Some people are good at pretending to be something they're not. Sort of like a person who has the talent to mimic voices and facial expressions.
He cannot articulate a personal Testimony, nor can he describe the Grace Gospel.
I'm a moderate futurist. I haven't sold the farm for literalism like D'ists have.
I've seen posters say he's a "Seventh-Day Adventist." I don't know if that's so, however, I do KNOW he's not a true believer.
Grace is unmerited, free and guaranteed to every believer.
I eat SDA for breakfast. Bunch of Judaizers with their Sabbaths and vegetables.
The ONLY Gospel that saves people today is the Grace Gospel. Yet, you are at war with that Gospel and the Apostle Paul. Therefore, you're at war with the Author of the Bible.
The grace gospel is the only gospel that saved all people. How do you think Abraham and Moses and David were saved? By keeping the law?
Thus far, as you can see folks, EPO is unable to answer any of those pertinent questions. A true believer could easily answer those questions without hesitation. EPO cannot. So, you be the judge?
That answer will not suffice. We're talking about the Gospel that the ascended Christ gave to Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul was also made privy to the "mystery" that had not been revealed in the past. (Old Testament) What was that mystery? Hurry up and Google it.
The Lost sheep of the House of Israel were preached the Kingdom Gospel by Christ, Peter and the rest of the Apostles. Only Paul preached the Grace Gospel.