Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Rights? Make no mistake: sodomy is an unholy crime against nature itself.
Nature is a dumb force and for all we know may create some of it. You'd do better just calling it a sin and suggesting that embracing sin as a life choice carries any number of consequences.

It cries out to heaven for vengeance

Sodomites will pay for their crimes either here, or else, there. There is no escape from Justice.
There's also no crime, here. So...entirely there then, unlike, say, your approach here. Seriously, why isn't sin enough for you? You want to give it a sin grade? :idunno: Relax, kid, did Christ spend any part of his time on earth singling out this particular one? Follow his example, address every sin and their collective consequence, the need for grace. This one isn't that special. None of them are.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Rights? Make no mistake: sodomy is an unholy crime against nature itself. It cries out to heaven for vengeance. Sodomites will pay for their crimes either here, or else, there. There is no escape from Justice.

Whenever you post things I read them with Eric Cartmans voice in my head and this image in my mind. :)


Just thought I'd share that. ;)


New member
Isn't amazing how God didn't destroy two cities for eating ham and using condoms, but He did destroy two cities because of the sin of same gender sex.

'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things* before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” Ezekiel 16:49-50

*Detestable things - shiqquts; sheqets; shiqqutsim - idol worship or objects connected with idolatry


New member
"lgbt" people have the same rights as everybody else

the right to choose to be normal and follow God's Law

or the right to choose to be perverts and suffer His wrath

Exactly! As Paul rights in 1 Cor 5, we are not to judge them outside the church, that is God's job, so stop playing God.


New member
Rights? Make no mistake: sodomy is an unholy crime against nature itself. It cries out to heaven for vengeance. Sodomites will pay for their crimes either here, or else, there. There is no escape from Justice.

If it's a crime against nature, why would you get so self righteous?
Crimes against nature would be the wiping out of species by over hunting. Last time I looked, gays don't do that.


New member
the reality is that people don't choose their orientation. My guess is that t you are not actually talking about orientation here.

I told you that is NOT reality, but if you want to be as biased as those that condemn gays, that's your choice. I actually have known gay Christians who acknowledge this fact and know they have to either live celibate or change their orientation. Sexual bondage is the same regardless of what kind it get's us by our carnal nature and sinks it's hooks in, because we give into it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have no idea why you felt obliged to continue to use a descriptive that sounds angry and fearful, which is how "homos" resonates. That kind of language always feels like a schoolyard insult...I think kids go to it for power, conflating force with a sort of reason that truth never requires. We're full grown men, you and I, and the time for that is passed.
"homo" is short for "homosexual." That's all I ever started using it for. But then I found out homos don't like the word, so I use it to create tension.

Consider the passing of chattel slavery in England. It wasn't settled by a war as it was here in the US, and it wasn't because the hearts of the people changed. It stopped because the abolitionists in England dragged the tension on the topic to such heights that people had to do something about it. People had to face the sin and either embrace it or denounce it. In fact, this is the only way for change in the direction of what's right to happen in a country short of civil war.

So provide tension whenever you can on society's slouch toward Gomorrah. If you can't provide it, then increase it. And do it at every turn. Again - It's the only way.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...I found out homos don't like the word, so I use it to create tension.
See, that wasn't so hard to admit. So it doesn't really matter to you that it's shorter. You want the "tension". And right back to my earlier criticism on the point.

Consider the passing of chattel slavery in England. It wasn't settled by a war as it was here in the US, and it wasn't because the hearts of the people changed. It stopped because the abolitionists in England dragged the tension on the topic to such heights that people had to do something about it.
People aren't moved to do a thing by tension, but by resolve that may follow it. So we'll differ on the hearts business, or at least on their consciences, even if they remained within a racist context, beyond that miserable part. That is, I think comfortable and insulated people got a look at what was being done to human beings and found it impossible to look away, to give tacit consent to that inhumanity.

People had to face the sin and either embrace it or denounce it. In fact, this is the only way for change in the direction of what's right to happen in a country short of civil war.
Problem is, no one's doing anything to you and all that just happened was a repeal of what we were doing to homosexuals. It's just not in the same boat.

So provide tension whenever you can on society's slouch toward Gomorrah. If you can't provide it, then increase it. And do it at every turn. Again - It's the only way.
I don't agree. In fact, I think that if most Christians pursue that course of action it will backfire. Part of what began the public turn in favor of recognizing homosexuals as a community that should be protected was the treatment of it by others, the denial of right, the language and derision, the physical brutality that sometimes attended it, all of that was too reminiscent of the treatment of blacks and minorities in general through too much of this nation's history when white Christians dominated the political and cultural landscape.

It's not a great association for us to bring to the fore.

Now if we ever get around to following a more humble, loving and clear walk I think that might have an impact. It won't reverse law or lead people to want to, but it might make some want to walk with us.


Nature is a dumb force and for all we know may create some of it. You'd do better just calling it a sin and suggesting that embracing sin as a life choice carries any number of consequences.

Sheer equivocation. Not what I mean by "nature." I mean "nature" in the Aristotelian sense. Nature = quiddity = form = essence.

There's also no crime, here. So...entirely there then, unlike, say, your approach here. Seriously, why isn't sin enough for you? You want to give it a sin grade? :idunno: Relax, kid, did Christ spend any part of his time on earth singling out this particular one? Follow his example, address every sin and their collective consequence, the need for grace. This one isn't that special. None of them are.

A crime is the serious violation of law. The reason that you deny that sodomy is a crime is because it does not violate the law of the State. In this, you betray your practical assumption, i.e., that there is no superior law, no superior court, no superior justice...already a temptation in protestant thought in general, a positive pitfall and trap in those "protestant" circles who have fallen into utter modernism and secularism.

But for all that, there is a natural law, i.e., a law which is written into the very heart, the very nature of the human being as a rational substance. The lawgiver and judge of the natural law is God. Sodomy violates that law. It is so perverted and so wicked a crime that it, in the traditional way of expressing this, "cries out to heaven for vengeance." [Note, I'm not making his up. Google it: "sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance" or "sins that cry out to heaven for justice."]

Why do I say this? Because crime has no rights. Error has no rights.

The social liberal will pretend that the sodomite has such rights. But it is just that: playing pretend, a giant masquerade. For all that, the sodomite's crimes remain crimes. The Just Judge is watching. He is taking note. And there is no escape from that Justice.

The sodomite will not escape simply because the earthly State decides to let him play pretend. Rather the contrary: the sodomite's guilt is multiplied by this disgusting charade. How terrible are the sins of the sodomite when he does them in secret: Nature Itself cries out in protest and renders testimony against him! How much worse are they when he drags the whole political society, the State into sins, makes the State a party and co-conspirator to his crimes? He injures not only himself, but the entire common good of the whole political community. He not only violates the natural law in secret, but scandalizes the entire political society.

"Rights?" Don't kid yourself. He has no "rights." Before the eyes of the Just Judge, before the court of conscience, before the Natural Law, he is a criminal, and he will not escape justice.

Whether here on earth, in purgatory (may God be so merciful!), or in Hell, he will meet his just sentence.