September 1990, Kissinger met with Li Peng, the man considered to be most directly responsible for ordering the Tiananmen massacre, who gave Kissinger and his wife a banquet complete with warm mutual toasts. The next day, Kissinger when to see Jiang Zemin, who noted that Kissinger was making his eighteenth visit to the People's Republic of China

what would that have looked like?

in what way could vietnam have been "won"?

Bombing strategic targets; cutting off the supplies coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail from the Soviet Union; allowing American GI's to take the offensive; cutting off aid and trade to the Soviet Union.

You really know nothing about history do you little fella?


hush moron

Have you ever seriously considered getting psychological help? You could get some of your like minded friends (musterion/WizardofOz, Patrick jane, Catholic Crusader, Crucible and Grosnick Marowbe) and see if they have group rates in reparative therapy clinics.

patrick jane

Have you ever seriously considered getting psychological help? You could get some of your like minded friends (musterion/WizardofOz, Patrick jane, Catholic Crusader, Crucible and Grosnick Marowbe) and see if they have group rates in reparative therapy clinics.
You need help more than anyone here !!