Kasich gets attacked by PC police.


That must explain why I have always posted for over eight years under one ID ...

You do realize there have been some idiots on this forum that are so lacking in self control that they have had to resort to multiple usernames? One freak, Sum1sgruj, started out as Christian and came out as being a Muslim, was booted after a tirade which included posting an obscene gesture. Well, of course he came back under several more usernames ... Every1sguj, skybringr, homeskillet, etc.

Now there was a storyteller ... and crybaby.




Clever usernames

Watch out for clever people, you're not properly equipped :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
If there was, we could discuss our problems and potentially deal with underlying misogynist attitudes...we know misogyny is wrong but how to truly free ourselves of it brothers?

You could always ask about it on the "Ask Knight" thread.


:chuckle: What's amusing is that despite all of your whining and foot stomping, you will never have the control to make any woman "shut it".

What makes you think I want 'control'? I want people to see the truth which, with this subject, is acknowledging that old demon Jezebel possesses you all. A saved woman is more clearly seen than men, as men deal with more struggles spiritually. It is why God is referred to as 'He'- the spiritual gender of God is masculine, and because men share such similarity, women are put below men in authority.

It's as simple as that- God made women for the man, not man for the woman- it is plainly stated in the Scriptures.
When you all act the way you act on here, and turning men on one another, you are not in the realms of sainthood period. This is why I've stated time and time again that the feminized mindset is a disconnect from Christianity, but you all just don't get that- you'd rather pretty much lie about the message of the Bible and cherry pick whatever is convenient.

Women know that, with those like the liberal men on here, you all are really the one's in control- you have them singing your bias from the morning bedside to the evening pillow, while you tell them they need to be taught not to rape and that we are obligated to make this world your glass palace.

Just so you know how much times have changed, Jezebel was defenestrated for it :rolleyes:
Whining nonstop (which you have done for years) does not change anything, IF someone commits battery or rape, all of your misogynistic drivel will not keep them out of jail.

It won't keep women from taking the finances, the furniture, house, kids- right down to the dog- leaving him to virtually start his life over from the bedrock up.

Which could be for any reason, including nothing. Including because you all have never considered anything other than the woman, and when you're not denying it happens all the time you're actually mocking it..
And you have the nerve to say I'm some bad person? Nah, there's simply a special rung in Hell for certain types of people who many think are going to Paradise :plain:

Screaming "evil feminist" at the top of your lungs does not change the reality ... that violent idiots normally end up on the short end of the stick ... and rightfully so.

The reason women act the way they do is because they can do whatever they want without fear of physical retribution.
It's called being a punk, and that's what haughty women are- cowards who take advantage of foolish men to defend them.

If a violent person is an idiot, it's only because they should have thought of a more sufficient way to sabotage you- like women do every day to men.


Hall of Fame
If a violent person is an idiot, it's only because they should have thought of a more sufficient way to sabotage you

There is no *if* about. Violent people are idiots ... every single one of them. They are violent idiots because instead of doing things to better themselves they sit around obsessing about "more sufficient ways to sabotage you".


There is no *if* about. Violent people are idiots ... every single one of them. They are violent idiots because instead of doing things to better themselves they sit around obsessing about "more sufficient ways to sabotage you".


Women sabotage, and feminism is their god of it- those type of women obsess over themselves. That is why this stupid subject always goes the same stupid route. Your smitten by the foolish men who are equally obsessed with your self involvement.


Hall of Fame
There is no *if* about. Violent people are idiots ... every single one of them. They are violent idiots because instead of doing things to better themselves they sit around obsessing about "more sufficient ways to sabotage you".

Yeah. Hanging on to old hostilities and grudges only hurts the grudge-holder ... it certainly doesn't bring down the sky on the target of their grudge. :)


Active member

Women sabotage, and feminism is their god of it- those type of women obsess over themselves. That is why this stupid subject always goes the same stupid route. Your smitten by the foolish men who are equally obsessed with your self involvement.
Man you must really hate women...maybe there's a story behind it, I don't know...You need to understand that you're only speaking for yourself-other guys aren't supporting you. I'm a former Christian, but then as now, I believe in equality and respect between the sexes. We're together in this, we're family, brothers and sisters...


Man you must really hate women...maybe there's a story behind it, I don't know...You need to understand that you're only speaking for yourself-other guys aren't supporting you.

Speaking from irrelevance. Afraid to face down reality, so you put a projection onto the person who reveals it.

There are plenty of people who support me, men and women alike. You all choose not to see that either- there's people who realize that 'equity' is what the honest goal would be, not 'equality', where it really isn't wanted but only the prospects thereof.

Therein, it's supreme prominence masquerading as fairness. The feminist mindset is a mental illness that many men have fallen to, being taken captive and defending their captor, pretending as if women don't know exactly what they are doing. They know they are manipulating men, that's why they don'twant to talk about domestic court biases, or how only a few percentage of the homeless are female- in the end, they depend on YOU to conceal the facts.

And so we're here talking about 'victim blaming' forever, and dismissing any notion of them taking accountability for anything.
It's insanity :rolleyes:


Active member
Speaking from irrelevance. Afraid to face down reality, so you put a projection onto the person who reveals it.

There are plenty of people who support me, men and women alike. You all choose not to see that either- there's people who realize that 'equity' is what the honest goal would be, not 'equality', where it really isn't wanted but only the prospects thereof.

Therein, it's supreme prominence masquerading as fairness. The feminist mindset is a mental illness that many men have fallen to, being taken captive and defending their captor, pretending as if women don't know exactly what they are doing. They know they are manipulating men, that's why they don'twant to talk about domestic court biases, or how only a few percentage of the homeless are female- in the end, they depend on YOU to conceal the facts.

And so we're here talking about 'victim blaming' forever, and dismissing any notion of them taking accountability for anything.
It's insanity :rolleyes:

I call for the moderators to give this guy a time out...


I call for the moderators to give this guy a time out...


As opposed to others who have called me out of line and slandered?
In your own self-righteous mind, all that was warranted. You call for bias while pretending to be objective.

Yeah, go seek the moderators because you were offended about something. Typical liberal nonsense, as with this entire thread and it's ridiculous broken record of a subject.


Yeah. Hanging on to old hostilities and grudges only hurts the grudge-holder ... it certainly doesn't bring down the sky on the target of their grudge. :)

One of the two things you resort to when you don't have anything to come back with.

It's not easy being right, I suppose that's why you embrace being wrong :rolleyes:
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Active member
Women are not the enemy...they're our mothers and sisters and daughters....If Crucible has a problem with that.......LOSER SMILEY


Active member
Man you must really hate women...maybe there's a story behind it, I don't know...You need to understand that you're only speaking for yourself-other guys aren't supporting you. I'm a former Christian, but then as now, I believe in equality and respect between the sexes. We're together in this, we're family, brothers and sisters...

OK, Come clean Crucible...What causes you to hate women so much...what the hell happened to you? AND what about the forgiveness you preach?


Women are not the enemy...they're our mothers and sisters and daughters....If Crucible has a problem with that.......LOSER SMILEY

All rhetoric- you all do anything to avoid reality.

And also
Way to sit there and cry for the mods before turning into a straight up blowhard. Don't worry, you'll get the praise you sought, like a good doggie.
Thanks for asserting my claim of what you're about :rolleyes: